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the secretary of homeland security called it a, quote, difficult situation. question is, why won't he call it a crisis? and democrats press forward with key agenda items like immigration and voting rights but with a slim majority in the senate and the filibuster getting in their way, the question remains, what are they going to do about it? it's "way too early" for this. good morning! and welcome to "way too early," the show that's really wondering if we could just spring forward to friday? i am kasie hunt on this thursday, march 18th. we'll start with the news. the suspect arrested in the murder spree at three spas in the atlanta area has been charged. 21-year-old robert long faces eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault. police say he killed four people inside one spa, three people inside another and one person inside a third spa. officials say he was arrested while on the way to florida, possibly to carry out more attacks. six of the eight victims were asian women, leading to speculation that the spree may have been part of a rise in anti-asian hate since the coronavirus pandemic. yesterday, officials offered another possible motive. >> the suspect did take responsibility for the shootings. he said that early on, once we had begun the interviews with him. he claims that these -- and as the chief said, this is still early -- but he does claim that it was not racially motivated. he, apparently, has an issue, what he carries a sex addiction, and sees these locations as something that allows him to go to these places and it's a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. >> officials believe the suspect may have frequented those spas in the past. atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms was asked during the news conference if the establishments were the types of places someone could go for sexual encounters. >> so, we don't know additional information about what his motives were, but we certainly will not begin to blame victims. and as far as we know in atlanta, these are legally operating businesses that have not been on our radar, not on the radar of apd. >> the senior counsel for the anti-defamation league told the "atlanta journal-constitution" that if the suspect targeted the women because of a sex addiction, that is still considered a hate crime. and in addition to the six asian female victims, officials say two of those killed were white. we're told a man who was also injured in the attack is in stable condition. long is currently being held without bond and is expected to appear in cherokee county court for arraignment later this morning. meanwhile, a spokesperson for the cherokee county sheriff's office in georgia is facing backlash for saying that the shooting suspect was having a bad day. >> when i spoke with investigators, they interviewed him this morning and they got that impression that, yes, he understood the gravity of it, and he was pretty much fed up, had been kind of end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> remorseful? >> i'm not going to go to -- i don't know if he was remorseful or not. >> captain jay baker, who made those comments, is also facing criticism after it was revealed last year he promoted shirts on facebook with the slogan "covid-19: imported virus from china." baker did not immediately respond to requests for comment. all right, to politics now. senate majority leader chuck schumer announced democrats' plans to pass a comprehensive voting reform bill called the for the people act. >> we will put the bill on the floor. we will see if our republican friends join us. if they don't join us, our caucus will come together and decide the appropriate action to take. everything is on the table. failure is not an option. >> everything is on the table. the package includes protections against gerrymandering, improved election security and makes it easier to register to vote. the house passed its version of the bill earlier this month with every republican voting against it. and senator raphael warnock of georgia used his first floor speech to slam restrictive voting laws pushed by republicans in the wake of his senate runoff win. >> we are witnessing right now a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights unlike anything we've ever seen since the jim crow era. this is jim crow in new clothes. within 24 hours, elected georgia's first african-american jewish senator, and hours later, the capitol was assaulted. it is a contradiction to say we must protect minority rights in the senate while refusing to protect minority rights in the society. colleagues, those senate rules should overrule the integrity of our democracy, and we must find a way to pass voting rights, whether we get rid of the filibuster or not. >> senator warnock received a standing ovation and cheers through the chamber. you can hear it now, when he finished his speech. the senator is going to join "morning joe," just ahead. and that fight over the senate filibuster is raging in the house as well. majority whip congressman jim clyburn rejected defense of the filibuster, calling out moderate democrats for protecting it. in an interview with politico, clyburn said, quote, we've got 50 democrats, warnock and ossoff are two. since when did sinema and manchin become more important than