Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson : comp

Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson

more charges, including possibly hate crimes. we are watching that we are also watching on the hill senators getting their chance to question dr. fauci and other top health officials who are warning of another potential spike in covid cases. >> it really is going to be a race between the vaccine and the potential -- >> new reporting from the white house, president bind could meet his goal of 100 million vaccine shots in 100 days as soon as today. plus, we are live on the border with details about a dispute with mexico, when it comes to dealing with the surge there, we will hear from house speaker nancy pelosi as well as latino lawmakers in about 30 minutes or so ahead of some key votes today on immigration reform. we will have an exclusive interview right here, my virtual sitdown with top women on the white house, with news on the relief law, how to make sure moms aren't left behind and what to do about the senate filibuster. >> kate, be clear, how far is the president willing to go? specifically, will he be comfortable rolling back that 60-vote threshold? >> well -- >> good morning, it is good to be back with you. i'm hallie jackson in washington along with our nbc news team, we are following that hearing on anti-asian hate in this country. blayne alexander is in atlanta. there the a lot developing in the last couple minutes. including news that president biden is making this a part of his focus when he goes down to georgia tomorrow. leeanne, let me start with you. the backdrop is that surge in ain't deadly violence. police have not ruled out hate a. committee says this is the first time in decades congress has held a hearing on this issue. what are lawmakers hoping to accomplish here? >> halle, that's right. this is the first time the committee has held a hearing like this in such a long time and this hearing was planned long before what happened in atlanta. but it is planned because of the increase and hate crimes against asian americans. we're going to hear from three members of congress, one senator, all asian, including tammy duckworth of illinois and also actor daniel dae kim. he will have a stinging testimony, where he calls out republicans according to his opening statement for 164 republicans voting against a resolution last year condemning violence against asian americans. so this is a hearing that other leaders in the asian american community are also going to be testifying on. it is extremely timely, halle. >> leeanne, thank you. jolene kent, let me go to you. we are just getting news confirmed by the white house that the president and vice president will meet with asian leaders when they head to georgia tomorrow. talk about what needs to be said and what those leaders, themselves, want to say to the people who are running this country right now. >> hey, halle, good morning, as you reported, this trip was originally planned to tout the covid-19 relief bill. now that's starting to be adjusted according to our white house team. both the vice president and the president will be meeting with asian community leaders in atlanta to offer their support after tuesday's atlanta shooting, where eight people were killed. six people of asian dissent. so when you look at what the community wants to hear, it definitely goes beyond just words. we have been hearing from the representative judy chu who said this the all about action steps going forward. it's something you may also see reflected in the house judiciary hearing today. but i can tell you, the community nationwide is looking for more than just support, which the president and vice president have previously offered. not just yesterday but also in the first days of this administration. and the idea here is that there is so much pain and anxiety and fear for not just people's lives but their livelihoods, business owners saying they are taking a huge hit on the bottom line. they're having to hear for the safety of their workers and make adjustments just to survive this pandemic, which has become a pair of viruses for the asian american community. if you look at the data, you can see why the asian american community is looking for more support regardless of what the current motive and state of investigation is in atlanta. >> right. >> three in ten, more than three in ten people, asian people, haven't subject to slurs and racial epithets. that's more than any other racial group according to puig research. so when you look at the broader picture here, they're looking for action. >> and, obviously, this is a story line that we have been talking about for weeks, you guys. now, it's something more to the forefront given what has happened in atlanta. there has been no official motive named by authorities here. bring us up to speed with the suspect now charged with murder in the shootings in atlanta, when do we expect to see them in court? what are your latest forces, whether additional charges, like maybe hate crimes, could be on the way? >> reporter: and, i want to pick up on that very point where you and joe left off. that's talking about the potential motive. you know, law enforcement have said all along, it's still too early to kind of determine the motive. overnight, we got a strongly-worded statement from atlanta police, essentially underscoring that point, making it clear the investigation is still very much in the early stages and that they are still continuing to dig into what motivated this shooting and saying they have not ruled anything out. that means race has not been ruled out as a factor as well. all of that, of course, comes after we watched that news conference about 24 hours ago now where we heard officials from the other jurisdiction handling this, the cheer key county sheriffs office sharing the incite vaguely and speaking with the suspects, themselves. and the spokesperson saying, you know, in the suspect words, essentially, that he was not motivated by race but, instead, had a sexual addiction, saw these places of temptation that he wanted to eliminate. so, we saw that statement come out from apv there. as for the question of hate crimes, that is certainly something that will be continued to be investigated. i will say, yes, a number of people, nine people were shot. there is one survivor. we understand that that person is still in stable condition in the hospital, so, certainly, investigators will be speaking with that person, trying to understand what, if anything, the alleged shooter said when he walked into the spa on tuesday. what was done, if there were any sort of acts, anything to give a clue into his mindset when the suspect opened fire, halle. >> blayne alexander, jolene kent, leeanne caldwell, thank you. we will be staying on this story later in the show, looking at the intersection of frankly race and misogyny. that's a little bit, the hearing lee anne tee'd up on anti-asian hate. to hear from top u.s. officials on the covid response with the biden administration. we are learning this morning, ready, it seems to hit one of their self-set milestones as early as today in the fight against the virus, getting 100 million shots in arms in 100 days. kelly o'donnell is outside the white house. garrett, let me start with you. ahead of the hearing this morning, dr. fauci says she concerned the u.s. could end up facing another wave of this virus like they have in europe. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. that's one of the topics dr. fauci will be pressed on. health and education, expect to hear questions for faup and these other public health officials on things like the best beth methods to reopen schools. how children who are eligible are taking the vaccine and there is that warning as has been the case through much of the last year, europe is often a little bit ahead of where the united states is, in the progress of the virus and dr. fauci warning this morning on the "today" show, that if we're not careful, we could follow them into another very trouble round of potential lockdowns. here's what he said this morning. >> if you pull back on public health measures when you have a high background dynamics, the virus in the community, there is the risk that are you going to rebound. this is exactly what happened in europe. that generally three or four weeks ahead of us in the dynamics of their outbreak. they saw the same thing. they plateaued and then they started to take off. >> reporter: that said, those vaccine pictures, very different in the united states and in europe. and i expect you will hear dr. fauci pressed on that is well by republicans on the panel who have been urging the government to move faster in the reopening direction, halle. >> kelly, let me go to you at the white house. you are hearing reportings about the president at the white house reaching their self-set goal of 100 million vaccinations in 100 days. that may be something we hear from the president and his theme in the coming hours. right? >> reporter: well, the president has planned this afternoon a status of vaccines event and we don't know if he'll be able to unveil this achieved goal at that time, but the u.s. is inching closer. the president had said he thought he might hit the 100 million mark in 60 days. after first setting a goal that many have said was a goal meant to be quite achievable of 100 million in 100 days. and at a rate of 2-to-3 million vaccine shots given each day, the u.s. is inching closer and closer. so it's possible that it will fall within the window that the president could talk about this, this afternoon. in the big sweep of things, of course, this is an achievement, an important step forward and is a part of getting the u.s. to herd immunity and getting acceptance of vaccines to spread more broadly. still a long way to go to achieve herd immurnths especially with children not yet eligible for vaccines. but this is one of those data points that the white house has certainly been looking towards and at times you have heard president biden say that people thought it was too big a goal. that quickly was deemed to be something that based on the access to supply and the ramp-up of vaccinators and locations to distribute the shots that the pace has picked up dramatically. so it is kind of getting close now and within the two-to-three million today, it could happen today. when we learn it has, we will bring it to you. it seems like good planning on the part of the white house to put a status of vaccines event on the schedule for today. halle. >> kelly o'donnell, peeling back the curtain for us. >> thank you. >> garrett haig, appreciate that. the trial of a former police officer charged in the death of george floyd. we now know when the judge will rule on the defense's demand to delay the trial. we will take you to the latest as jury selection picks back up, later, an msnbc exclusive. my interview with three advisers, dubbing themselves the com moms making sure working women are not left behind in this pandemic. >> there are more moms working in this white house in so many different roles people don't know, right, the chief council is a mom. the cabinet affairs secretary is a mom. we're kind of dominating in here, it's a dominating force in this building. it's something we talk about in the hallways and the oval office. it is integrated in a way, i don't know it's ever been this way before at senior levels in the white house. at senior leven the white house. was that your grandfather, paving the way for change. did they brave mother nature... and walk away stronger? 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>> he believes the american people are smart, they're invested in this, they will pay attention and they know corporations do not need to raise the cost of goods in order to pay more taxes and their fair share. >> kate, the president is on the road, down the road selling his american rescue plan to americans. there are other things that you want to accomplish with congress. that could be hard given the filibuster. kate, be clear, how far is the president willing to go? specifically? would he be comfortable rolling back that threshold? >> what the president is not willing to do is to allow progress and to allow benefits to the american people be held hostage in the process. so there will be complications. there will be conversations. and he is opened to hearing different ideas. at the end of the day, his goal is to make sure we can get things done for the american people as we open to a discussion. >> it sound like what i am hearing you say is the door is not shut for the potential for the president to throw his weight and support behind eliminating that 60-vote threshold, is that fair? >> he said many times, that's not his preference. that's not his preference. but he is interested in the conversations that are happening. there are a lot of different ideas out there. he again, as he said yesterday, he's opened up to reinvestigator to the talking filibuster. so he's opened to the conversation. preference? s it is to work in a bipartisan manner. he thinks we are better served working across the aisle. that is always going to be his preference. she opened to ideas. we will see how that conversation develops. >> one of the areas is child expertings, they say it will lift half of the kids in post right now out of poverty. how much muscle president biden willing to put behind making sure this tax credit becomes permanent next year in a mid-term year when he may have other issues or priorities on his plate? >> a lot of muscle. that's because he believes that the child tax credit, he wanted to have it in the package is a way that can help families, working moms. we all know, you know, you've covered this, the impact that the pandemic on so many working moms out there who have pulled themselves out of the work force, who have taken a step back from their career ladders and trajectorys. he recognizes and the vice president has done a lot of work on this as well that this is one of the ways that he can help bring relief to some of these families. so we don't know what the vehicle will be quite yet. but this is something he talked about on the campaign trail. he certainly wants to find a way to make sure this relief is helping working moms and families and dads as well down the road. >> how do you do that? what is the vehicle? >> we can walk and chew gum at the same time over here. certainly our legislative team can. we are working on programs that those will be happening and will pick up in the weeks and months again. >> jen makes a point, there are a hospital of things to be done, the women pout of the force work. one of the projections is 3.2 million women in the national law center left the force since the the start of this pandemic. >> you are right. we have been through a hard time. the american people this past we're have lost so much, whether it's the pandemic. then you have the economic crisis, both compounded together. we've lost as you mentioned women in the work force. i want to go back to the american rescue plan. because there is so much there in that piece of now piece of law that really helps so many, that's going to help so many families. you know, if you think about even the black family, the black communities who many have faced a breath of this pandemic and economic crisis. you know, you think about the 34%, it's going to reduce 34% of poverty when you look at black families. and so many other families across the country. >> kate, when you go and talk to the president, how much do you bring your personal experience in