Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

laws. more than 240,000 women are expected to show up. texas, that's ground zero for today's protests. that is where the nation's strictest anti-abortion law has taken effect, banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy before most women know they are even pregnant. . texas has also deputized private citizens to enforce the ban with a $10,000 incentive to those who file lawsuits against anyone helping a woman exercise her right to an abortion. today's main event is a rally at freedom plaza in washington, d.c., it's happening right now to be followed by a march to the supreme court, which will preside over a direct challenge to roe versus wade in december. more than 190 organizations are mobilizing at this hour, at more than 650 events planned around this country. and in washington, white house officials and leading lawmakers are working through the weekend after house democrats failed to get enough support to vote on that bipartisan infrastructure bill. president biden reacting this morning saying he is confident both bills will get done, though not making any promises in terms of timing. >> biden's begun to work like hell to make sure we get both these passed. i've been on the phone with them a lot. >> sir, do you think this could be all done by thanksgiving? >> i think it will be done by 2:27 a.m. on -- come on. i think we'll get done. >> it comes after a week, it was a frantic one of negotiations that left moderate and progressives closer but not close enough on some of the president's top priorities. in an attempt to unite his party and saving his agenda, the president visiting capitol hill yesterday urging moderates to support his reconciliation package and trying to find a price tag that both sides can get behind. >> we're going to have to come down in our number and we're going to have to do that work, so we're going to get to work and see what we can get to. >> he basically said two things, one, it's not going to be 3.5, maybe 2 instead of 3.5. so he said that, and then the other thing he basically said we need to pass both. >> and new overnight, the supreme court rejecting a request from a group of new york city teachers seeking to block the city's covid vaccine mandate . justice sonia sotomayor acting alone to deny. those teachers will be required to have at least one dose before returning to the classroom monday morning. joining us now july sir kin from capitol hill. where do things stand today after this frenetic week on the hill? >> alex, good afternoon. bottom line is we don't have a deal, but at least we know that the number for that multitrillion dollars expansive social infrastructure package that democrats are working on will be far lower than the number progressives wanted. president biden visited with house democrats on capitol hill last night telling them that that number will be significantly lower and that progressives need to be amenable to a number that's lower and also the contents of the package that are different than what they originally envisioned in paid leave, in child care, in policies that they are looking to implement while they have a majority in the house, the senate, and of course the white house. now moderates and progressive democrats remain very far apart. here's what a democrat from new york said on msnbc this morning after that meeting last night. >> we had to pass both of these bills. it is unacceptable to only pass the smaller bill and now through our efforts, through the efforts of progressives, manchin and sinema are finally talking about their top lines for the reconciliation bill. they're finally talking about what they can and cannot live with. a week ago manchin was still talking about passing the larger reconciliation bill in a year. >> reporter: also what he wants to see inside of that package, it just appears that democratic leadership perhaps didn't listen or didn't take him seriously enough. but look, this is where we stand now. after that meeting yesterday, the house and the senate went home for the weekend, although senate is expected to return in just a couple hours to continue to take up that surface transportation authorization. but as we stand now, progressives and moderates very far apart and speaker pelosi painting a rosy picture in her dear colleague which is a little rosier than what's on the ground. >> we have at least one senator waiting to have an interview about this in just a moment. julie, thank you for that. let's go to heidi prison bow la at the white house. the president was there on capitol hill, he was trying to help move things along. did his visit have the influence he hoped it would get. >> reporter: the president is not going to get any public support for this. he needed to go there in person, look them in the eye and said we're either all going to sail or sink together on this agenda. two headlines coming out of this. first he did seem to get the ball moving again. speaker pelosi had according to one democrat i talked to, kind of put herself into a corner with moderates committing to a date certain they were going to vote on this bipartisan infrastructure bill. that is all now blown up, but that is a good thing according to democrats and white house officials who i talked to to kind of reset the discussion here. and secondly, alex, washington tends to get a little bit preoccupied with process. that's understandable. however, the president said something very important this morning about the next phase of the process for him, which is to actually explain what is in this bill to the american people. here's what he said. >> there's an awful lot that's in both of these bills that everybody thinks they know, but they don't know what's in them. when you go out and you test each of the individual elements in the bill, everyone is for them, not everyone, over 70% of the american people are for them. my objective is to make sure we put in place the things that are going to make life more livable for ordinary people. i mean that sincerely. that's not a political statement. it's reality. >> reporter: so many republicans, alex, are casting this as a hard pivot towards socialism when, in fact, according to the administration officials, these are simply social programs for the working class, of which many are in both the democratic and republican base. now, the president did ask members in these meetings to make their priorities. of course they're going to have to come down on the price tag, but he gave them a framework for how to do that, which is to lower the overall price and possibly do that by just picking what are the top priorities such as family leave, child care tax credit, medicare, climate, and then possibly narrowing the window on that. so instead of like a ten-year commitment, maybe do a five-year commitment. i know it sounds easier than it probably is. at least he gave them a framework to work with, and he said there's not going to be this self-imposed time line pressure. >> clearly he's talking about some flexibility. joining me right now is democratic minnesota senator tina smith. senator, welcome back to the broadcast. let's get into this here, there's a lot to talk about. first going to political play book, it's giving some new insight into the president's meeting with house democrats and it says that senior democrats thought the president was coming to the hill to support speaker pelosi's efforts to rally the party behind the bipartisan infrastructure plan that was happening ahead of friday's scheduled vote or at least hopeful vote, but instead he ended up telling them he wanted to hold off on it until there was a reconciliation deal so from your perspective being one of the 11 senators who backed house -- in demanding for the package for the entire biden agenda, are you surprised by this, and does this change the dynamics? >> well, hi, alex. it's great to be with you this morning. honestly, i wasn't surprised. as i've been a part of these negotiations, especially on the climate pieces as well as the broader conversations, of course the president wants to see both of these big bills be passed. they represent transformational change for our country, and they represent the kind of change that he ran on and won on last year as well. i ran on these issues, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, making child care more affordable, taking important big steps to address our climate crisis. this was why we were able to turn out record numbers of voters in minnesota and around the country. so of course the president wants both of these two bills to pass. i want both of these two bills to pass, and i think the vast majority of democrats want them both to pass. now we have to finish the hard work of getting this all negotiated, and that's what this is all about right now. >> you heard representative jones say it's having around $2.2 trillion right now. is that a number you're hearing as well? >> well, there are lots of numbers floating around. i think us progressives understand that the number is not going to be 3.5 trillion and what i think we should do is to build up from what we want to accomplish for the american people. i don't believe that these top line numbers are very meaningful to americans who are wondering are my child care costs going to come down. am i going to have medicare pay for my hearing aids. am i going to see clean power expanded across this country. so what we should do is build up from what we need to do, what we want to do, and then come to an agreement on what that number is. it's not going to be 3.5, i think we know that, what that final number is part of the negotiations. >> a big part of these negotiations have been hinging on where two of your senate democratic colleagues stand, joe manchin, kyrsten sinema. what's your take on how they have handled everything this last week. is the criticism they're getting from some progressives fair? >> well, the thing about the united states senate is that every senator has a strong voice, and i understand why senator manchin and senator sinema have particularly strong voices. what i've been doing is reminding folks include my friends at white house, that af strong voice too. the progressives in the senate have a strong voice, and that's why we have to come together. i believe that both senators manchin and sinema are negotiating in good faith, and they're trying to find a path forward. that is absolutely what we have to do. it's not just about them, it's about all 50 of us in the senate democratic caucus and of course the members of the house, and we all have to figure out how to come together and find that path forward. >> so as we look at the president's legislative agenda in congress, how much of it is hanging on what happens with these negotiations. congress certainly was able to pass a massive coronavirus relief package earlier this year, but the rest of the president's biggest priorities remain unchecked there. i mean, look at them all. there's a bunch of really important things there. many having frankly uncertain paths of gets through the senate. has congress failed the president? democrats are the ones that are infighting when they could pass these bills undependent of what do you think americans see as they watch? >> i think i should remind everybody that we're not even one year into