them? they all got us to 50. so, this notion that we've got to do what manchin says, warnock is up in two years for re-election. joining us now, with politico, co-author of "the playbook," eugene daniels. msnbc contributor. good to see you. i was listening to what chuck schumer said yesterday, and that language saying all options are on the table suggests that this may be where they decide to take a stand, where they may go ahead and change the rules on voting rights and these questions about how we conduct elections because it has really become, as we heard in very emotional terms from senator warnock, the central issue right now. >> it really, really is. and for a party that has been bolstered and supported and saved by the black and brown votes in this country, they know that this is huge because a lot of those restrictive bills, those more than 250 bills throughout the statehouses in this country, are aimed at some of the communities that are black and brown, some of the things that they did during the 2020 election to make sure more people had the right to vote. and it's clear that it's a priority for the majority leader. however, everything can't be on the table if you have to reach 60 votes, right? and right now, joe manchin does not seem to be budging on that. and even talks of having a talking filibuster in which they have to stand up and do so, that doesn't mean that the 60-vote threshold goes anywhere. and so, joe biden came out in support of this talking filibuster. manchin even talked about making it more painful for people to do a filibuster, which also led us to believe that he was talking about the talking filibuster. but again, that doesn't get rid of the 60-vote threshold. and right now, there doesn't seem to be ten republicans that can jump aboard -- excuse me, nine republicans, if you have a vote from the vice president, to jump on board with senate democrats here. >> yeah, no, you're right about that number ten. the vice president only comes into play when there's actually a tie, which is what gives democrats that edge. no, you're fine. so, i take your point, absolutely. and it's pretty clear, there's likely not even one republican, let alone a big group of them that would go ahead with this. but how does schumer, if this is what it comes to, and the pressure from the left is snreetsing, schumer's facing potentially a primary for his own seat in new york from alexandria ocasio-cortez. how does he move manchin and sinema over the course of the next couple months? i mean, i think you're right to underscore that manchin has been very definitive in saying he refuses to budge on the 60-vote threshold. >> yeah. i think -- my sense is, the thing that chuck schumer can do here, and they don't seem to have plans yet to do this, but if he brought voting rights, things that are very popular in this country, some of the gun control measures that are going to be passing the house, and forced senate republicans to filibuster, forced them to obstruct, because right now, moderate democrats do not have -- other than history, we know that mitch mcconnell and republicans have done in the past in the senate to block certain things that democrats want to get done and to obstruct and to filibuster, but there isn't any evidence at this point that moderate democrats can point to, to say that we've tried everything. and i think people like manchin, people like kyrsten sinema, they want to see that they've tried everything. so, if chuck schumer can bring these things to the floor and have months of republicans knocking down everything, a lot of things that are popular in this country, they have more evidence to go to the american people and say, look, the filibuster just isn't working, right? and that is a way to get rid of it. but one of the other things that's really important is that you have to get the white house on board with that. and right now, that is -- he softened his stance, the president, but whether or not, again, getting to that 51 is a little bit more difficult. it's hard to see how that happens. and manchin and sinema, after being so adamant, so adamant, it's hard to see how they now change their vote on that. >> right. well, and of course, some of this is going to depend on what republicans do, but i wonder if the white house, sinema and manchin, won't all go together if we actually end up in this place. politico's eugene daniels, thank you very much for getting up early with us. always great to have you here. coming up, the head of homeland security in the hot seat over the situation at the southern border. plus, a new warning from intelligence officials that domestic extremists will almost certainly turn to violence this year. we're going to dig into that new report. we'll have those stories and a check on some severe weather in the south and the east coast when we come right back. e come . did you know that 70% of the soils on your clothes are invisible? 