the meetings with him? >> across the course of the campaign, it would be meetings on zoom. you would talk about how difficult it is for people who are struggling and he would say, he said to me once, think about how hard it is for people who can't work over zoom? think how lucky you are, you can work over zoom. sure, is it tough to juggle with your kids there? sure. think of how it is for somebody that doesn't have that luxury. i am so sorry i have to run. they are calling me over at the oval, i have to go. i appreciate it. >> thank you. i will hold you for another two minutes. we have the same question to both of you. >> somebody gave me advice being fearless about your time so i'm trying to do that. i try to leave every friday at 5:00 or 5:30 to go home and feed with my kids. i would say to answer your question, yes, it's ine incorporated every day. there are a lot of issues, the reopening of schools, that's one. my friends and neighbors when i talk to them, they say, are schools going to be reopened? when are they going to be reopened? how do schools know if they will be reopened? certainly i raise that integrated into conversations i have, in policy discussion preps with the president as well. because he also likes to know what people are saying about things so this is a, as kate was saying, our own experience of integrating it into conversations and preps and the table just looks very different now than even ten years ago, right, or even 15 years ago around a hospital of these discussion. that's a very good thing. >> i think about when i was a kid. when i was a kid, if i was living in this pandemic with the family, with my family, we didn't have much. right. so you think about these nutrition and housing assistance that's in the american rescue plan. it's going to help so many people. the snap, expanding snap. you think about if the school wasn't opened, i don't know what my parents would have done. so there is thing here to really think about what the american people have been going through, for this past year. and some of them are in poverty. right. so all of this, you have to really take account into the checks component. how that's affecting people and also the pandemic and the science of it. these are two things that we've never seen before together compounded. >> your predecessors also had children and working women in the white house that had kids. when you look at the trump administration and where we are in the fight again covid, do you anticipate the president giving his predecessor more credit on that front, if you will, for getting this country to where we are at this point? >> well, he actually gave the science to the medical experts who were under the purview of the trump administration a great deal of credit and did throughout when there were developments announced during the transition. i think it's hard to know and tell what the impact will be if president trump is coming out earlier this week and you know saying that people should take their vaccine. by all means, he thinks, i talked to him about this on the trip. it's a good thing. it's not unhelpful. we don't know what the impact will be. >> you and him were happy to hear from from former president trump? >> sure. we don't know what the impact will be. right? what we seen in our data is it's not even president biden and former president trump. it is medical experts, doctors, civic leaders, clergy, others who people know in their community. everybody held hands and said kum baya, everybody take the vaccine. it's safe and effective. that's great. but you know, there is also lots of tactics and strategies we have to use here to make it happen. >> some news there our thanks, to them for that conversation. we will have more online. be sure to check out our twitter page for that. coming up here on this show, thousands of migrants arriving at the southern border trying to cross into the u.s., gabe gutierrez met with some of them overnight, hi, gabe. >> reporter: hi, we're here along the texas southern border and this is that so-called new wall where it was halted during the bind administration. overnight, we met unaccompanied minors, hear why they say they made the journey coming up after the break. journey coming up afr the break. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> reporter: yeah, halle, the biden administration has been saying and trying to say loudly that the boarder is closed, they're only allowing in those unaccompanied minors and earn else, single individuals, family units are largely being expelled. as we have been here in mccallum texas, this is the epicenter of that surge in migrants with we have watched buses full of dozens of migrant families, drop them off right here, right here where i am standing, where they largely will wind up going to a shelter with sister norah, catholic charities or some get on a fwus or a plane from here. so why is this happening? officials say this is not a major substantive policy shift. right now, migrant families with children under the age of 6 are being allowed to come into the u.s. because mexico is no longer taking them. they will not allow the u.s. to expel families with children under the age of 6-years-old. we are told because of capacity issues. sister norma, who has been work on this for many years now tells me she started to see this change around the time joe biden was inaugurated. earlier. secretary myorka said mexico's limited capacity has strained our resources, including in the rio grande valley area of texas. when mexico's capacity is reached, we process the families and place them in immigration proceedings here in the united states. we also reached out to the white house on this. we asked, what exactly they're addressing with mexico in order to change this issue. we were told they're not going to comment on their specific exchanges with the country. but to note that these families, who are being processed here, they're not necessarily going to be allowed to statement we did get access to sister norma's shelter, we did see a lot of young mothers with young children, sister norma tells us within the last few weeks, she's had as many as 600 sheltering there. everything we are hearing those on the ground involved here expect the numbers to increase in the coming weeks. >> dasha, thanks. gabe, over to you. this past night as of this morning, you were encountering a group of mike grants, right, as they were crossing the rio grande, right? >> yeah, that's right, actually mission statistics not too far from mccallen, where dasha s. overnight we rode along. they assist in the night hours and alert them if they come across any of those migrants. customs and border protection at the federal level has been repeatedly denying those ride along requests. so we went along with local officials. as you see there, we ran across a group of unaccompanied minors late last night. they had emerged from the brush and they were exhausted. we just spoke with several of them. they're 15, 16, 17-years-old. all from guatemala. they say they took two, three, four weeks to get to the united states. we asked them if they had any idea about the changes in the bind administration, in terms of policy for unaccompanied minors coming to the u.s., they said they had no idea. they said they were coming to the united states because they wanted a better life for themselves and it was too dangerous in guatemala. and, halle, that is one of the key questions in the border debate right now, republicans, as you know, making the issue that they're arguing that this is a change in the biden administration policy that is fueling this surge. we heard the same from some of the local officials we talked with. however, i did speak with those migrants as you heard right there. all the once i spoex spoke with. granted, a small sample told me they did not know about the change in policies, that they were coming here because of the situation in their home country of guatemala but, again, that is something that will play out over the coming weeks and months. how much of this is due necessarily to the biden administration in policy. there have been quite a few, not just the trump administration, also the obama, the bush administration, really the numbers were incredibly high in the early '90, way back in the clinton administration as one official told me, at the border, the more things change, the more they stay the same. halle. >> gabe gutierrez, great reporting there in mission, texas. gabe, dash sha, thank you to you both, coming up next, the suspect in the atlanta shooting spree dienst allegations, why racism and sexism must be considered in this murder case. considered in this murder case v. our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. here you go, let me help you. hi mr. charles, we made you dinner. ahh, thank you! ready to eat? 