the biden/harris administration. it takes a long time to accomplish these types of legislative priorities. these priorities are broadly shared by the american public and we have to work it out and get it done. i'm not anxious about this. somebody said hard things are hard, and i think it's also worth remembering that we are seeing now as we work hard to get this important work done, big powerful interests like the business round table and the u.s. chamber are plowing in and trying to protect the status quo. trying to protect those big tax cuts that they got with that republican tax bill back in 2017, so that's going to make it even more difficult. but i believe that we are fighting to accomplish what we said we were going to do in the election just last year and we are going to keep on fighting. it takes a long time to get this kind of change done, and wherever we end up, wherever that so-called number is, it's going to make a huge difference in the lives of americans. >> why does it always seem -- i agree with you it takes a long time. it usually goes to the 11th hour if not 11:59. why is that? is it procrastination? do you think time frames as the president suggested certainly specific to this should be taken off of certain negotiations or does that then just allow them to become idle? i mean, why is it we're talking about this with an air of panic, like they got to get this done? >> i know, well, i would say to everyone it's okay. just chill a little bit. it's going to be okay. i've been involved in a lot of negotiations, and there is sort of a rhythm to it. i think you've got to have deadlines. sometimes you don't make those deadlines, but they create a sense of urgency and momentum, and i think that's what we've been seeing. as people who care a lot about this follow sort of every turn of the screw and every turn and back and forth as we go through this, this is what it looks like in the legislative body where you're trying to accomplish big things. i also think i'm home in minnesota today, and i think that people are focused on what they're doing this weekend. i don't think they're paying a ton of attention to this back and forth. what they are going to notice is when their prescription drug price s go down, when they have child care they can afford. that's what they're going to notice. that's why we keep our eye on that goal as we move forward. >> so look, i'm a california girl, so i'm really good with chilling out. i'm just going to ask you, do you think these two bills are going to pass? are you confident they both will pass? >> i do believe they are going to pass. i believe that there is -- there are things that we have to work out, but we understand that this is the president's agenda, but more importantly it is the agenda that americans said they wanted when they elected me in minnesota, when they elected president biden and vice president harris, and it is our responsibility to deliver for them. >> okay. senator tina smith, duly noted on all. much appreciated from the great state of minnesota. thank you. >> thank you. so take it to the streets and to the courts, the renewed fight over roe v. wade intensifies. and then at 1:00 p.m., omaros manigault newman is going to talk about her take on stephanie grisham's new book with some explosive claims in that one. that's in our next hour. but not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. because a bit of magic unfolds when there's a ketchup for everyone. at aetna, we take a total, becauconnected approach nfolds to your health and wellness to help you age actively. with medicare 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how strong is the passion? >> reporter: well, alex, as you might imagine, the passion is very strong here. there are about at least 5,000 people here or more outside the capitol building in austin. this is ground zero, of course this is where those legislators passed that pretty much almost an out and out ban on abortion. let me show you what's happening here, take a quick look around because you can see all of the people here, many carrying signs. people right now on the podium giving very impassioned speeches here about this legislation. this legislation was passed more than a month ago on september 1st. it prevents abortions once there is a heartbeat, and that is usually at the six-week mark. as we know, that is before most women even know that they are pregnant. and today people here, activists, organizers, musicians, citizens have come here, we are told from all across the country, and i did have a chance to talk to the organizer, kim taylor earlier this morning. she tells me that this is not representative of most texans. she says that 87% of texans in her estimation do not support sb 8 and that it was pushed through by pretty much the minority gop republicans in power here, and we had a chance to talk to some of the people in attendance today and here's what they had to say about it. >> it's not just about right or wrong. we have to get there together. we have to come to a census, and this was not in everybody's best interests. >> roe v. wade is the law of the land, it has been for nearly 50 years now, and the extreme right fringe of the republican party is trying to take away women's fundamental rights. >> i marched for roe v. wade. i'm 66 years old, and i marched back then, and i'm furious that we're having to fight this fight continually. >> reporter: and that is what we are hearing over and over again. that woman right there that you saw, carol foster, as you heard her say, she marched back in 1973 and here we are almost 50 years later still fighting the same battle. now, at this point, the organizers here and those in attendance are calling on the biden administration to step up and do what it can, also calling on the supreme court, which as you know, begins its next term on monday october 4th. and they are set to take up another abortion case. this one in mississippi. they say depending on that decision, it could have implications all across the country. so women's rights at stake here. bottom line message, alex, restore a woman's right to choose. >> okay, stephanie stanton from a very boisterous and important rally in austin. thank you for that. let's give you a look at the front page of today's "dollars morning news." as the heartbeat act is argued in court, women are traveling to shreveport, louisiana, to reach providers. that is a 13-hour bus ride away. joining me maya wiley, former candidate for the mayor of new york city, and cynthia alksne, former federal prosecutor. welcome, ladies to both of you. your really hard fought with lots of integrity battle during the democratic primary. i appreciate having you back after that. let's talk to you first, maya with the law. it is having real life impact. the number of women seeking providers in new mexico, that's up 67%, up 133% in oklahoma. again, those neighboring states of texas. there are more than 650 marches planned today. what is the main message that you think women are hoping to and will ultimately send? >> i think the main message is crystal clear, alex. it's that women people have a right to have a direct relationship with their doctor and determine what is best for their health, for their family, and for their future. and for anyone, any government to get engaged state government, county government, whoever tries to say we are going to get in the way of you exercising a constitutional right recognized by the supreme court, people across this nation are standing up and saying we're going to make it very clear that we will fight for our rights. we want all of our elected officials to know we will fight for our rights. it's also about getting stories out. a lot of what i've been hearing from activists on the ground is, we saw it from congress with powerful representatives like cori bush, like barbara lee, pramila jayapal, talking about their personal experiences with abortion because, as we know, a very -- well, abortions are going down and have gone down dramatically in the u.s., down by 40% since the mid-1990s. there's still a large number of women who about 60% are mothers making decisions about what's best for their health and the well-being of their families. it's a very touch decision. it's one that should be made with a health professional, and it's not the right time or place for government to start trying to get intervene in people's health care, and that's what we're hearing from folks. this is a right. >> and indeed, on the heels of that, cynthia, women are doing just that. they are marching to the supreme court. we heard stephanie stanton say that the term begins this coming monday, but the arguments relative to this, they begin december 1st. in mississippi's push to overturn roe v. wade, and if successful, abortion would then be banned effectively in at least a dozen states. so talk about the basis of the mississippi case, cynthia. >> right, well, the mississippi case, the dobbs case, in mississippi there's a law that bans abortion after 15 weeks with no exceptions for rape and incest and it violates roe v. wade. that's the bottom line. and the bad news is there's no shortage of bad news, is that the court has decided to review this case. you know, before trump had his last three justices, this would have been -- law would have been stricken and been over, but the court has decided to take this case, and that's very bad news because there's really no reason for it unless you're going to strike down roe v. wade, ask then as you say, if roe v. wade is stricken, then it will be up to the states to decide and 11 states already have laws that are called trigger laws and say if roe v. wade is stricken, abortion will be banned here. so women -- i mean, i appreciate that they're marching today, but they better get their shoes on because we're about to have roe v. wade overturned by the supreme court, and then women all across the south, particularly poor women because rich women can just fly to new york and california. poor women cannot. >> so with regard to this, cynthia, you have said this repeatedly on this broadcast that you are very fearful in a really real way that roe v. wade is going to be overturned. maya, do you share that feeling? >> well, you know, i definitely agree with cynthia that this is a supreme court that trump has designed to overturn roe v. wade. donald trump ran on a campaign platform and said i'm going to overturn it. i'm going to appoint the judges and justices that will help get that done. i think that the reality here is twofold. one, we already have restrictions that are so difficult for so many women. remember, about half of women who are getting abortions right now are low income women. that means making there be a 24-hour requirement. mississippi only has three abortion clinics as of 2017, providers in the entire state. it has -- it is a case in which the supreme court, short of overturning roe v. wade can still allow a rollback that makes it virtually impossible for most of the women trying to get an abortion to actually receive one and yet still have some form of a constitutional right on the books. so any way you slice it, whether cynthia's right about overturning roe or going even a step further because, remember, there are 20 states that say if roe is reversed, we will still make sure we're protecting a woman's