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[music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ welcome back. get those brackets in. march madness tips off today with the first four games of the men's tournament. it marks the start of an attempt to get through 67 games uninterrupted as the ncaa has placed players, coaches, and staff under what the "ap" calls a virtual lock and key, confined between team hotels and training and competition facilities in indianapolis for the next three weeks. none of the 68 teams notified the ncaa they'd have to withdraw by tuesday night's deadline, and the organization's vice president says only seven of the 6,900 coronavirus tests analyzed so far have come back with positive results. he says players from the university of virginia, the only team not yet in indianapolis because of an outbreak last week, will need to clear three tests after arriving tomorrow afternoon to be approved to play saturday night. meanwhile, the first four games feature one team in an unfamiliar spot. michigan state facing ucla tonight in a matchup of number 11 seeds in the east region. the last time a tournament was held in 2019, the spartans reached the final four, the most recent of eight trips to the big dance under coach tom izzo. they're going to need to win an extra game this time before reaching the final field of 64. all right, a second civil lawsuit against houston texans quarterback deshaun watson was filed yesterday, following one from a separate plaintiff filed the day before. each allege inappropriate conduct by batson during massages last year. in a statement posted to twitter tuesday night, watson says he never treated any woman with anything other than the most utmost respect and looks forward to clearing his name. he also rejected a baseless six-figure settlement demand made by the accuser's lawyer. both plaintiffs are being represented by the same attorney who posted on social media last night that four additional suits alleging assault are coming. the texans and the nfl said yesterday they're aware of the matter, and watson's future on the field has been one of the biggest story lines of the nfl offseason after he requested a trade from the texans. but the team has so far indicated no interest in trading the three-time pro bowl quarterback. and an illinois appellate court has upheld a lower court ruling that says a woman struck in the face by a foul ball at wrigley field in 2018 can proceed with her lawsuit filed against major league baseball. in the suit, she claims she was hit because the stadium hadn't extended netting that protects fans down the third base line where she was sitting. according to "ap," professional sports teams have largely been protected from lawsuits because on the back of the ticket, it states that the assumption of risk is spelled out. but they say it was in fine print and not appreciated by the plaintiff. time for the weather. let's go to meteorologist bill karins for a check on the forecast. bill, there's some pretty severe weather facing a lot of americans this morning. >> yeah, good morning, kasie. i mean, we were fortunate yesterday. 23 tornadoes reported, so that's officially a tornado outbreak, any time you get 10 or 12 in one day, we call it an outbreak. and we had some big tornadoes, too, especially areas of alabama, mississippi. everywhere you see the red dot here is where we had these. alabama was some of the worst of it. numerous farms were hit. yesterday we had the strong tornadoes we thought, but most of them -- not all -- most of them were in very rural areas and where not much was hit. you can see here in billingsley, alabama, that chicken coup and some farm equipment was hit hard. you can notice that truck. one of the doors was almost tore off, so that was a very strong storm. let's go to the maps. we're not done yet. this was a two-day severe weather outbreak, so we still have to get through today. looks like we'll be focusing on the carolinas. we have a tornado watch, areas for the panhandle of florida up into southern portions of alabama and georgia. that goes until 7:00 a.m. then during the day today, these storms will spread through the carolinas. if we're going to get tornadoes or bad weather today, watch out savannah, charleston, myrtle beach, wilmington up to the new bern greenville area. 20% of people at risk of the severe storms. wind damage is the greatest concern. and be prepared for travel delays in the northeast, especially at the airports. kasie, we're expecting about 2 inches of rain today in areas of new york city. d.c.'s going to get soaked, too. it's been a while since we've had a rainy day, but it's going to pour all afternoon and evening. >> all right. i guess a day for staying inside today. bill karins, thank you very much for that. we will see you tomorrow. and still ahead here, new york lawmakers take another step forward with the impeachment investigation of governor andrew cuomo. and before we go to break, we want to know, as always, why are you awake? email your reasons for being up and watching with us on this thursday to or drop me a tweet @kasie. use #waytooearly and we'll read our favorite answers later in the show. we'll read our favorite answers later in the show did you know that some aluminum free deodorants only mask odor? secret aluminum free helps eliminate odor instead of just masking it. and is made with 3x more odor fighters. with secret, keep it fresh every day. secret. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and 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>> our thanks to nbc's kathy park for that report. and violent extremists motivated by racial bias and political grievances pose an elevated threat to the united states, officials said yesterday in an unclassified intelligence report. the report came from the office of the director of national intelligence and echoed testimony offered by fbi director christopher wray earlier this month. according to the "associated press," developments, such as the anger over conditions related to the coronavirus pandemic and a belief in the debunked narrative that november's presidential election was fraudulent, quote, will almost certainly spur additional violence in 2021, the report said. it also stressed that lone offenders are more likely to carry out violent attacks than organizations. they pose, quote, significant detection and disruption challenges because of their capacity for independent radicalization to violence, the ability to move discreetly and access to firearms. attorney general merrick garland has pledged that combating domestic extremism will be the justice department's top priority. joining us now, white house editor for politico, sam stein. sam, good morning. it's always great to see you. we, as kathy noted in her report, have some information about the motive. they haven't ruled out anything. they have also ascribed these actions to something potentially different, unrelated to race. however, we know just how deeply asian american colleagues, friends, people across the country are shaken by what happened in atlanta and how this is part of a much broader trend. there was a report that showed almost 4,000 reported incidents of anti-asian violence or harassment. what is it that we can do about this? i mean, it's one of these things where i look to members of congress and i say, we all have to do better, we all have to figure out a way to fix this. but the answers aren't easy. >> no, they're incredibly difficult. we were talking about this on "morning joe" yesterday with the head of the anti-defamation league. and what you have is a situation where you're essentially trying to put the genie back in the bottle. i mean, this is a product societywide of years and years of bigotry. it's directed at a lot of different ethnic groups, but increasingly at asian american and pacific islanders. and obviously, we can't, you know, say what the motivations were definitively in this case, but contextually, it seems pretty obvious that this man was targeting women and asian american women specifically. i was struck by the fact that this happened so close to president joe biden's speech in which he took the opportunity to call out this bigotry as it relates to the fighting of the coronavirus pandemic. because, obviously, over the past year, we've seen asian americans targeted in horrific ways, racist ways, for people's fears over covid. but one person, even the president speaking out on this, is not going to solve the problem, as the head of the adl said yesterday. it has to be a holistic societywide effort, and that includes, you know, members of congress. it includes some of the tech platforms, trying to figure out ways to stop the dissemination of hate. but even then, you're looking at a process that's going to be slow and very arduous to figure out. >> yeah, the chairman of the adl made that point about tech companies yesterday. i think it was a very smart and important point. i mean, sam, more broadly, too, the politics of fighting domestic violent extremism -- we've also been covering that comment ron johnson made where he suggested he would have been more afraid if there were black lives matter protesters in the capitol than the people that actually did bust down the doors, show up and chant "hang mike pence" in the hallways. but the investigation into that has exposed the fact that this has become so incredibly political, they can't even agree on the scope of the investigation into the breaching of their own building. and i think that raises significant questions about whether there is going to be a commitment to fighting especially white supremacist domestic terrorism here in the course of the next couple years. what can be done to make sure that that focus stays where it needs to be? >> it's difficult. and you know, it's not a recent phenomenon that everything is done in a political lens. if you recall, early in the obama years -- i think it was year one -- the department of homeland security put out a report, a memo, talking about the rise of domestic or right-wing terrorism. and there was such an outrage over that report that they not only retracted it, but i believe the author of it resigned from the position he held. so, this has been something that's been with us for years now. and as it's been with us, so, too, has the politics around it. i think the problem now is that it's becoming much more pronounced. the people who ascribe to it are feeling much more emboldened and open to act out. part of that is because, you know, we've had leaders at the top who have apologized for and/or looked the other way because it's to their political benefit to capitalize on it, so that makes it even more significant a threat. but yeah, i mean, this is -- it becomes hard to tackle these issues when they are put squarely in a political context, because, suddenly, if you want to clamp down on it, half the country says, no, no, no, no, these people are my people. >> right. and they've been hearing messages from the top for the last four years, as you point out. politico's sam stein, thank you, as always, for getting up early, my friend. really appreciate you being here. still ahead, a major news effort about the return of the white house pooch after a biting incident. return of the white house pooch after a biting incident [music: "i swear"] jaycee tried gain flings for the first time the other day... and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to the show. ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. once-weekly ozempic® helped me get in my type 2 diabetes zone. ask your health care provider how it can help you get in yours. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. (driver) i don't know what happened. (burke) nothing happened. (driver) nothing happened? (burke) nothing happened. (driver) sure looks like something happened. (burke) well, you've been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. (driver) yeah? (burke) so you earned your policy perk: accident forgiveness. now instead of this being something, it' s— (driver) it's nothing! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. they should really turn this ride off. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (burke vo) start with a quote at 1-800-farmers welcome back! time now for something totally different. in major news, biden's german shepherd, major, will return to the white house after having had some training. the first dog made headlines recently for a biting incident involving a secret service agent in which the pup reportedly was startled by an unfamiliar person while acclimating to his new home. major and his brother, champ, were sent to the bidens' home in delaware soon after, although the president says that the move was unrelated. major is now being trained and plans to return to the white house soon. biden confirmed, the 3-year-old rescue pup is officially out of the dog house, saying he is still loved by most people on pennsylvania avenue. we wish major well. and music fans itching to get back to crowded festivals are going to have to wait a little longer. the coachella valley music and arts festival is reportedly bumping its date for the fourth time since the pandemic hit. the festival plans to move from october of this year to april of 2022, according to industry sources. it's also expected that the country music-themed stagecoach festival will alter its timing to take place the weekend after coachella, as usual. sources cite the ongoing uncertainty of the pandemic for the change as coachella regularly sells out its tickets immediately, which could create a potentially dangerous situation for disease transmission. those pictures would certainly suggest that that could be the case. all right, still ahead here, congress will hold a hearing today on hate crimes against asian americans during the pandemic, something the white house says has been fueled by the previous administration. and as we go to break, let's take a look at this date in history. 56 years ago, a soviet cosmonaut took the world's first space walk. >> traveling about 17,500 miles an hour, that being also the speed of the spacecraft. since he was outside the capsule for ten minutes, he covered about 3,000 miles in space in this way. e covered about 3,000 miles in space in this way ? 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>> hey, good morning, kasie. really good to be with you. you're going to hear testimony from a lot of people who have been active in the asian american community over the past year, really trying to combat the rise in anti-asian sentiment. senator tammy duckworth from illinois will testify along with congresswoman judy chu and grace meng. one of the notable speakers today is someone you probably don't know her name. it's one of the co-founders of stop aapi hate. that is a non-profit in california that's been providing one of the most comprehensive looks at what's been going on over the past year, because they've been tracking data. they just released a new report showing that over a 12-month period, starting last march, anti-asian incidents that were reported numbered nearly 4,000. they also found that 68% of those attacks were verbal. but a full 11% were some sort of physical violent confrontation. and these are reports coming from all 50 states and the district of columbia. another data point that was telling, women were twice as likely to report having experienced an anti-asian incident than men. kasie? >> and imagine, we always know that there are many incidents that often go unreported when these surveys are done, so just incredibly difficult numbers. vicky, we've also seen celebrities start to speak out, and i know you recently interviewed actor and activist daniel dae kim. he's going to be a witness at the hearing today. what did you learn from him? >> yeah, i talked with kim yesterday. he's actually in canada working on a film. he's going to be testifying today virtually. and this is an issue that he has been using his platform to talk about over the last year, most notefully, earlier this year, he teamed up with another actor, daniel wu, to offer a $25,000 reward after a case in oakland. it was caught on camera, broad daylight. a man was pushed to the ground, 91 years old. thankfully, he survived that attack. but that was one of the catalysts to really catapult all of this into the national conscience, because there were so many videos of attacks on some of the most vulnerable people in the asian