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in the face of any form of hate. then senator amy klobuchar and the new push for the violence against women act. and congresswoman veronica escobar on what's really happening at the southern border. when "all in" starts right now. good evening from new york. i'm chris hayes. there are eight people dead in the atlanta area after a horrifying spree shooting last night at three different locations, three different spas. the suspect is in police custody and we know some of the victims' names. delaina ashley yaun, age 33. xiaojie tan, age 49. daoyou feng, age 44. paul andre michels, age 54. seven out eight victims were women. six of the eight were of asian descent. south korean consulate in atlanta confirmed that four of the eight victims were ethnic koreans. we done know their nationalities. the rampage began around 5:00 p.m. yesterday at young's asian massage near acworth, georgia a suburb northwest of atlanta. four people were killed there. and about 45 minutes later, officers responded to gold spa in northeast atlanta where they found three women killed. while officers were on that scene, shots were fired across the street at aromatherapy spa. they found one woman killed there. police arrested 21-year-old robert aaron long following a manhunt yesterday evening, charging him with eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault. this story you might recall was breaking just as we got off the air last night and in the hours that followed many folks were watching this happen made the obvious connection between this tragedy and the horrifying spike in anti-asian hate crimes we have seen around the country recently. a group called stop aapi hate received reports of nearly 3,800 anti-asian hate incidents in the last year. more than 2/3 of them against asian women. and that context hung over the news reports as they came out this morning and during the day it was glaring as police held a press conference in atlanta this morning putting on frankly i have to say a strange performance as they shared what the shooter allegedly confessed to them. >> he claims that these -- as the chief said, this is still early but he does claim that it was not racially motivated. he apparently has an issue, what he considers a sex addiction, and sees these locations as something that allows him to -- to go to these places and it's a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate. that interviewed him this when i spoke to investigators that interviewed him this morning, they got the impression that he understood the gravity of it and he was pretty much fed up and at the end of his rope and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> it was a bad day for him. a really bad day for him. this is what he did. to eliminate the temptation. as many people pointed out whatever the shooter's own understanding of his motive or what he told police perhaps somewhat self-servingly, having been arrested after allegedly shooting and killing eight people, or what the police's characterization is, it is just impossible to separate the context of these specific human beings who were killed, murdered where they worked, and where they came from and what they looked like and where they worked and who owned those facilities and the world they inhabited and the violence that was committed against them by this individual. atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms stepped out to the mic just after officer baker to make that point. >> whatever the motivation was for this guy, we know that many of the victims, the majority of the victims, were asian. we also know that this is an issue that's happening across the country. it is unacceptable. it is hateful. and it has to stop. >> president biden echoed mayor bottoms earlier this afternoon, expressing concern about the violent trend in this country. >> the question of motivation is still to be determined. but whatever the motivation here, i know that asian-americans are in very -- are very concerned because as you know i have been speaking about the brutality against asian-americans for the last couple months and i think it's very, very troubling. >> vice president kamala harris, we should note the highest ranking asian-american in the history of american politics, offered this. >> i do want to say to our asian-american community that we stand with you and understand how this has frightened and shocked and outraged all people, but knowing the increasing level of hate crime against our asian-american brothers and sisters, we also want to speak out in solidarity with them and acknowledge that none of us should ever be silent in the face of any form of hate. >> for the latest on the investigation we go to nbc news correspondent kathy park in atlanta. kathy, what is the latest? >> reporter: chris, good evening to you. it certainly has been a very difficult day for the people of atlanta as well as the asian-american community. you might notice the growing makeshift memorial behind me in front of one of the shooting locations, one of three that happened in a span of about an hour or so. the suspect, robert aaron long, 21 years old of georgia, said that these attacks were not racially motivated. however, officials are not ruling this out at this point. but he did say that he was -- had some sort of sex addiction and was targeting these establishments which he has visited in the past before as a way of lashing out. as far as the victims, there are in total eight. one person has been injured and still recovering from his injuries at this hour. but six of those victims were of asian descent and that's why it's been so painful for the asian-american community because as you mentioned there has been a surge in anti-asian hate crimes against asian-americans all across the country. in fact, one non-profit that has been tracking the latest numbers say that the number is around 3,800 since the pandemic kicked off around march. and you have celebrities, everyday citizens here in atlanta and beyond who are now speaking out on social media saying enough is enough. chris? >> kathy park in georgia, thank you so much. i want to turn to nbc news correspondent jo ling kent who has been covering, as kathy referred to, the increase in hate incidents against asian-americans. she joins me now with more on that new report. jo, we have seen reporting on this. we have seen folks speaking up about it. incidents. we're starting to get some data now as well. >> reporter: that's right, chris. it's an understatement to say the asian-american community and asians globally are really feeling so much pain over the past 24 to 36 hours not to mention the entire past year when so much of this has gone underreported and unacknowledged. so as we look at the data we see these reports of hate incidents are coming from all 50 states and washington, d.c. we see it's approaching 4,000. the pace is picking up according to stop aapi hate which is tracking these. i want to point out that this is -- these are people who are reporting these incidents, not the scores of individuals who aren't reporting. for fear of retribution or being shunned beyond what is already happening on the ground. as for who it's happening to, it's happening twice as often to women as it is to men according to those who are reporting. 