right to choose. what if the supreme court amicus briefs, friends of the brief arguing it's a life and therefore it would make it unconstitutional if that line of thinking is picked up to have an abortion even in states trying to lawfully provide it. so there's such a range of bad here. i just want to underscore it's bad already for far too many women to access reproductive health care in this country. so we have to actually continue to march and protest and work for laws like the women's health protection act that's in congress right now to make sure that we're expanding reproductive health opportunities for our people. >> yeah, you know, you mentioned the stories that we all heard, really emotional ones, cori bush, pramila jayapal, however, there was some republican perspective offered on this. let's take a listen to what was offered in that regard. >> we can't have liberty, we can't have pursuit of happiness without the right to life. >> these decisions do not come easy, but i am grateful every single day that there were resources available for my mom because in that moment, she chose life, and those resources were available to her as a single mom. >> so cynthia, what do you think of these arguments as they relate to the availability of resources. >> well, i'm all for having resources. here's the problem, i mean, many of these people, these republicans quite frankly push for resources to make sure a woman doesn't have the right to choose, and then the minute the baby's born there's no resources. there's no -- you know, it's like a fight over the child tax credit. there's a fight over school lunch. there's a fight over supporting our schools. so i'm all for resources. i think it's a great idea to have resources, but one of -- it's so fundamental to make this decision about when you're going to have a family and how to control your own uterus that being lectured by some white guy in congress, i have no tolerance for it whatsoever. i do think there is some good news and that is that the department of justice has taken this on. it tells me the department of justice is now fighting for justice and for rights again, and i'm very pleased about that. and this women's health protection act that got voted through last week or the week before, i think that's very important, and the reason why that's important is even if it doesn't pass the senate, everybody's had to go on record in the house, and many republicans that have been sort of hiding behind, well, roe is the law of the land so i don't have to really take a stand. it's the law of the land. and pelosi forced them to take a stand, and i think that's really important in going forward and making decisions about who we want to represent us. . >> that is a somewhat positive note, we'll leave it on that one. cynthia alksne and maya wiley, thank you both. the president made some brief remarks as he was leaving the white house this morning. one of the questions he faced, how to bring moderate and progressive democrats together. he had a simple and, in fact, a telling answer. you're going to hear it next. a telling answer you're going to hear it next knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ nautical horn blows ] i mean just because you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ let me get this straight. you've got an a.i. strategy to deliver a better customer experience, that will help us retain our customers and even grow our business? how much is this going to cost? here's the figure. 59. 59 million? no, five9. as in five9 intelligent cloud contact center. they won't just power our transformation. they'll fund our transformation. yes, yes! exactly! what are you waiting for? ♪ ♪ new reaction today from the president on the time line to get his infrastructure bills passed. >> it doesn't matter whether it's in six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done. >> bring the moderates and progressives together, two more votes. two. >> joining me now is jeff mason, white house reporter for reuters. welcome to you, jeff. so you were there, i think you probably are still at the white house as far as i can tell from your background. >> i am. >> you were there with the president. you heard him. so did he say anything different today than yesterday and overall, how did you gauge what he said? >> well, a little bit of what he said, alex, today that was slightly different is that he said that he wants some of the tax credits that are in that bill to be ready and applicable for next year. so you notice he didn't say yesterday six minutes, six days, six weeks or six months. he wants to get it done this year, and they have to get it done this year for some of those things to be helpful, the social spending programs to be helpful to the people that he's trying to reach. so i guess to answer your question, that was one difference, and broadly, i think, i would assess what he said today as confident. he's confident that he can get this done, and he's clearly -- he's heard some of the criticism that he hasn't gone out and sold this to the country enough, so he's going to do that too. he's going to go on the road next week and do more of that and basically try to gin up support for his agenda. >> jen psaki release add statement, so what's the purpose of that if we had just heard from the president himself? >> i think that's a good question. i'm not sure why that was released right after the president spoke, but the one bit of news in jen's statement that was different from what president biden said was that the president and members of his team would continue to be engaging with lawmakers over the weekend. so i think what that does is it suggests that though the president is not setting a firm time line of, say, monday or tuesday next week, they still see urgency in this, and so they're going to continue to be working on it over the weekend and not putting it off towards thanksgiving or something like that. >> okay. i guess that release was like a big old exclamation point. you know the president met with the democratic caucus yesterday. what are you hearing about that, jeff? what did he say during that meeting? did it move the needle in any way, or did he not expect to immediately move the needle? >> i think it did move the needle. i mean, i think it brought a little bit more of a common understanding between moderates and progressives who are sort of the warring factions right now in the party over what to do on infrastructure and on the so-called reconciliation bill. he apparently also said that the number on that social spending bill would need to come down from the original 3.5 trillion, probably to around the $2 trillion mark. that of course is still a very big number, but it will take some cuts to get there, and that's something that needed to be said, and i think that's something they needed to hear so that that set some direction for them to go forward. >> can i just ask you real quick, the total amount will be divided by ten, and it will be disbursed year by year over a ten-year plan. do people lose sight of that? because when you're talking about $220 billion versus $350 billion a year, i mean, yes, we're talking about billions. i don't want to see glib on that at all, but you know what i'm saying? i mean -- >> i do. >> you know, do people lose sight of that? >> i think it's a good point, and it's something that perhaps we'll hear policymakers talking about more in the coming days and weeks because president biden has to sell this package, and he used that language specifically this morning. he says i'm going to sell to the american people what i think they can buy, and that big number is a hard sell for people who are more fiscally conservative. but if you think about it as being divided over a ten-year period, which as you correctly point out is the time frame for these bills, it's not quite as big. that's not to say it's not still substantial amounts of money. >> right, right. >> but it's not quite as intimidatingly large perhaps for people who don't like that $3.5 trillion. >> thank you for the chat, jeff mason. always appreciate you. democracy advocates fear the worst may be yet to come from donald trump and his stop the steal supporters. that's ahead. plus, now it's a rally. soon it will be a march to the supreme court. the very latest from the women's march in washington next. womens march in washington next so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? 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(vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. we are following the breaking news from around the country where thousands are standing up for abortion rights . here's a live rally in austin, texas, it's one of the hundreds scheduled for this afternoon. i think there are about of 50 across this country. looking at washington, d.c., thousands of women are right now at freedom plaza for a rally against not just the restrictive texas law but a challenge to roe versus wade to be heard by the supreme court in december. lauren eagan is joining me from the capitol. what are you hearing from the women there? >> reporter: a lot of fear and a lot of anger, alex particularly geared as those texas lawmakers as well as the supreme court. we're expected to hear from the president of planned parenthood, and she's going to talk a lot about the texas law, the impact that it's had on women there. how some women who have the means to have left the state to seek elsewhere. the supreme court is going to be hearing arguments on that in december, and i've heard from a lot of women so far this morning, there are thousands of people here, and they've expressed a lot of concern about what the supreme court is going to decide to do, particularly on that mississippi law. take a listen to what i heard from some women earlier this morning, about why they decided to come down here today. >> i'm really here because i'm appalachian. i'm from west virginia, we only have one abortion clinic and it really puts a lot of women who are low income and single struggling in west virginia, and you know, i'm out here to promote the fact that access needs to be expanded. >> i was a little, little kid when roe v. wade was passed, and here i am, you know, almost retirement age and i'm still having to fight this battle. we shouldn't have to. >> reporter: alex, we're in d.c., i really can't underscore the amount of anger and frustration that is being directed at the supreme court right now. following the speaking portion of this event, participants are going to march from where i'm standing right now, down pennsylvania avenue to the supreme court where a lot of participants hope that their presence there will send a message to the court when they reconvene for a new term on monday. >> we're going to be watching that march which gets underway 45 minutes to an hour from now. donald trump keeps hinting he'll run again in 2024, and that is raising new alarm about the potential of a second trump term in the white house. in a moment, what democracy advocates see as the worst-case scenario for this country. scenario for this country. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. most corrupt election in the history of our country, most corrupt election in the history of most countries to be followed by an even more glorious victory in november of 2024. we are going to have a big, big beautiful victory. >> mm-hmm. well, as donald trump teases another run for the white house in 2024, democracy advocates are sounding the alarm. experts fear a, quote, worst-case scenario for the country if the former president chooses to run again. joining me now to talk about it, alens ya johnson, political strategist and biden campaign consultant, and elise jordan former aid in the white house and an msnbc political analyst. good to see you both. elise to you as a former republican yourself, how much does this concern you for both the party and for democracy overall? >> well, alex, this is the playbook going forward. donald trump has had it on full display, and we saw what happened on january 6th. this is republicans are going to challenge elections that they lose certain factions of the republican party and claim that they were not free and fair elections. and of course this is hugely damaging to our democracy. it's damaging to the idea of democracy around the world if the underpinnings, the foundation of american democracy is not seen as fair anymore. and by donald trump's unwillingness to concede, he has started us down this terrible, scary road. >> so since the 2020 election, we've seen an abundance of conspiracies regarding voter fraud and election security experts telling the post in the future these sorts of falsehoods are going to become more advanced and nuanced exploiting genuine areas of confusion in the electoral system and thus harder to combat. so alencia, these voter fraud claims and partisan audits like the ones we saw in arizona, while they may not have worked in the 2020 election, is this indeed set the stage for future elections to be discredited? >> absolutely is. it's sowing discord and rallying up a base that we saw. we often talk about what happened on january 6th and the possibility for it to happen again, but we're not talking about what actually was happening around the election in 2020 when we had people going rogue and actually going out to polling places and election officials and spewing these falsehoods and conspiracies, and i am extremely worried about that when the voting rights, particularly for people of color and minorities in this country are under attack, and we also know who are typically poll workers. what is going to happen as thee conspiracy theories continue to go unchallenged by people who honestly benefit from them, and what are we going to see in 2022 along with 2024? >> that is the big question. these advocates are warning four years after the failed january 6th insurrection, trump and his supporters emerge in 2024 more sophisticated and successful in their efforts to steal an election, elise. how concerned are you you that we could see a repeat of january 6th and worse? >> i mean, you look at the tenor of the rhetoric, and it's not like it's actually gotten better. it's not like january 6th brought us together with a common truth that, oh, we saw our capitol, the heart of our nation's democracy, under siege, under attack. now you see how that truth that we all saw with our own eyes on television networks, on televisions all across the country as it unfolded on january 6th, you see the basic truth of what happened under attack, and that points to just how strong the division is and how successful this information operation has been about donald trump and the 2020 election. and i am worried because when you get away with such lies once, why are you not more emboldened the next go around and why aren't you going to pursue it harder and with less guard rails. >> here's something to look at. that is the newly released details of a memo written by john eastman, that's a prominent conservative lawyer who worked with trump in the weeks before the insurrection. so in this memo, eastman described the vice president as the ultimate arbiter of election results and argued that the vice president mike pence, that he had the authority to simply toss out the electoral college votes of certain states, thereby clearing the way for a trump victory writing, quote, pence then gavels president trump as reelected. that of course is something legal scholars and constitutionalists say repeatedly we know it is false. but alencia, it shows the brazen attempts and how brazen they are to overturn the election, how brazen they were, and that we are still learning some new details about what was happening behind the scenes. what do you make of all of it? >> i'm glad you brought up that example and the conversation around mike pence. it shows that these republicans are so willing to even throw away their own to continue to have this power, this extreme right power, and so we're wondering what's going to happen and what is actually going to be the most extreme thing that requires people to say, you know what? wait a minute. this is ruining our democracy. what we're finding is that so many republicans are so scared to stand up for democracy in the constitution because they want to stay in power, and of course let trump rule this republican party. and even after he's long gone, you know, if he doesn't win in 2024 or whatever happens, he has permeated this party. i'm seeing it here in virginia. we have a big governor's race coming up. i'm seeing it all over the country. republicans are willing to throw away their own in order to maintain power, especially when these conspiracy theories that we're seeing all over. >> it even goes beyond conspiracy theories. that's just crazy a trump lawyer saying that the vice president could gavel in the president. i want to ask you about the swing voters, those who voted for trump in 2016 and biden in 2020. in contrast to the majority of republicans responding to polls, none of these voters falsely believes the 2020 election was stolen. none say they regret their 2020 vote. while they may be disappointed in biden, they absolutely rule out voting for trump if he runs for president again. what do you make of that, and are you hearing similar sentiments? >> well, that's the teeny sliver that won the election essentially for joe biden and the sliver that won the election that decides american presidential elections, and what i've heard from trump supporters who don't buy into the conspiracies but they are not happy with the election result, they blame it on the irregularities in terms of people being able to vote more easily because there was a pandemic, and that without the crazy situation of the pandemic, donald trump still would have won and joe biden would have -- so that's more the -- i guess you could say the talking point that i hear when someone isn't a conspiracy theorist, just that the crazy circumstances swung in joe biden's favor because of the pandemic, and that situation will not be around in 2024. >> okay. and stay tuned, everybody. good to see you both, ladies, thank you so much. even if you've never heard of the national women's soccer league, you probably know some of its bigger stars. now there is disturbing off the field trouble, and up next, the shocking allegations that have forced the league to suspend all of this weekend's games. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> i do think that most of the weight of this does have to fall on the nwsl as the actual front office running the league. >> reporter: the national women's soccer league says it's launching an investigation immediately into what happened and has set up an anonymous

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, Priorities , Reconciliation Package , Attempt , Number , Work , Price Tag , Sides , Both , Things , Supreme Court , Thing , Request , Group , Two , 3 5 , Teachers , Sonia Sotomayor , City , Acting , Covid Vaccine Mandate , The Hill , Classroom , Monday Morning , Dose , Kin , Package , Infrastructure , Bottom Line , Deal , House Democrats , Contents , Course , Child Care , Majority , United States Senate , Policies , Leave , Bill , Efforts , Democrat , Last Night , Senator Manchin , Reconciliation Bill , Lines , Sinema , Reporter , Didn T , Leadership , Look , Home , Surface Transportation Authorization , Senator , Picture , Ground , Interview , Colleague , Julie , Speaker Pelosi Painting , Influence , Visit , Let S Go To Heidi Prison Bow La , Eye , Ball , Person , Headlines , Up , Kind , Corner , Put , Speaker Pelosi , Bit , Discussion , Process , Reset , Phase , People , Everybody , Objective , Elements , 70 , Life , Reality , Statement , Pivot , Fact , Ask Members , Many , Base , 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Remembering , The American , Tax Bill Back , Tax Cuts , Interests , Work Done , Chamber , Round Table , Plowing , Status Quo , Election , Fighting , Change Done , 2017 , Wherever , Difference , Lives , 11th Hour , 59 , It Procrastination , Sort , Air , Panic , Rhythm , Deadlines , Urgency , Turn , Momentum , Sense , Screw , Body , Back , Go Down , Attention , Forth , Ton , Notice , Goal , California Girl , Wall , Fight , State , Responsibility , Courts , Omaros Manigault Newman , 1 , Claims , Book , Magic , Heinz Ketchup , Stephanie Grisham , Health , Wellness , Total , Ketchup , Whole , Premiums , Medicare Advantage , Becauconnected , Aetna , , 0 , Vision , Prescription Drug Coverage , Hospital , Dental , Simple Plan , Aetna Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Enrollment Ends December 7th , 7 , December 7th , Catch Shingles , Pain , Face , Virus , 24 7 , Shingles , Stop , Appointment , Company , Whaaaaat , Yeah , Woman , Burke , Farmers Home Policy Perk , Movie , Hope , Figure , Hero , 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13 , Cynthia Alksne , Me Maya Wiley , Mayor , Candidate , Integrity Battle , Real Life Impact , Primary , Let S Talk , New Mexico , Oklahoma , 133 , 67 , States , Message , Right , Family , Doctor , Relationship , Crystal Clear , Government , State Government , County Government , Stories , Representatives , Experiences , Cori Bush , Pramila Jayapal , Barbara Lee , Down , 40 , 1990 , Decisions , Families , Well Being , Place , Health Professional , Very Touch Decision , Mothers , 60 , Health Care , Heels , Arguments , December 1st , Push , Stephanie Stanton Say , Case , Basis , Exceptions , Rape , Dobbs , 15 , Bad News , Shortage , Incest , News , Reason , Justices , Over , Three , Laws , Trigger Laws , Shoes , Marching Today , South , Feeling , California , Poor Women Cannot , Donald Trump , Ran , Campaign Platform , Restrictions , Judges , Requirement , Abortion Clinics , Half , 24 , Most , Rollback , Overturning Roe , Step , Books , Form , Roe , Brief , Supreme Court Amicus Briefs , 20 , Thinking , Line , Range , Women S Health Protection Act , Protest , Reproductive Health Opportunities , Listen , Liberty , Regard , Pursuit Of Happiness , Resources , Mom , Availability , Problem , Idea , Child Tax Credit , Schools , Baby , School Lunch , Guy , Uterus , Tolerance , Justice , Department Of Justice , Stand , Hiding Behind , Note , Making , Remarks , Answer , Questions , Someone , Car Insurance , Unique , Vacuum , Horn Blows , Floor , Yell , Strategy , Straight , Flea Medication , Spot , A I , Customers , Customer Experience , Business , Five9 , Figure , Intelligent Cloud Contact Center , 59 Million , Transformation , Reaction , Time Line , Infrastructure Bills , It Doesn T , Matter , Votes , Jeff Mason , Background , Anything , Reuters , Tax Credits , Spending , Question , Done , Reach , More , Release Add Statement , Gin Up Support , Hasn T , On The Road , Jen Psaki , Purpose , Spoke , Team , Monday Or Tuesday , Release , Needle , Caucus , Big Old Exclamation Point , Factions , Cuts , Trillion , Amount , Direction , Sight , Billions , 20 Billion , 350 Billion , 50 Billion , 220 Billion , Policymakers , Sell , Language , Frame , Conservative , Amounts , Money , Democracy , Supporters , Worst , Plus , Don T , Chat , 5 Trillion , Diabetes , March To The Supreme Court , Sugar , Pizza , Foods , Womens March In Washington , Rules , Women S March In Washington Next , Stress , Mystery , Exercise , Easy , 14 , Speaking , Vo , Progress Isn T , Fun , Daring , Abortion Rights , Hundreds , Anger , Fear , Lauren Eagan , Elsewhere , Impact , Planned Parenthood , Concern , Hearing Arguments , Abortion Clinic , West Virginia , Appalachian , Single , Struggling , Access , Little , Income , Retirement Age , Frustration , We Shouldn T Have To , Participants , Presence , Portion , Down Pennsylvania Avenue , Alarm , Potential , 45 , 2024 , Scenario , World , Nerve Aches , Nervivenerve Relief , Nervive , Nerve Care Company , Feet , Hands , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Discomfort , Weakness , History , Big Beautiful Victory , Countries , Victory , November Of 2024 , Quote , Experts , Run , Campaign Consultant , Worst Case Scenario , Strategist , Aid , Political Analyst , Alens Ya Johnson , Elise Jordan , Playbook , Yourself , Display , Elise , Elections , January 6th , Claim , 6 , Underpinnings , Unwillingness , Foundation Of American Democracy , Scary Road , Conspiracies , Voter Fraud , Falsehoods , Security Experts , Abundance , Post , 2020 , Confusion , Areas , Electoral System , Audits , Alencia , Arizona , Stage , Sowing Discord , Possibility , Polling Places , Attack , Thee Conspiracy Theories , Voting Rights , Minorities , Workers , Color , Insurrection , Big Question , 2022 , Four , Tenor , Repeat , Truth , Heart , Rhetoric , Siege , Points , Division , Televisions , Television Networks , Eyes , Information Operation , Lies , Aren T You , John Eastman , Details , Memo , Conservative Lawyer , Guard Rails , Mike Pence , Electoral College Votes , Authority , Victory Writing , Election Results , Arbiter , Scholars , Constitutionalists , Attempts , Scenes , Example , Conversation , Constitution , Finding , He Doesn T Win , Governor , Race , Order , Whatever , Conspiracy Theories , Lawyer , Swing Voters , Trump , Contrast , Polls , None , Who , 2016 , Voting , Sliver , Sentiments , Teeny Sliver , Election Result , Don T Buy , Pandemic , Situation , Irregularities , Talking Point , Favor , Circumstances , Isn T A Conspiracy Theorist , 2024 Okay And , Allegations , National Women S Soccer League , Trouble , Stars , Field , Ladies , League , Liberty Mutual , Games , Bogeys , Limu , Couple , Kid , Bird , Helicopter , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Time , Flings , Music , Gain , User , I Swear , Jaycee , Grille , Cadillac Lyriq , Regina , Overhead Shot , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , All Electric Cadillac , Sexual Coercion , Fallout , Matches , Commissioner , Turmoil , Shell , Bomb , Misconduct , The Athletic , Investigation , Coach , Accusations , Latest , Governing Body , Soccer World , Sam Brock , Nbc , Miami , Fifa , Paul Riley , Behavior , Career , Coercion , Teams , Report , Act , Athletic , Reporter Meg Linehan , National Women Soccer League Games , Weight , Pictures , Abuse , Culture , North Carolina , Players , Particular , Instances , Word , Serious T Farley , Times , Room , Suggestion , Comment , Nbc News , Athletes , Women S Soccer , Men , Megan Rapinoe , Lisa Baird , Resignation , Apologized , Office , Nwsl , Anonymous , The League ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Witt Reports 20240709

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laws. more than 240,000 women are expected to show up. texas, that's ground zero for today's protests. that is where the nation's strictest anti-abortion law has taken effect, banning abortions after six weeks of pregnancy before most women know they are even pregnant. . texas has also deputized private citizens to enforce the ban with a $10,000 incentive to those who file lawsuits against anyone helping a woman exercise her right to an abortion. today's main event is a rally at freedom plaza in washington, d.c., it's happening right now to be followed by a march to the supreme court, which will preside over a direct challenge to roe versus wade in december. more than 190 organizations are mobilizing at this hour, at more than 650 events planned around this country. and in washington, white house officials and leading lawmakers are working through the weekend after house democrats failed to get enough support to vote on that bipartisan infrastructure bill. president biden reacting this morning saying he is confident both bills will get done, though not making any promises in terms of timing. >> biden's begun to work like hell to make sure we get both these passed. i've been on the phone with them a lot. >> sir, do you think this could be all done by thanksgiving? >> i think it will be done by 2:27 a.m. on -- come on. i think we'll get done. >> it comes after a week, it was a frantic one of negotiations that left moderate and progressives closer but not close enough on some of the president's top priorities. in an attempt to unite his party and saving his agenda, the president visiting capitol hill yesterday urging moderates to support his reconciliation package and trying to find a price tag that both sides can get behind. >> we're going to have to come down in our number and we're going to have to do that work, so we're going to get to work and see what we can get to. >> he basically said two things, one, it's not going to be 3.5, maybe 2 instead of 3.5. so he said that, and then the other thing he basically said we need to pass both. >> and new overnight, the supreme court rejecting a request from a group of new york city teachers seeking to block the city's covid vaccine mandate . justice sonia sotomayor acting alone to deny. those teachers will be required to have at least one dose before returning to the classroom monday morning. joining us now july sir kin from capitol hill. where do things stand today after this frenetic week on the hill? >> alex, good afternoon. bottom line is we don't have a deal, but at least we know that the number for that multitrillion dollars expansive social infrastructure package that democrats are working on will be far lower than the number progressives wanted. president biden visited with house democrats on capitol hill last night telling them that that number will be significantly lower and that progressives need to be amenable to a number that's lower and also the contents of the package that are different than what they originally envisioned in paid leave, in child care, in policies that they are looking to implement while they have a majority in the house, the senate, and of course the white house. now moderates and progressive democrats remain very far apart. here's what a democrat from new york said on msnbc this morning after that meeting last night. >> we had to pass both of these bills. it is unacceptable to only pass the smaller bill and now through our efforts, through the efforts of progressives, manchin and sinema are finally talking about their top lines for the reconciliation bill. they're finally talking about what they can and cannot live with. a week ago manchin was still talking about passing the larger reconciliation bill in a year. >> reporter: also what he wants to see inside of that package, it just appears that democratic leadership perhaps didn't listen or didn't take him seriously enough. but look, this is where we stand now. after that meeting yesterday, the house and the senate went home for the weekend, although senate is expected to return in just a couple hours to continue to take up that surface transportation authorization. but as we stand now, progressives and moderates very far apart and speaker pelosi painting a rosy picture in her dear colleague which is a little rosier than what's on the ground. >> we have at least one senator waiting to have an interview about this in just a moment. julie, thank you for that. let's go to heidi prison bow la at the white house. the president was there on capitol hill, he was trying to help move things along. did his visit have the influence he hoped it would get. >> reporter: the president is not going to get any public support for this. he needed to go there in person, look them in the eye and said we're either all going to sail or sink together on this agenda. two headlines coming out of this. first he did seem to get the ball moving again. speaker pelosi had according to one democrat i talked to, kind of put herself into a corner with moderates committing to a date certain they were going to vote on this bipartisan infrastructure bill. that is all now blown up, but that is a good thing according to democrats and white house officials who i talked to to kind of reset the discussion here. and secondly, alex, washington tends to get a little bit preoccupied with process. that's understandable. however, the president said something very important this morning about the next phase of the process for him, which is to actually explain what is in this bill to the american people. here's what he said. >> there's an awful lot that's in both of these bills that everybody thinks they know, but they don't know what's in them. when you go out and you test each of the individual elements in the bill, everyone is for them, not everyone, over 70% of the american people are for them. my objective is to make sure we put in place the things that are going to make life more livable for ordinary people. i mean that sincerely. that's not a political statement. it's reality. >> reporter: so many republicans, alex, are casting this as a hard pivot towards socialism when, in fact, according to the administration officials, these are simply social programs for the working class, of which many are in both the democratic and republican base. now, the president did ask members in these meetings to make their priorities. of course they're going to have to come down on the price tag, but he gave them a framework for how to do that, which is to lower the overall price and possibly do that by just picking what are the top priorities such as family leave, child care tax credit, medicare, climate, and then possibly narrowing the window on that. so instead of like a ten-year commitment, maybe do a five-year commitment. i know it sounds easier than it probably is. at least he gave them a framework to work with, and he said there's not going to be this self-imposed time line pressure. >> clearly he's talking about some flexibility. joining me right now is democratic minnesota senator tina smith. senator, welcome back to the broadcast. let's get into this here, there's a lot to talk about. first going to political play book, it's giving some new insight into the president's meeting with house democrats and it says that senior democrats thought the president was coming to the hill to support speaker pelosi's efforts to rally the party behind the bipartisan infrastructure plan that was happening