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so far, investigators say it is too early to determine a motive in the deadly shooting spree in the atlanta area. for what it's worth, the shooter denies being motivated by race. he says he was motivated by addiction and carried out the heinous crimes to stop his addiction. they argue the shooter's own reasoning is even rooted in the historic fetishization and hyper sexualization of asian women, which paid theme hugely acceptable. they put it this way. y acceptable they put it this way killing asian american women to eliminate a man's temptation spaex to the history of the objectification of asian and asian american women as variations. i want to speak to the reporter that wrote that piece. kimmie young. good morning. >> thank you so much for having me, halle. >> listen, if we had hours or maybe days, we can answer this question. can you talk more about how many of the attacks against asian american women including this one can be traced back to those long perpetuated stereotypes? >> right. in this country, there has been this prevailing stereotype that asian women are sexually deviant, semisive, docile. a lot of these stereotypes make it so there is this idea that we are easy to target. we are specifically. we are uniquely vulnerable to a lot of these attacks. and this perception has been going on since we've really entered the u.s., you know, over a century ago. centuries ago. you know, it's really been shaped by so many different factors, including legal code, policy, america's history of imperialism, kind of this prevailing culture that's confirmed it. historians kind of trace it all the way back the one of the first exclusionary policies of, it was called the paige act, which actually barred asian women from coming into you know the country on the basis of whether they had high moral character and a lot of these cases, immigration officers used their judgment to not let them into the country. so you know, there are long, long roots. >> and that speaks, we showed a graphic of your reporting on this, that speaks to how much this is rooted in history, quite frankly, this is not a new phenomenon. this is something that has been around for decade, if not centuries. >> right. you know, in addition to even these exclusionary immigration policies, we see this go into, you know, the 20th sinr century. i talked to historian ellen blue. she says they were further confirmed when the u.s. got into wars in the asia-pacific region in the philippines, in japan, in korea, in vietnam. you know, as the u.s. kind of indulged in these imperial ambitions, many of these countries got, you know, wrecked, got destroyed and in that time, a lot of the women had a really difficult time dealing with a lot destruction that was around them. and so she stresses a lot of the ideas around sex work that people have around asian women in those countries, they come from this yearning for survival because of u.s. imperial expansion. >> there's also a cultural component as well. movies and tv and you are pointing to the 1987 film "full metal jacket," perpetuating the stereotype of women as sexual deviants. can you talk about how harmful this is for asian american women? fast forward to 2021. what has to happen for a reckoning on this? >> yeah. even when we talk about asian women -- there talking about these spas, you can see that in a lot of the media descriptions -- even a lot of the jokes on twitter, i think i saw so many of them make this, quote, happy ending jokes. i think that's a sign that the immediate association that people have with asian women is this very harmful hyper fetish, sexualized idea that women are objects. we even -- we see this today even. it's crazy that the day of the shooting, i actually published a piece about hate incidents that asian americans have been dealing with. a new report said that 3,800 incidents had occurred in the course of a 12-month -- roughly 12-month span and 68% of respondents were women. 29% is a far lower share, were men. in speaking with experts, they stressed that same idea, that asian women are easy to -- especially easy to, quote, concur or target. i think that really plays into it. we do still see a lot of this idea today. going forward, a lot of other activists and experts stress that culture plays a huge role in untangling a lot of this and making sure that we don't confirm a lot of these stereotypes going forward. >> it's excellent reporting. i comment folks to to read your piece. coming up, the new covid passport, an exclusive look at what might be in store for you on your next international flight. debbie dingell talked about the violence against women anth against violence act and opens up about her own personal experience with domestic violence. the new epson ecotank. just fill and chill. if you wanna be a winner then get a turkey footlong from subway®. that's oven roasted turkey. piled high with crisp veggies. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance footlong, get one 50% off. so you only pay for what you need? 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>> absolutely safe. there are no databases. all the information is on the consumer's electronic device. the consumer decides who and when to share it. >> reporter: on board, a lot has changed. uv robots disinfect seats before boarding. this is new, the outfits. staff in futue is in thermal outfits. >> we have a system that's international recognized similar to your passport. >> reporter: to be clear, it's not the airlines that have come up with the restrictions. it's the individual countries who set the standards. the aviation industry in general is actually quite reluctant to create any additional barriers to travel. they are doing this to try to get international travel moving again. we don't expect to see travel pass or any covid passports for domestic flights in the u.s. if you are heading overseas, this could be in your future. >> thank you. thanks to you for watching this hour of msnbc live. craig melvin picks up our coverage. good thursday morning to you. this hour, we are keeping a close eye on fast moving events. a big change for the man charged with murder in the shooting deaths of eight people at atlanta area spas. he was supposed to be in court an hour from now. it was pushed back. we will go to atlanta to find out why. and to learn more about the eight victims. six are of asian descent. one of the witnesses,

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Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Hallie Jackson