68% of those incidents reported came from women. 29% male. we always want to know where is this happening. what is the context here? we know now according to this data that 68% -- 35% of the time it's happening at businesses and on public streets. and that's been reinforced by what we saw in atlanta. and of course we do not have a causal link at this time. we done have a motivation. but chris, when you look at the context in which so many of these incidents have been reported you start to see a pattern and you start to see why the asian community is feeling so much pain right now, especially asian american women. >> jo ling kent who's been reporting on this throughout, thank you, jo, for making a little time with us tonight. i appreciate it. >> thanks. >> i want to bring in democratic congresswoman juddy chu of california. first chinese-american woman elected to congress. chairs the congressional asian pacific american caucus. a lot of folks i talked to today there's a real visceral and raw sense of anguish and fear in the wake of yesterday, particularly because it comes on the heels of this past year. how are you thinking about what we're seeing here? >> well, we were shocked and heartbroken when we heard about the deaths of these eight people, six of them being asian women. we think that this is a culmination of a whole year's worth of hate that was stoked by the xenophobia of donald trump. and let me point out this man says that this was not a hate crime but he picked three businesses to deal with this sex addiction and all three of them just happened to be asian businesses with the first one being called young's asian massage. so what does that lead you to believe when the majority of the victims were asian-american? nonetheless, it is something that you could have seen from this year and what has happened with these 3,800 hate crimes and incidents that have occurred. >> i want to ask you about the personal experience in terms of constituents because this is something that for the last year there's been a lot of focus on coronavirus, the president calls it the china virus, and increasing rhetoric from a lot of corners of american life of china as a kind of enemy, as an external enemy. and in your relationship with your constituents in terms of what you hear, how has that impacted the folks you represent? what has that meant over the past year? >> well, we first saw it in january when the coronavirus was making its appearance. but when donald trump started calling it the china virus and the wuhan virus, contrary to the advice of cdc and the world health organization who said to call it covid-19 because calling it otherwise would only cause a stigma for those of different ethnicities and from different countries. donald trump actually doubled down. he actually said it even more and had his republican followers use those terms even more. hence what it caused was even more fear and terror in the asian-american community so we kept on hearing about stories after stories of people who were the victims of taunts and racial epitaphs, of people like -- that in the sands club in texas where a man stabbed all three of them, two being children 2 and 6 and afterward said it's because he wanted to kill asian-americans due to the coronavirus. so this is happening all over. in my district there was a chinese-american man who was attacked with his own cane at a bus stop in rose meade causing him to lose part of his finger. so yes, it is happening everywhere, including in my district. >> my understanding is the house judiciary committee tomorrow will be having a hearing about this which you will be participating in. i guess the question is, what at a federal level of policy, right, what can be done? >> we have been pursuing many things. one is right after the president made his executive order we asked for a meeting with the department of justice and let me say how significant it was that president biden did that. we've been asking for a year to meet with the department of justice due to all these hate crimes and incidents but we were totally ignored. president biden issued this executive order for the department of justice to meet with the aapi community, and so that was arranged immediately. we met with them last week on things we need to do to address the situation, hate crimes. we called for the anti-asian hate crime hearing which will take place tomorrow in the house judiciary committee and we are calling for the passage of the no hate act, which would vastly improve the collection of data on hate crimes, which right now is very spotty, is toothless because the federal government relies on local law enforcement to report and many of them have great variance in terms of how they treat hate crimes, as to whether they report it at all. in fact, three states don't even have a hate crime statute. and we are calling for march 26th to be a national day to speak out against anti-asian hate. >> march 26. that hearing will be tomorrow. congresswoman judy chu will be participating. congresswoman, thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. okay. so there's one part of the story we obviously need to talk about a little more. and it's the explanation that the male shooter was having a really bad day. obviously, i think that police officer if he could take those words back and phrase it differently now probably would. a really bad way to explain why seven women and a man are dead this evening. we'll talk about why that is right after this. see every delivery... every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? 