ahead of friday's scheduled vote or at least hopeful vote, but instead he ended up telling them he wanted to hold off on it until there was a reconciliation deal so from your perspective being one of the 11 senators who backed house -- in demanding for the package for the entire biden agenda, are you surprised by this, and does this change the dynamics? >> well, hi, alex. it's great to be with you this morning. honestly, i wasn't surprised. as i've been a part of these negotiations, especially on the climate pieces as well as the broader conversations, of course the president wants to see both of these big bills be passed. they represent transformational change for our country, and they represent the kind of change that he ran on and won on last year as well. i ran on these issues, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, making child care more affordable, taking important big steps to address our climate crisis. this was why we were able to turn out record numbers of voters in minnesota and around the country. so of course the president wants both of these two bills to pass. i want both of these two bills to pass, and i think the vast majority of democrats want them both to pass. now we have to finish the hard work of getting this all negotiated, and that's what this is all about right now. >> you heard representative jones say it's having around $2.2 trillion right now. is that a number you're hearing as well? >> well, there are lots of numbers floating around. i think us progressives understand that the number is not going to be 3.5 trillion and what i think we should do is to build up from what we want to accomplish for the american people. i don't believe that these top line numbers are very meaningful to americans who are wondering are my child care costs going to come down. am i going to have medicare pay for my hearing aids. am i going to see clean power expanded across this country. so what we should do is build up from what we need to do, what we want to do, and then come to an agreement on what that number is. it's not going to be 3.5, i think we know that, what that final number is part of the negotiations. >> a big part of these negotiations have been hinging on where two of your senate democratic colleagues stand, joe manchin, kyrsten sinema. what's your take on how they have handled everything this last week. is the criticism they're getting from some progressives fair? >> well, the thing about the united states senate is that every senator has a strong voice, and i understand why senator manchin and senator sinema have particularly strong voices. what i've been doing is reminding folks include my friends at white house, that af strong voice too. the progressives in the senate have a strong voice, and that's why we have to come together. i believe that both senators manchin and sinema are negotiating in good faith, and they're trying to find a path forward. that is absolutely what we have to do. it's not just about them, it's about all 50 of us in the senate democratic caucus and of course the members of the house, and we all have to figure out how to come together and find that path forward. >> so as we look at the president's legislative agenda in congress, how much of it is hanging on what happens with these negotiations. congress certainly was able to pass a massive coronavirus relief package earlier this year, but the rest of the president's biggest priorities remain unchecked there. i mean, look at them all. there's a bunch of really important things there. many having frankly uncertain paths of gets through the senate. has congress failed the president? democrats are the ones that are infighting when they could pass these bills undependent of what do you think americans see as they watch? >> i think i should remind everybody that we're not even one year into the biden/harris administration. it takes a long time to accomplish these types of legislative priorities. these priorities are broadly shared by the american public and we have to work it out and get it done. i'm not anxious about this. somebody said hard things are hard, and i think it's also worth remembering that we are seeing now as we work hard to get this important work done, big powerful interests like the business round table and the u.s. chamber are plowing in and trying to protect the status quo. trying to protect those big tax cuts that they got with that republican tax bill back in 2017, so that's going to make it even more difficult. but i believe that we are fighting to accomplish what we said we were going to do in the election just last year and we are going to keep on fighting. it takes a long time to get this kind of change done, and wherever we end up, wherever that so-called number is, it's going to make a huge difference in the lives of americans. >> why does it always seem -- i agree with you it takes a long time. it usually goes to the 11th hour if not 11:59. why is that? is it procrastination? do you think time frames as the president suggested certainly specific to this should be taken off of certain negotiations or does that then just allow them to become idle? i mean, why is it we're talking about this with an air of panic, like they got to get this done? >> i know, well, i would say to everyone it's okay. just chill a little bit. it's going to be okay. i've been involved in a lot of negotiations, and there is sort of a rhythm to it. i think you've got to have deadlines. sometimes you don't make those deadlines, but they create a sense of urgency and momentum, and i think that's what we've been seeing. as people who care a lot about this follow sort of every turn of the screw and every turn and back and forth as we go through this, this is what it looks like in the legislative body where you're trying to accomplish big things. i also think i'm home in minnesota today, and i think that people are focused on what they're doing this weekend. i don't think they're paying a ton of attention to this back and forth. what they are going to notice is when their prescription drug price s go down, when they have child care they can afford. that's what they're going to notice. that's why we keep our eye on that goal as we move forward. >> so look, i'm a california girl, so i'm really good with chilling out. i'm just going to ask you, do you think these two bills are going to pass? are you confident they both will pass? >> i do believe they are going to pass. i believe that there is -- there are things that we have to work out, but we understand that this is the president's agenda, but more importantly it is the agenda that americans said they wanted when they elected me in minnesota, when they elected president biden and vice president harris, and it is our responsibility to deliver for them. >> okay. senator tina smith, duly noted on all. much appreciated from the great state of minnesota. thank you. >> thank you. so take it to the streets and to the courts, the renewed fight over roe v. wade intensifies. and then at 1:00 p.m., omaros manigault newman is going to talk about her take on stephanie grisham's new book with some explosive claims in that one. that's in our next hour. but not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup. because a bit of magic unfolds when there's a ketchup for everyone. at aetna, we take a total, becauconnected approach nfolds to your health and wellness to help you age actively. with medicare 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how strong is the passion? >> reporter: well, alex, as you might imagine, the passion is very strong here. there are about at least 5,000 people here or more outside the capitol building in austin. this is ground zero, of course this is where those legislators passed that pretty much almost an out and out ban on abortion. let me show you what's happening here, take a quick look around because you can see all of the people here, many carrying signs. people right now on the podium giving very impassioned speeches here about this legislation. this legislation was passed more than a month ago on september 1st. it prevents abortions once there is a heartbeat, and that is usually at the six-week mark. as we know, that is before most women even know that they are pregnant. and today people here, activists, organizers, musicians, citizens have come here, we are told from all across the country, and i did have a chance to talk to the organizer, kim taylor earlier this morning. she tells me that this is not representative of most texans. she says that 87% of texans in her estimation do not support sb 8 and that it was pushed through by pretty much the minority gop republicans in power here, and we had a chance to talk to some of the people in attendance today and here's what they had to say about it. >> it's not just about right or wrong. we have to get there together. we have to come to a census, and this was not in everybody's best interests. >> roe v. wade is the law of the land, it has been for nearly 50 years now, and the extreme right fringe of the republican party is trying to take away women's fundamental rights. >> i marched for roe v. wade. i'm 66 years old, and i marched back then, and i'm furious that we're having to fight this fight continually. >> reporter: and that is what we are hearing over and over again. that woman right there that you saw, carol foster, as you heard her say, she marched back in 1973 and here we are almost 50 years later still fighting the same battle. now, at this point, the organizers here and those in attendance are calling on the biden administration to step up and do what it can, also calling on the supreme court, which as you know, begins its next term on monday october 4th. and they are set to take up another abortion case. this one in mississippi. they say depending on that decision, it could have implications all across the country. so women's rights at stake here. bottom line message, alex, restore a woman's right to choose. >> okay, stephanie stanton from a very boisterous and important rally in austin. thank you for that. let's give you a look at the front page of today's "dollars morning news." as the heartbeat act is argued in court, women are traveling to shreveport, louisiana, to reach providers. that is a 13-hour bus ride away. joining me maya wiley, former candidate for the mayor of new york city, and cynthia alksne, former federal prosecutor. welcome, ladies to both of you. your really hard fought with lots of integrity battle during the democratic primary. i appreciate having you back after that. let's talk to you first, maya with the law. it is having real life impact. the number of women seeking providers in new mexico, that's up 67%, up 133% in oklahoma. again, those neighboring states of texas. there are more than 650 marches planned today. what is the main message that you think women are hoping to and will ultimately send? >> i think the main message is crystal clear, alex. it's that women people have a right to have a direct relationship with their doctor and determine what is best for their health, for their family, and for their future. and for anyone, any government to get engaged state government, county government, whoever tries to say we are going to get in the way of you exercising a constitutional right recognized by the supreme court, people across this nation are