american community -- the elderly and women. i talked to kim about tuesday night's shooting spree in georgia, and i asked him what he thought, because investigators have not determined whether or not this was a hate crime. the suspect, himself, has said race was not a factor. here's what kim had to say. >> whether it's explicitly called a hate incident is irrelevant, because the facts of the matter are, six of the eight people murdered were asian american. seven of eight were women. this man targeted places where asian americans were working. you don't have to peel the layers back very far to see some kind of a connection. and whether he calls it that, you know, you can take him at his word. you can choose to do that. but there is a chance that he's not telling the truth or that he doesn't know the truth for himself, because if it is an issue of mental health, again, this is very complex and nuanced and i don't want to paint it with a broad brush. >> kim also talked to me about just how emotional it is to witness these crimes. some of the tough conversations he has had to have with his own parents about their safety when they go out on a walk. kasie, the hearing this morning starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern time and it will be live streamed. >> all right. nbc's vicky nguyen, thank you so much for being on the story with us and for being with us early this morning. we really appreciate it. all right, earlier on in the show, we asked all of you, why are you awake? louise shares this photo. this handsome boy is why i'm up way too early. he'll be two weeks on saturday. oh, he is handsome. congratulations. chris tweeted, i'm up way too early sorting seeds for planting in my garden. oh, that's nice. i tried to do that last year in the pandemic. i'm not sure i'll be able to pull it off this year, but hat's off to you. gail emails to say she's up because of storms passing through southern virginia. "the rain woke me up, it was so loud." another viewe said, "i'm awake for no discernible reason and would love to go back to sleep. no such luck." feel you that they're also delivering the news, listening to us on sirius xm while delivering the morning papers. check it out. i love that! i also got one note on twitter from chase who said, perhaps one too many guiness sent me to the coffee pot way too early. coming up, a look at the axios one more thing. and coming up on "morning joe," dick durbin and raphael warnock join the conversation as democrats push to pass comprehensive reform. plus, we'll hear from a member of the president's cabinet, dennis mcdonough. mcdonough form. and strengthens skin's moisture barrier. uh! i love it! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body aveeno® from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? what if your clothes could stay fresh for weeks? now they can! downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh way longer than detergent alone. pour a cap of downy unstopables into your washing machine before each load and enjoy fresher smelling laundry. with 6 times the freshness ingredients, downy unstopables gives you more of what you love. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. want to brain better? and we'll make you're first month's payment. unlike ordinary memory supplements— neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. sales are down from last quarter but we are hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uh... doug? sorry about that. umm... you alright? 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>> we have all the tools in place. >> reporter: a phone app confirms health and testing status before anyone is allowed in the school. >> austin butner. >> yes, ma'am. >> i would check you in. >> reporter: tour an elementary school, butner shows me some of the other changes. l.a. has invested over $120 million to stockpile personal protection items, beef up custodial staff to disinfect classrooms and upgrade air filtration. >> these are top of the line filters. >> top of the line, the equivalent of an n-95 mask. for lower grades, it will be a hybrid model, some kids in class in the morning, others in the afternoon. a new camera system will help remote learners. >> i can stand up, move, use the tools in the classroom that they're used to having kids move. >> reporter: remote strategies are important, because many parents, especially from hard-hit neighborhoods, do not plan to send their kids back into the classroom. >> we have communities with death rates three to four times the national average. they want to make sure someone in the family is vaccinated, because they have in multi-generational households. >> absent an approved vaccine for kids, butner says what schools can offer is safety and confidence. >> reporter: the best place for students to learn is in a school classroom. we want that support system back in place as soon as possible, because further consequence, if we don't have kids back in the classroom with the support they need, could be a lifetime of consequence for a child. >> our thanks to nbc lester holt for that report. joining us now, the cofounder and ceo of axios, jim vandehyde, what's the one big thing you have today? >> we're looking at the next big hurdles for joe biden. the next act will make the $1.9 trillion spending debate look easy. when you think