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more charges, including possibly hate crimes. we are watching that we are also watching on the hill senators getting their chance to question dr. fauci and other top health officials who are warning of another potential spike in covid cases. >> it really is going to be a race between the vaccine and the potential -- >> new reporting from the white house, president bind could meet his goal of 100 million vaccine shots in 100 days as soon as today. plus, we are live on the border with details about a dispute with mexico, when it comes to dealing with the surge there, we will hear from house speaker nancy pelosi as well as latino lawmakers in about 30 minutes or so ahead of some key votes today on immigration reform. we will have an exclusive interview right here, my virtual sitdown with top women on the white house, with news on the relief law, how to make sure moms aren't left behind and what to do about the senate filibuster. >> kate, be clear, how far is the president willing to go? specifically, will he be comfortable rolling back that 60-vote threshold? >> well -- >> good morning, it is good to be back with you. i'm hallie jackson in washington along with our nbc news team, we are following that hearing on anti-asian hate in this country. blayne alexander is in atlanta. there the a lot developing in the last couple minutes. including news that president biden is making this a part of his focus when he goes down to georgia tomorrow. leeanne, let me start with you. the backdrop is that surge in ain't deadly violence. police have not ruled out hate a. committee says this is the first time in decades congress has held a hearing on this issue. what are lawmakers hoping to accomplish here? >> halle, that's right. this is the first time the committee has held a hearing like this in such a long time and this hearing was planned long before what happened in atlanta. but it is planned because of the increase and hate crimes against asian americans. we're going to hear from three members of congress, one senator, all asian, including tammy duckworth of illinois and also actor daniel dae kim. he will have a stinging testimony, where he calls out republicans according to his opening statement for 164 republicans voting against a resolution last year condemning violence against asian americans. so this is a hearing that other leaders in the asian american community are also going to be testifying on. it is extremely timely, halle. >> leeanne, thank you. jolene kent, let me go to you. we are just getting news confirmed by the white house that the president and vice president will meet with asian leaders when they head to georgia tomorrow. talk about what needs to be said and what those leaders, themselves, want to say to the people who are running this country right now. >> hey, halle, good morning, as you reported, this trip was originally planned to tout the covid-19 relief bill. now that's starting to be adjusted according to our white house team. both the vice president and the president will be meeting with asian community leaders in atlanta to offer their support after tuesday's atlanta shooting, where eight people were killed. six people of asian dissent. so when you look at what the community wants to hear, it definitely goes beyond just words. we have been hearing from the representative judy chu who said this the all about action steps going forward. it's something you may also see reflected in the house judiciary hearing today. but i can tell you, the community nationwide is looking for more than just support, which the president and vice president have previously offered. not just yesterday but also in the first days of this administration. and the idea here is that there is so much pain and anxiety and fear for not just people's lives but their livelihoods, business owners saying they are taking a huge hit on the bottom line. they're having to hear for the safety of their workers and make adjustments just to survive this pandemic, which has become a pair of viruses for the asian american community. if you look at the data, you can see why the asian american community is looking for more support regardless of what the current motive and state of investigation is in atlanta. >> right. >> three in ten, more than three in ten people, asian people, haven't subject to slurs and racial epithets. that's more than any other racial group according to puig research. so when you look at the broader picture here, they're looking for action. >> and, obviously, this is a story line that we have been talking about for weeks, you guys. now, it's something more to the forefront given what has happened in atlanta. there has been no official motive named by authorities here. bring us up to speed with the suspect now charged with murder in the shootings in atlanta, when do we expect to see them in court? what are your latest forces, whether additional charges, like maybe hate crimes, could be on the way? >> reporter: and, i want to pick up on that very point where you and joe left off. that's talking about the potential motive. you know, law enforcement have said all along, it's still too early to kind of determine the motive. overnight, we got a strongly-worded statement from atlanta police, essentially underscoring that point, making it clear the investigation is still very much in the early stages and that they are still continuing to dig into what motivated this shooting and saying they have not ruled anything out. that means race has not been ruled out as a factor as well. all of that, of course, comes after we watched that news conference about 24 hours ago now where we heard officials from the other jurisdiction handling this, the cheer key county sheriffs office sharing the incite vaguely and speaking with the suspects, themselves. and the spokesperson saying, you know, in the suspect words, essentially, that he was not motivated by race but, instead, had a sexual addiction, saw these places of temptation that he wanted to eliminate. so, we saw that statement come out from apv there. as for the question of hate crimes, that is certainly something that will be continued to be investigated. i will say, yes, a number of people, nine people were shot. there is one survivor. we understand that that person is still in stable condition in the hospital, so, certainly, investigators will be speaking with that person, trying to understand what, if anything, the alleged shooter said when he walked into the spa on tuesday. what was done, if there were any sort of acts, anything to give a clue into his mindset when the suspect opened fire, halle. >> blayne alexander, jolene kent, leeanne caldwell, thank you. we will be staying on this story later in the show, looking at the intersection of frankly race and misogyny. that's a little bit, the hearing lee anne tee'd up on anti-asian hate. to hear from top u.s. officials on the covid response with the biden administration. we are learning this morning, ready, it seems to hit one of their self-set milestones as early as today in the fight against the virus, getting 100 million shots in arms in 100 days. kelly o'donnell is outside the white house. garrett, let me start with you. ahead of the hearing this morning, dr. fauci says she concerned the u.s. could end up facing another wave of this virus like they have in europe. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. that's one of the topics dr. fauci will be pressed on. health and education, expect to hear questions for faup and these other public health officials on things like the best beth methods to reopen schools. how children who are eligible are taking the vaccine and there is that warning as has been the case through much of the last year, europe is often a little bit ahead of where the united states is, in the progress of the virus and dr. fauci warning this morning on the "today" show, that if we're not careful, we could follow them into another very trouble round of potential lockdowns. here's what he said this morning. >> if you pull back on public health measures when you have a high background dynamics, the virus in the community, there is the risk that are you going to rebound. this is exactly what happened in europe. that generally three or four weeks ahead of us in the dynamics of their outbreak. they saw the same thing. they plateaued and then they started to take off. >> reporter: that said, those vaccine pictures, very different in the united states and in europe. and i expect you will hear dr. fauci pressed on that is well by republicans on the panel who have been urging the government to move faster in the reopening direction, halle. >> kelly, let me go to you at the white house. you are hearing reportings about the president at the white house reaching their self-set goal of 100 million vaccinations in 100 days. that may be something we hear from the president and his theme in the coming hours. right? >> reporter: well, the president has planned this afternoon a status of vaccines event and we don't know if he'll be able to unveil this achieved goal at that time, but the u.s. is inching closer. the president had said he thought he might hit the 100 million mark in 60 days. after first setting a goal that many have said was a goal meant to be quite achievable of 100 million in 100 days. and at a rate of 2-to-3 million vaccine shots given each day, the u.s. is inching closer and closer. so it's possible that it will fall within the window that the president could talk about this, this afternoon. in the big sweep of things, of course, this is an achievement, an important step forward and is a part of getting the u.s. to herd immunity and getting acceptance of vaccines to spread more broadly. still a long way to go to achieve herd immurnths especially with children not yet eligible for vaccines. but this is one of those data points that the white house has certainly been looking towards and at times you have heard president biden say that people thought it was too big a goal. that quickly was deemed to be something that based on the access to supply and the ramp-up of vaccinators and locations to distribute the shots that the pace has picked up dramatically. so it is kind of getting close now and within the two-to-three million today, it could happen today. when we learn it has, we will bring it to you. it seems like good planning on the part of the white house to put a status of vaccines event on the schedule for today. halle. >> kelly o'donnell, peeling back the curtain for us. >> thank you. >> garrett haig, appreciate that. the trial of a former police officer charged in the death of george floyd. we now know when the judge will rule on the defense's demand to delay the trial. we will take you to the latest as jury selection picks back up, later, an msnbc exclusive. my interview with three advisers, dubbing themselves the com moms making sure working women are not left behind in this pandemic. >> there are more moms working in this white house in so many different roles people don't know, right, the chief council is a mom. the cabinet affairs secretary is a mom. we're kind of dominating in here, it's a dominating force in this building. it's something we talk about in the hallways and the oval office. it is integrated in a way, i don't know it's ever been this way before at senior levels in the white house. at senior leven the white house. was that your grandfather, paving the way for change. did they brave mother nature... and walk away stronger? 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>> he believes the american people are smart, they're invested in this, they will pay attention and they know corporations do not need to raise the cost of goods in order to pay more taxes and their fair share. >> kate, the president is on the road, down the road selling his american rescue plan to americans. there are other things that you want to accomplish with congress. that could be hard given the filibuster. kate, be clear, how far is the president willing to go? specifically? would he be comfortable rolling back that threshold? >> what the president is not willing to do is to allow progress and to allow benefits to the american people be held hostage in the process. so there will be complications. there will be conversations. and he is opened to hearing different ideas. at the end of the day, his goal is to make sure we can get things done for the american people as we open to a discussion. >> it sound like what i am hearing you say is the door is not shut for the potential for the president to throw his weight and support behind eliminating that 60-vote threshold, is that fair? >> he said many times, that's not his preference. that's not his preference. but he is interested in the conversations that are happening. there are a lot of different ideas out there. he again, as he said yesterday, he's opened up to reinvestigator to the talking filibuster. so he's opened to the conversation. preference? s it is to work in a bipartisan manner. he thinks we are better served working across the aisle. that is always going to be his preference. she opened to ideas. we will see how that conversation develops. >> one of the areas is child expertings, they say it will lift half of the kids in post right now out of poverty. how much muscle president biden willing to put behind making sure this tax credit becomes permanent next year in a mid-term year when he may have other issues or priorities on his plate? >> a lot of muscle. that's because he believes that the child tax credit, he wanted to have it in the package is a way that can help families, working moms. we all know, you know, you've covered this, the impact that the pandemic on so many working moms out there who have pulled themselves out of the work force, who have taken a step back from their career ladders and trajectorys. he recognizes and the vice president has done a lot of work on this as well that this is one of the ways that he can help bring relief to some of these families. so we don't know what the vehicle will be quite yet. but this is something he talked about on the campaign trail. he certainly wants to find a way to make sure this relief is helping working moms and families and dads as well down the road. >> how do you do that? what is the vehicle? >> we can walk and chew gum at the same time over here. certainly our legislative team can. we are working on programs that those will be happening and will pick up in the weeks and months again. >> jen makes a point, there are a hospital of things to be done, the women pout of the force work. one of the projections is 3.2 million women in the national law center left the force since the the start of this pandemic. >> you are right. we have been through a hard time. the american people this past we're have lost so much, whether it's the pandemic. then you have the economic crisis, both compounded together. we've lost as you mentioned women in the work force. i want to go back to the american rescue plan. because there is so much there in that piece of now piece of law that really helps so many, that's going to help so many families. you know, if you think about even the black family, the black communities who many have faced a breath of this pandemic and economic crisis. you know, you think about the 34%, it's going to reduce 34% of poverty when you look at black families. and so many other families across the country. >> kate, when you go and talk to the president, how much do you bring your personal experience in the meetings with him? >> across the course of the campaign, it would be meetings on zoom. you would talk about how difficult it is for people who are struggling and he would say, he said to me once, think about how hard it is for people who can't work over zoom? think how lucky you are, you can