standing up and saying we're going to make it very clear that we will fight for our rights. we want all of our elected officials to know we will fight for our rights. it's also about getting stories out. a lot of what i've been hearing from activists on the ground is, we saw it from congress with powerful representatives like cori bush, like barbara lee, pramila jayapal, talking about their personal experiences with abortion because, as we know, a very -- well, abortions are going down and have gone down dramatically in the u.s., down by 40% since the mid-1990s. there's still a large number of women who about 60% are mothers making decisions about what's best for their health and the well-being of their families. it's a very touch decision. it's one that should be made with a health professional, and it's not the right time or place for government to start trying to get intervene in people's health care, and that's what we're hearing from folks. this is a right. >> and indeed, on the heels of that, cynthia, women are doing just that. they are marching to the supreme court. we heard stephanie stanton say that the term begins this coming monday, but the arguments relative to this, they begin december 1st. in mississippi's push to overturn roe v. wade, and if successful, abortion would then be banned effectively in at least a dozen states. so talk about the basis of the mississippi case, cynthia. >> right, well, the mississippi case, the dobbs case, in mississippi there's a law that bans abortion after 15 weeks with no exceptions for rape and incest and it violates roe v. wade. that's the bottom line. and the bad news is there's no shortage of bad news, is that the court has decided to review this case. you know, before trump had his last three justices, this would have been -- law would have been stricken and been over, but the court has decided to take this case, and that's very bad news because there's really no reason for it unless you're going to strike down roe v. wade, ask then as you say, if roe v. wade is stricken, then it will be up to the states to decide and 11 states already have laws that are called trigger laws and say if roe v. wade is stricken, abortion will be banned here. so women -- i mean, i appreciate that they're marching today, but they better get their shoes on because we're about to have roe v. wade overturned by the supreme court, and then women all across the south, particularly poor women because rich women can just fly to new york and california. poor women cannot. >> so with regard to this, cynthia, you have said this repeatedly on this broadcast that you are very fearful in a really real way that roe v. wade is going to be overturned. maya, do you share that feeling? >> well, you know, i definitely agree with cynthia that this is a supreme court that trump has designed to overturn roe v. wade. donald trump ran on a campaign platform and said i'm going to overturn it. i'm going to appoint the judges and justices that will help get that done. i think that the reality here is twofold. one, we already have restrictions that are so difficult for so many women. remember, about half of women who are getting abortions right now are low income women. that means making there be a 24-hour requirement. mississippi only has three abortion clinics as of 2017, providers in the entire state. it has -- it is a case in which the supreme court, short of overturning roe v. wade can still allow a rollback that makes it virtually impossible for most of the women trying to get an abortion to actually receive one and yet still have some form of a constitutional right on the books. so any way you slice it, whether cynthia's right about overturning roe or going even a step further because, remember, there are 20 states that say if roe is reversed, we will still make sure we're protecting a woman's right to choose. what if the supreme court amicus briefs, friends of the brief arguing it's a life and therefore it would make it unconstitutional if that line of thinking is picked up to have an abortion even in states trying to lawfully provide it. so there's such a range of bad here. i just want to underscore it's bad already for far too many women to access reproductive health care in this country. so we have to actually continue to march and protest and work for laws like the women's health protection act that's in congress right now to make sure that we're expanding reproductive health opportunities for our people. >> yeah, you know, you mentioned the stories that we all heard, really emotional ones, cori bush, pramila jayapal, however, there was some republican perspective offered on this. let's take a listen to what was offered in that regard. >> we can't have liberty, we can't have pursuit of happiness without the right to life. >> these decisions do not come easy, but i am grateful every single day that there were resources available for my mom because in that moment, she chose life, and those resources were available to her as a single mom. >> so cynthia, what do you think of these arguments as they relate to the availability of resources. >> well, i'm all for having resources. here's the problem, i mean, many of these people, these republicans quite frankly push for resources to make sure a woman doesn't have the right to choose, and then the minute the baby's born there's no resources. there's no -- you know, it's like a fight over the child tax credit. there's a fight over school lunch. there's a fight over supporting our schools. so i'm all for resources. i think it's a great idea to have resources, but one of -- it's so fundamental to make this decision about when you're going to have a family and how to control your own uterus that being lectured by some white guy in congress, i have no tolerance for it whatsoever. i do think there is some good news and that is that the department of justice has taken this on. it tells me the department of justice is now fighting for justice and for rights again, and i'm very pleased about that. and this women's health protection act that got voted through last week or the week before, i think that's very important, and the reason why that's important is even if it doesn't pass the senate, everybody's had to go on record in the house, and many republicans that have been sort of hiding behind, well, roe is the law of the land so i don't have to really take a stand. it's the law of the land. and pelosi forced them to take a stand, and i think that's really important in going forward and making decisions about who we want to represent us. . >> that is a somewhat positive note, we'll leave it on that one. cynthia alksne and maya wiley, thank you both. the president made some brief remarks as he was leaving the white house this morning. one of the questions he faced, how to bring moderate and progressive democrats together. he had a simple and, in fact, a telling answer. you're going to hear it next. a telling answer you're going to hear it next knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ nautical horn blows ] i mean just because you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ let me get this straight. you've got an a.i. strategy to deliver a better customer experience, that will help us retain our customers and even grow our business? how much is this going to cost? here's the figure. 59. 59 million? no, five9. as in five9 intelligent cloud contact center. they won't just power our transformation. they'll fund our transformation. yes, yes! exactly! what are you waiting for? ♪ ♪ new reaction today from the president on the time line to get his infrastructure bills passed. >> it doesn't matter whether it's in six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done. >> bring the moderates and progressives together, two more votes. two. >> joining me now is jeff mason, white house reporter for reuters. welcome to you, jeff. so you were there, i think you probably are still at the white house as far as i can tell from your background. >> i am. >> you were there with the president. you heard him. so did he say anything different today than yesterday and overall, how did you gauge what he said? >> well, a little bit of what he said, alex, today that was slightly different is that he said that he wants some of the tax credits that are in that bill to be ready and applicable for next year. so you notice he didn't say yesterday six minutes, six days, six weeks or six months. he wants to get it done this year, and they have to get it done this year for some of those things to be helpful, the social spending programs to be helpful to the people that he's trying to reach. so i guess to answer your question, that was one difference, and broadly, i think, i would assess what he said today as confident. he's confident that he can get this done, and he's clearly -- he's heard some of the criticism that he hasn't gone out and sold this to the country enough, so he's going to do that too. he's going to go on the road next week and do more of that and basically try to gin up support for his agenda. >> jen psaki release add statement, so what's the purpose of that if we had just heard from the president himself? >> i think that's a good question. i'm not sure why that was released right after the president spoke, but the one bit of news in jen's statement that was different from what president biden said was that the president and members of his team would continue to be engaging with lawmakers over the weekend. so i think what that does is it suggests that though the president is not setting a firm time line of, say, monday or tuesday next week, they still see urgency in this, and so they're going to continue to be working on it over the weekend and not putting it off towards thanksgiving or something like that. >> okay. i guess that release was like a big old exclamation point. you know the president met with the democratic caucus yesterday. what are you hearing about that, jeff? what did he say during that meeting? did it move the needle in any way, or did he not expect to immediately move the needle? >> i think it did move the needle. i mean, i think it brought a little bit more of a common understanding between moderates and progressives who are sort of the warring factions right now in the party over what to do on infrastructure and on the so-called reconciliation bill. he apparently also said that the number on that social spending bill would need to come down from the original 3.5 trillion, probably to around the $2 trillion mark. that of course is still a very big number, but it will take some cuts to get there, and that's something that needed to be said, and i think that's something they needed to hear so that that set some direction for them to go forward. >> can i just ask you real quick, the total amount will be divided by ten, and it will be disbursed year by year over a ten-year plan. do people lose sight of that? because when you're talking about $220 billion versus $350 billion a year, i mean, yes, we're talking about billions. i don't want to see glib on that at all, but you know what i'm saying? i mean -- >> i do. >> you know, do people lose sight of that? >> i think it's a good point, and it's something that perhaps we'll hear policymakers talking about more in the coming days and weeks because president biden has to sell this package, and he used that language specifically this morning. he says i'm going to sell to the american people what i think they can buy, and that big number is a hard sell for people who are more fiscally conservative. but if you think about it as being divided over a ten-year period, which as you correctly point out is the time frame for these bills, it's not quite as big. that's not to say it's not still substantial amounts of money. >> right, right. >> but it's not quite as intimidatingly large perhaps for people who don't like that $3.5 trillion. >> thank you for the chat, jeff mason. always appreciate you. democracy advocates fear the worst may be yet to come from donald trump and his stop the steal supporters. that's ahead. plus, now it's a rally. soon it will be a march to the supreme court. the very latest from the women's march in washington next. womens march in washington next so, you have diabetes, here are some easy rules. no sugar. no pizza. no foods you love. stressed? 