about the voting rights legislation, he's probably going to need the help with the democrats getting rid of the filibuster. if you think about the infrastructure plan, it's almost inconceivable now that he won't try to pay for it with tax increases, most likely on corporations, most likely on high-income earners. republicans hate both of those ideas in terms of getting rid of the filibuster and increasing taxes. so i think it's the next debates are going to be much, much more passionate. and i think much more difficult for him. mitch mcconnell, as you know, has an op-ed in the "wall street journal" today where he says and warns that the senate has never seen anything like the scorched earth senate that would follow if they do get rid of the filibuster. and i think there's some truth to that. i think republicans will do everything they can to wreak havoc on the democratic agenda. democrats will say, who cares, we got rid of the filibuster, we'll get our stuff done and worry about the consequences later. >> jim, on the mcconnell question, i think one of the other things that i often hear when i raise this with democrats, and i say, are you sure you really want to do this? because they may be back in the majority at some point. you saw this threat from mcconnell to make things really hard right now. they'll respond by saying, well, mcconnell has already done everything he can. it's not that the threat's idle, but it's that it simply reflects the reality of what's going on. what's your take on just how much worse mcconnell could make life for democrats if they get rid of the filibuster? >> there's a lot of procedural things he can do. and i think he understands the senate better than most. so he can delay things. they can be much more difficult when it comes to getting through any of the nominees if they lose any of the democrats on the democratic side. but the truth is, once you get rid of the filibuster, democrats can do what they want as long as they can stay united. tough, because they would need manchin and other democrats might not go for getting rid of the filibuster or be with him on every topic. your point is a really smart point if you think about the history. think about the time that you and i have known each other. how many times we've gone through all republican control, then all democrat control, then all republican control. now back to all republican control. just in the last decade plus, which means in a volatile 50/50 country like this, you're likely to have all republican control again. there is a careful what you wish for dimension to this. because the minute you have a 50-vote threshold, that means when you have all-party control, you can reengineer things the way you want them pretty quickly. and we might test that very soon with what democrats are about to do. and that's not saying whether you should have the filibuster or not have the filibuster. it's just a fact of life. and by the way, that creates probably even more volatility in the economy and in business, just because if you have these laws, especially sweeping laws, and you have a lot of political change and they keep getting reversed and reinstated, it makes things very complicated. >> yeah, no, i think back to when you and i were working together at politico, we started out, democrats had nearly 60 votes, eventually nearly 60 votes in the senate. they controlled the house by overwhelming margins, and we know how that was going by the time we got around to the 2016 election and republicans were in charge of everything. jim vandehei, thank you very much, as always. and of course, we'll see you coming up here on "morning joe." and to that point, we do live a volatile 50/50 country. and there is to a certain extent of be careful what you wish for. thanks for getting up "way too early" with us on this thursday morning. don't go anywhere. "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ i've been to california, okay, pennsylvania, arizona, massachusetts, pennsylvania, mississippi, north dakota, venezuela, guatemala, indonesia, colorado, pakistan, to the moon ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man ♪ ♪ and i've been everywhere ♪ . >> yeah. >> jimmy fallon's take on

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, Blood Sugar , Protein , Blood Sugar Levels , Blend , Health , Protection , Strength , Leaks , Strong , Performance , Nutrients , Trust , Try Boost , Nx 300 , Depend , Downy , Softness , Freshness , 300 , Justice Department , Questioning , Migrants , Handling , Surge , Alejandro Mayorkas , Policy , Message , Deterrence , Judgment , Asylum , Job , Mexico , Agreements , Nation , Central America , Child , Hands , Parent , 9 , Immigration System , Safe , Status , Immigrants , First , Pathway , Citizenship , Dreamers , Path , Humane , Millions , The Farm , Workforce Modernization Act , The American Dream And Promise Act , Challenges , Proposals , Problems , Immigration Reform , Congress , Immigrant , Workers , Estate , New York State Assembly , Opposition , Hurdle , Odds , Law Firm , Move , Investigation , Nursing Home , Death Data , Accusations , Acknowledgement , Sexual Misconduct , Patients , Vaccine , Authorities , Lines , County , Executives , Loyalty , Mario M Cuomo Bridge , Crime , 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Developments , Danger , Belief , Christopher Wray , Fbi , Offenders , Narrative , Merrick Garland , Detection , Organizations , Firearms , Ability , Capacity , Disruption , Radicalization , Sam Stein , Kathy , Extremism , Actions , Haven T , Unrelated , Incidents , Trend , 4000 , Harassment , Members Of Congress , Head , Aren T Easy , Bigotry , Product Societywide , Genie Back , Groups , Bottle , Case , Contextually , Motivations , Pacific Islanders , Fighting , Opportunity , Ways , Fears , Problem , Members , Holistic Societywide Effort , Process , Tech Platforms , Dissemination , Chairman , Protesters , Hallways , Bust , Ron Johnson , Hang Mike Pence , Breaching , Building , Scope , Commitment , Focus , Terrorism , Supremacist , Phenomenon , Memo , Lens , Obama , Author , Outrage , Position , Leaders , Feeling , Top , Issues , Benefit , Context , Hearing Messages , Half , Return , Friend , News Effort , Incident , Wealth , Ground , Project , Life , Lifetime , Worth , Employee , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Business , Employees , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , Weight , Oh , Adults , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Stop Ozempic , Needles , Pens , Reuse , Share , Changes , Vision Problems , Provider , Driver , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Health Care Provider , 25 , Nothing , Farmers , Auto Claims , Policy Perk , Being , Burke , Accident Forgiveness , Bum , Bride , Farmers Policy Perks , Burke Vo , Pa Dum , German Shepherd , Dog , 800 , 1 800 Farmers , Home , Brother , Secret Service Agent , Champ , Acclimating , Bidens , Pup , Delaware , Pennsylvania Avenue , Dog House , Well , Rescue Pup , Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival , Festivals , Festival Plans , Longer , Uncertainty , Stagecoach Festival , Weekend , Country Music , Industry Sources , Sources , Timing , April Of 2022 , 2022 , Hearing , Hate Crimes , Tickets , Pictures , Coachella , Disease Transmission , Look , Cosmonaut , The World S First Space Walk , Soviet , 56 , Space , Speed , Spacecraft , Capsule , 17500 , 3000 , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Try Pure Zzzs , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Don T Settle , Payment , Month S , Darrell , 36 , 59 , 359 , Laundry , Oxi Boost , Towel , Gain Scent , Febreze , Me Towel Su , Rhetoric , Gain Fling , Virus , Perceptions , Wuhan , Trump , Threats , Role , White House Press Secretary , Threatening , Jen Psaki , Vicky Nguyen , Consumer , House Judiciary Committee , Tammy Duckworth , Community , Sentiment , Judy Chu , Speakers , Co Founders , Stop Aapi Hate , Illinois , Grace Meng , California , Tracking Data , Starting Last March , Confrontation , Sort , Data Point , Telling , States , Daniel Dae Kim , Daniel Wu , Surveys , Witness , Kim Yesterday , Platform , Notefully , Film , Canada , Camera , Reward , Oakland , Broad Daylight , 5000 , 25000 , 91 , Wall , Conscience , Elderly , Catalysts , Videos , Factor , Race , Tuesday Night S Shooting Spree In Georgia , Hate Incident , Facts , Truth , Chance , Word , Mental Health , Nuanced , Brush , Parents , Safety , Crimes , Walk , Conversations , Boy , Story , Photo , Louise , Planting , Congratulations , Sorting Seeds , Garden , Chris , Gail , Rain , Reason , Hat , Luck , Southern Virginia , Viewe , Morning Papers , Guiness , Note , Sirius Xm , Chase , Coffee Pot , Conversation , Dick Durbin , Reform , Member , Cabinet , Dennis Mcdonough , Mcdonough Form , Times , Scent Boosters , Freshness Ingredients , Smelling Laundry , Detergent , Cap , Load , Downy Unstopables , Washing Machine , 6 , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Ingredients , Neuriva , Learning , Gummies , Sales , Memory , Accuracy , Brain Performance , Concentration , Yeah Uh , Doug , Tools , E Trade , Opportunities , Umm , What Its Um , Ding , 24 7 , Futures Contract , Prices , Don T Get Mad , Smoothest Fabric , Athlete , Leak , Sprinting , Twenty Reps Deep , Twenty , Schools , Cdc , Districts , Guidance , Lester Holt , Others , Classroom , School Staff , Piece , Vaccinations , Set , L A , Showstopper , Saying , Sir , Teachers , Students , High School , Classes , School District , Superintendent , Class , Testing , Phone App , Anyone , Covid Surge , School , Elementary School , Austin Butner , Ma Am , 120 Million , 20 Million , Classrooms , Line , Items , Line Filters , Equivalent , Model , Mask , Grades , Air Filtration , 95 , Camera System , Afternoon , Learners , Strategies , Kids , Neighborhoods , Death Rates , Average , Households , School Classroom , Support System , Confidence , Consequence , Of Axios , Ceo , Jim Vandehyde , Cofounder , Infrastructure Plan , Hurdles , Spending Debate , Voting Rights Legislation , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , Both , Earners , Corporations , Tax Increases , Ideas , Op Ed , Debates , Wall Street Journal , Agenda , Havoc , Democrats Will Say , Scorched Earth , Consequences , Stuff , On The Mcconnell Question , Reality , Idle , What S Going On , Nominees , Side , Each Other , Topic , Tough , United , Control , Decade Plus , Dimension , Laws , Volatility , Economy , Charge , Jim Vandehei , Margins , 2016 , Extent , Way Too Early , Massachusetts , Don T Go , Arizona , Venezuela , North Dakota , Guatemala , Indonesia , Colorado , Pakistan , Moon , Jimmy Fallon ,

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