work over zoom. sure, is it tough to juggle with your kids there? sure. think of how it is for somebody that doesn't have that luxury. i am so sorry i have to run. they are calling me over at the oval, i have to go. i appreciate it. >> thank you. i will hold you for another two minutes. we have the same question to both of you. >> somebody gave me advice being fearless about your time so i'm trying to do that. i try to leave every friday at 5:00 or 5:30 to go home and feed with my kids. i would say to answer your question, yes, it's ine incorporated every day. there are a lot of issues, the reopening of schools, that's one. my friends and neighbors when i talk to them, they say, are schools going to be reopened? when are they going to be reopened? how do schools know if they will be reopened? certainly i raise that integrated into conversations i have, in policy discussion preps with the president as well. because he also likes to know what people are saying about things so this is a, as kate was saying, our own experience of integrating it into conversations and preps and the table just looks very different now than even ten years ago, right, or even 15 years ago around a hospital of these discussion. that's a very good thing. >> i think about when i was a kid. when i was a kid, if i was living in this pandemic with the family, with my family, we didn't have much. right. so you think about these nutrition and housing assistance that's in the american rescue plan. it's going to help so many people. the snap, expanding snap. you think about if the school wasn't opened, i don't know what my parents would have done. so there is thing here to really think about what the american people have been going through, for this past year. and some of them are in poverty. right. so all of this, you have to really take account into the checks component. how that's affecting people and also the pandemic and the science of it. these are two things that we've never seen before together compounded. >> your predecessors also had children and working women in the white house that had kids. when you look at the trump administration and where we are in the fight again covid, do you anticipate the president giving his predecessor more credit on that front, if you will, for getting this country to where we are at this point? >> well, he actually gave the science to the medical experts who were under the purview of the trump administration a great deal of credit and did throughout when there were developments announced during the transition. i think it's hard to know and tell what the impact will be if president trump is coming out earlier this week and you know saying that people should take their vaccine. by all means, he thinks, i talked to him about this on the trip. it's a good thing. it's not unhelpful. we don't know what the impact will be. >> you and him were happy to hear from from former president trump? >> sure. we don't know what the impact will be. right? what we seen in our data is it's not even president biden and former president trump. it is medical experts, doctors, civic leaders, clergy, others who people know in their community. everybody held hands and said kum baya, everybody take the vaccine. it's safe and effective. that's great. but you know, there is also lots of tactics and strategies we have to use here to make it happen. >> some news there our thanks, to them for that conversation. we will have more online. be sure to check out our twitter page for that. coming up here on this show, thousands of migrants arriving at the southern border trying to cross into the u.s., gabe gutierrez met with some of them overnight, hi, gabe. >> reporter: hi, we're here along the texas southern border and this is that so-called new wall where it was halted during the bind administration. overnight, we met unaccompanied minors, hear why they say they made the journey coming up after the break. journey coming up afr the break. metamucil psyllium fiber, gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. it also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic metamucil. support your daily digestive health. and try metamucil fiber thins. a great tasting and easy way to start your day. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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>> reporter: yeah, halle, the biden administration has been saying and trying to say loudly that the boarder is closed, they're only allowing in those unaccompanied minors and earn else, single individuals, family units are largely being expelled. as we have been here in mccallum texas, this is the epicenter of that surge in migrants with we have watched buses full of dozens of migrant families, drop them off right here, right here where i am standing, where they largely will wind up going to a shelter with sister norah, catholic charities or some get on a fwus or a plane from here. so why is this happening? officials say this is not a major substantive policy shift. right now, migrant families with children under the age of 6 are being allowed to come into the u.s. because mexico is no longer taking them. they will not allow the u.s. to expel families with children under the age of 6-years-old. we are told because of capacity issues. sister norma, who has been work on this for many years now tells me she started to see this change around the time joe biden was inaugurated. earlier. secretary myorka said mexico's limited capacity has strained our resources, including in the rio grande valley area of texas. when mexico's capacity is reached, we process the families and place them in immigration proceedings here in the united states. we also reached out to the white house on this. we asked, what exactly they're addressing with mexico in order to change this issue. we were told they're not going to comment on their specific exchanges with the country. but to note that these families, who are being processed here, they're not necessarily going to be allowed to statement we did get access to sister norma's shelter, we did see a lot of young mothers with young children, sister norma tells us within the last few weeks, she's had as many as 600 sheltering there. everything we are hearing those on the ground involved here expect the numbers to increase in the coming weeks. >> dasha, thanks. gabe, over to you. this past night as of this morning, you were encountering a group of mike grants, right, as they were crossing the rio grande, right? >> yeah, that's right, actually mission statistics not too far from mccallen, where dasha s. overnight we rode along. they assist in the night hours and alert them if they come across any of those migrants. customs and border protection at the federal level has been repeatedly denying those ride along requests. so we went along with local officials. as you see there, we ran across a group of unaccompanied minors late last night. they had emerged from the brush and they were exhausted. we just spoke with several of them. they're 15, 16, 17-years-old. all from guatemala. they say they took two, three, four weeks to get to the united states. we asked them if they had any idea about the changes in the bind administration, in terms of policy for unaccompanied minors coming to the u.s., they said they had no idea. they said they were coming to the united states because they wanted a better life for themselves and it was too dangerous in guatemala. and, halle, that is one of the key questions in the border debate right now, republicans, as you know, making the issue that they're arguing that this is a change in the biden administration policy that is fueling this surge. we heard the same from some of the local officials we talked with. however, i did speak with those migrants as you heard right there. all the once i spoex spoke