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(vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. we are following the breaking news from around the country where thousands are standing up for abortion rights . here's a live rally in austin, texas, it's one of the hundreds scheduled for this afternoon. i think there are about of 50 across this country. looking at washington, d.c., thousands of women are right now at freedom plaza for a rally against not just the restrictive texas law but a challenge to roe versus wade to be heard by the supreme court in december. lauren eagan is joining me from the capitol. what are you hearing from the women there? >> reporter: a lot of fear and a lot of anger, alex particularly geared as those texas lawmakers as well as the supreme court. we're expected to hear from the president of planned parenthood, and she's going to talk a lot about the texas law, the impact that it's had on women there. how some women who have the means to have left the state to seek elsewhere. the supreme court is going to be hearing arguments on that in december, and i've heard from a lot of women so far this morning, there are thousands of people here, and they've expressed a lot of concern about what the supreme court is going to decide to do, particularly on that mississippi law. take a listen to what i heard from some women earlier this morning, about why they decided to come down here today. >> i'm really here because i'm appalachian. i'm from west virginia, we only have one abortion clinic and it really puts a lot of women who are low income and single struggling in west virginia, and you know, i'm out here to promote the fact that access needs to be expanded. >> i was a little, little kid when roe v. wade was passed, and here i am, you know, almost retirement age and i'm still having to fight this battle. we shouldn't have to. >> reporter: alex, we're in d.c., i really can't underscore the amount of anger and frustration that is being directed at the supreme court right now. following the speaking portion of this event, participants are going to march from where i'm standing right now, down pennsylvania avenue to the supreme court where a lot of participants hope that their presence there will send a message to the court when they reconvene for a new term on monday. >> we're going to be watching that march which gets underway 45 minutes to an hour from now. donald trump keeps hinting he'll run again in 2024, and that is raising new alarm about the potential of a second trump term in the white house. in a moment, what democracy advocates see as the worst-case scenario for this country. scenario for this country. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. most corrupt election in the history of our country, most corrupt election in the history of most countries to be followed by an even more glorious victory in november of 2024. we are going to have a big, big beautiful victory. >> mm-hmm. well, as donald trump teases another run for the white house in 2024, democracy advocates are sounding the alarm. experts fear a, quote, worst-case scenario for the country if the former president chooses to run again. joining me now to talk about it, alens ya johnson, political strategist and biden campaign consultant, and elise jordan former aid in the white house and an msnbc political analyst. good to see you both. elise to you as a former republican yourself, how much does this concern you for both the party and for democracy overall? >> well, alex, this is the playbook going forward. donald trump has had it on full display, and we saw what happened on january 6th. this is republicans are going to challenge elections that they lose certain factions of the republican party and claim that they were not free and fair elections. and of course this is hugely damaging to our democracy. it's damaging to the idea of democracy around the world if the underpinnings, the foundation of american democracy is not seen as fair anymore. and by donald trump's unwillingness to concede, he has started us down this terrible, scary road. >> so since the 2020 election, we've seen an abundance of conspiracies regarding voter fraud and election security experts telling the post in the future these sorts of falsehoods are going to become more advanced and nuanced exploiting genuine areas of confusion in the electoral system and thus harder to combat. so alencia, these voter fraud claims and partisan audits like the ones we saw in arizona, while they may not have worked in the 2020 election, is this indeed set the stage for future elections to be discredited? >> absolutely is. it's sowing discord and rallying up a base that we saw. we often talk about what happened on january 6th and the possibility for it to happen again, but we're not talking about what actually was happening around the election in 2020 when we had people going rogue and actually going out to polling places and election officials and spewing these falsehoods and conspiracies, and i am extremely worried about that when the voting rights, particularly for people of color and minorities in this country are under attack, and we also know who are typically poll workers. what is going to happen as thee conspiracy theories continue to go unchallenged by people who honestly benefit from them, and what are we going to see in 2022 along with 2024? >> that is the big question. these advocates are warning four years after the failed january 6th insurrection, trump and his supporters emerge in 2024 more sophisticated and successful in their efforts to steal an election, elise. how concerned are you you that we could see a repeat of january 6th and worse? >> i mean, you look at the tenor of the rhetoric, and it's not like it's actually gotten better. it's not like january 6th brought us together with a common truth that, oh, we saw our capitol, the heart of our nation's democracy, under siege, under attack. now you see how that truth that we all saw with our own eyes on television networks, on televisions all across the country as it unfolded on january 6th, you see the basic truth of what happened under attack, and that points to just how strong the division is and how successful this information operation has been about donald trump and the 2020 election. and i am worried because when you get away with such lies once, why are you not more emboldened the next go around and why aren't you going to pursue it harder and with less guard rails. >> here's something to look at. that is the newly released details of a memo written by john eastman, that's a prominent conservative lawyer who worked with trump in the weeks before the insurrection. so in this memo, eastman described the vice president as the ultimate arbiter of election results and argued that the vice president mike pence, that he had the authority to simply toss out the electoral college votes of certain states, thereby clearing the way for a trump victory writing, quote, pence then gavels president trump as reelected. that of course is something legal scholars and constitutionalists say repeatedly we know it is false. but alencia, it shows the brazen attempts and how brazen they are to overturn the election, how brazen they were, and that we are still learning some new details about what was happening behind the scenes. what do you make of all of it? >> i'm glad you brought up that example and the conversation around mike pence. it shows that these republicans are so willing to even throw away their own to continue to have this power, this extreme right power, and so we're wondering what's going to happen and what is actually going to be the most extreme thing that requires people to say, you know what? wait a minute. this is ruining our democracy. what we're finding is that so many republicans are so scared to stand up for democracy in the constitution because they want to stay in power, and of course let trump rule this republican party. and even after he's long gone, you know, if he doesn't win in 2024 or whatever happens, he has permeated this party. i'm seeing it here in virginia. we have a big governor's race coming up. i'm seeing it all over the country. republicans are willing to throw away their own in order to maintain power, especially when these conspiracy theories that we're seeing all over. >> it even goes beyond conspiracy theories. that's just crazy a trump lawyer saying that the vice president could gavel in the president. i want to ask you about the swing voters, those who voted for trump in 2016 and biden in 2020. in contrast to the majority of republicans responding to polls, none of these voters falsely believes the 2020 election was stolen. none say they regret their 2020 vote. while they may be disappointed in biden, they absolutely rule out voting for trump if he runs for president again. what do you make of that, and are you hearing similar sentiments? >> well, that's the teeny sliver that won the election essentially for joe biden and the sliver that won the election that decides american presidential elections, and what i've heard from trump supporters who don't buy into the conspiracies but they are not happy with the election result, they blame it on the irregularities in terms of people being able to vote more easily because there was a pandemic, and that without the crazy situation of the pandemic, donald trump still would have won and joe biden would have -- so that's more the -- i guess you could say the talking point that i hear when someone isn't a conspiracy theorist, just that the crazy circumstances swung in joe biden's favor because of the pandemic, and that situation will not be around in 2024. >> okay. and stay tuned, everybody. good to see you both, ladies, thank you so much. even if you've never heard of the national women's soccer league, you probably know some of its bigger stars. now there is disturbing off the field trouble, and up next, the shocking allegations that have forced the league to suspend all of this weekend's games. got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> i do think that most of the weight of this does have to fall on the nwsl as the actual front office running the league. >> reporter: the national women's soccer league says it's launching an investigation immediately into what happened and has set up an anonymous

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