with. granted, a small sample told me they did not know about the change in policies, that they were coming here because of the situation in their home country of guatemala but, again, that is something that will play out over the coming weeks and months. how much of this is due necessarily to the biden administration in policy. there have been quite a few, not just the trump administration, also the obama, the bush administration, really the numbers were incredibly high in the early '90, way back in the clinton administration as one official told me, at the border, the more things change, the more they stay the same. halle. >> gabe gutierrez, great reporting there in mission, texas. gabe, dash sha, thank you to you both, coming up next, the suspect in the atlanta shooting spree dienst allegations, why racism and sexism must be considered in this murder case. considered in this murder case v. our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and in 1990, they opened irazu. when the pandemic hit, pickup and delivery was still viable. and that kept us afloat. keeping our diners informed on google was so important. the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. i will always be grateful for that. here you go, let me help you. hi mr. charles, we made you dinner. ahh, thank you! ready to eat? 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so far, investigators say it is too early to determine a motive in the deadly shooting spree in the atlanta area. for what it's worth, the shooter denies being motivated by race. he says he was motivated by addiction and carried out the heinous crimes to stop his addiction. they argue the shooter's own reasoning is even rooted in the historic fetishization and hyper sexualization of asian women, which paid theme hugely acceptable. they put it this way. y acceptable they put it this way killing asian american women to eliminate a man's temptation spaex to the history of the objectification of asian and asian american women as variations. i want to speak to the reporter that wrote that piece. kimmie young. good morning. >> thank you so much for having me, halle. >> listen, if we had hours or maybe days, we can answer this question. can you talk more about how many of the attacks against asian american women including this one can be traced back to those long perpetuated stereotypes? >> right. in this country, there has been this prevailing stereotype that asian women are sexually deviant, semisive, docile. a lot of these stereotypes make it so there is this idea that we are easy to target. we are specifically. we are uniquely vulnerable to a lot of these attacks. and this perception has been going on since we've really entered the u.s., you know, over a century ago. centuries ago. you know, it's really been shaped by so many different factors, including legal code, policy, america's history of imperialism, kind of this prevailing culture that's confirmed it. historians kind of trace it all the way back the one of the first exclusionary policies of, it was called the paige act, which actually barred asian women from coming into you know the country on the basis of whether they had high moral character and a lot of these cases, immigration officers used their judgment to not let them into the country. so you know, there are long, long roots. >> and that speaks, we showed a graphic of your reporting on this, that speaks to how much this is rooted in history, quite frankly, this is not a new phenomenon. this is something that has been around for decade, if not centuries. >> right. you know, in addition to even these exclusionary immigration policies, we see this go into, you know, the 20th sinr century. i talked to historian ellen blue. she says they were further confirmed when the u.s. got into wars in the asia-pacific region in the philippines, in japan, in korea, in vietnam. you know, as the u.s. kind of indulged in these imperial ambitions, many of these countries got, you know, wrecked, got destroyed and in that time, a lot of the women had a really difficult time dealing with a lot destruction that was around them. and so she stresses a lot of the ideas around sex work that people have around asian women in those countries, they come from this yearning for survival because of u.s. imperial expansion. >> there's also a cultural component as well. movies and tv and you are pointing to the 1987 film "full metal jacket," perpetuating the stereotype of women as sexual deviants. can you talk about how harmful this is for asian american women? fast forward to 2021. what has to happen for a reckoning on this? >> yeah. even when we talk about asian women -- there talking about these spas, you can see that in a lot of the media descriptions -- even a lot of the jokes on twitter, i think i saw so many of them make this, quote, happy ending jokes. i think that's a sign that the immediate association that people have with asian women is this very harmful hyper fetish, sexualized idea that women are objects. we even -- we see this today even. it's crazy that the day of the shooting, i actually published a piece about hate incidents that asian americans have been dealing with. a new report said that 3,800 incidents had occurred in the course of a 12-month -- roughly 12-month span and 68% of respondents were women. 29% is a far lower share, were men. in speaking with experts, they stressed that same idea, that asian women are easy to -- especially easy to, quote, concur or target. i think that really plays into it. we do still see a lot of this idea today. going forward, a lot of other activists and experts stress that culture plays a huge role in untangling a lot of this and making sure that we don't confirm a lot of these stereotypes going forward. >> it's excellent reporting. i comment folks to to read your piece. coming up, the new covid passport, an exclusive look at what might be in store for you on your next international flight. debbie dingell talked about the violence against women anth against violence act and opens up about her own personal experience with domestic violence. the new epson ecotank. just fill and chill. if you wanna be a winner then get a turkey footlong from subway®. that's oven roasted turkey. piled high with crisp veggies. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance footlong, get one 50% off. so you only pay for what you need? 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>> absolutely safe. there are no databases. all the information is on the consumer's electronic device. the consumer decides who and when to share it. >> reporter: on board, a lot has changed. uv robots disinfect seats before boarding. this is new, the outfits. staff in futue is in thermal outfits. >> we have a system that's international recognized similar to your passport. >> reporter: to be clear, it's not the airlines that have come up with the restrictions. it's the individual countries who set the standards. the aviation industry in general is actually quite reluctant to create any additional barriers to travel. they are doing this to try to get international travel moving again. we don't expect to see travel pass or any covid passports for domestic flights in the u.s. if you are heading overseas, this could be in your future. >> thank you. thanks to you for watching this hour of msnbc live. craig melvin picks up our coverage. good thursday morning to you. this hour, we are keeping a close eye on fast moving events. a big change for the man charged with murder in the shooting deaths of eight people at atlanta area spas. he was supposed to be in court an hour from now. it was pushed back. we will go to atlanta to find out why. and to learn more about the eight victims. six are of asian descent. one of the witnesses,

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