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>> thanks so much, chris. i was outraged by what sheriff baker said in his press conference today. i think there's no question that this was a hate crime. it was a hate crime against women. it was a hate crime against asian women. and it's clear to me that the georgia law enforcement agencies needs some traning on what hate crimes are and how they need to do these types of investigations. >> britney, your response? >> you know, one of the problems we have with white supremacy is many white people don't believe it's racist unless a racial slur has been used. but this is clearly a targeted attack on asian-american folks and on asian women. one of the things we know is that rhetorical violence always precedes physical violence. and so the trump administration and president trump himself created a rhetorically violent environment for asian-american folks, blamed them for this pandemic, ginned up the public and created this context for things to be unsafe and now folks are acting surprised that it led to this kind of violence when it was entirely predictable. and that is extremely outraging. >> you know, margaret, spencer ackerman is a great reporter and he's reported a lot about the war on terror, has a book coming out called "reign of terror." and he made the point today drawing the parallel that like you know, foeft 9/11 when the u.s. and u.s. officials mobilized against this other threat out there, al qaeda and the muslim world, it led quite clearly, right, to increased levels of bigotry and hate crime and persecution among -- against muslim americans. and you really can see in the last year the rhetoric of not just the trump administration but america's foreign policy leadership, this increasing rhetoric about china as the kind of big enemy for the next century. like how much do you think that matters? how much does that reverberate through the society? >> i think there's no question, chris, that that is a main driver of the anti-asian violence we've been seeing across the country over the last year. it is the president's narrative, president trump's narrative, about the chinese virus, about kung flu, that has driven so many incidences of hate and discrimination and violence against asian-americans. and that rhetoric is still being perpetrated by members of congress today. you will still see members of congress making those same references, using that same narrative on the floor. we need elected officials to own responsibility for contributing to this problem and we need a shift in the narrative around these issues. >> you know, brittney, it's a very sick and disturbing part of life as an american journalist that you accrue a library of mass shootings with different details over the course of your work, which is true for me. i have covered a lot of them now. i thought about this piece today from "the new york times" from august 2019, a common trait of mass killers, hatred toward women. this has cropped up time and time again, which is a man with access to guns and hatred in his heart and often hatred toward women that ends up in this kind of situation. that's not just limited to mass shootings. that's a reality of violence in america every day. >> one of the challenges we have is that we don't speak intersectionally enough so we always think that because this is a white supremacist crime it is also a gender crime. it is a patriarchy crime. it has to do with the way that white men in particular think that their own particular challenges should become adjudicated through public violence. we see that over and over again. and it's not just about whiteness. it's also about a particular brand of violent masculinity which also reached heightened levels during the trump administration. this is a man who made it into the presidency after we learned of specific acts of gender violence he committed and bragged about. but we had already seen it in the country over and over again with white men getting angry and often they would kill their girlfriends and then they would go out and commit mass acts of violence against other people. this time we see these things being combined. but we have to be calling out patriarchy too because as many asian-american professors, activists, thinkers and the general public have said, this is also about a particular sexualization of asian-american women that is part of a violent fantasy that we're seeing being played out here too and it's a problem. >> yeah, margaret, i was thinking today about we are just getting details, right? about the victims here and these establishments. but these are not -- these are places where folks are if not at the margins of society, far from the centers of power. they're often establishments that have been targeted by law enforcement, depending -- i'm not saying specifically about these ones individually but as a group that has been the case in the past. and he folks that don't necessarily, the people who are working there, have a lot of power in american society. >> absolutely, chris. i think what's important to realize is that as you know these are low-wage workers. these are people who are struggling already to survive. and what's critical is that you want those people to feel safe in coming forward when incidents like what happened yesterday occur. and instead, we have seen an incredible focus on the perpetrator of this violence. his photo is used in stories. we don't see the photos of the victims. we don't hear the stories from their families about how this has struck them. i think it's critically important that we start to shift that narrative and lift up the voices of those who are most directly affected. >> yeah. this is something i think that all of us in the media are getting better at, have gotten better over the years, again, through the awfulness of the fact that this is a reoccurring phenomenon in american life. margaret huang and brittani cooper, thank you both for being with me. appreciate it. >> thanks. the house today voted to reauthorize the violence against women act, which provides support to victims of domestic violence. but over 172 republicans voted no. senator amy klobuchar's been a fierce proponent of the bill. she joins me next. been a fierce proponent of the bill she joins me next. nary antipers. the new provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret. i have the power to lower my a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. don't settle for products that give you a sort of white smile. try new crest whitening emulsions for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. a mass shooting in atlanta last night targeting women is a stark reminder of the threat women all across this country face every single day. just one day after that horrific event the u.s. house of representatives voted today to reauthorize the violence against women act. the measure passed this afternoon, 244-172. 29 republicans siding with democrats to get it through. so quite a bipartisan bill. but yeah, 172 republicans voted no. the act has been allowed to expire two years ago by senate republicans and now goes back to the senate where democrats hold a very slim majority. senator amy klobuchar is among the lawmakers pushing for reauthorization since the act was allowed to expire, and she joins me now. senator, what do you make of that roll call vote in the house with 29 republicans voting yes, which these days that's a lot, but in a grander sense a lot of republican opposition? >> well, first chris, i want to thank you for devoting your show to covering the victims in this case and who just can never be forgotten as the mayor of atlanta said, keisha lance bottoms, that this is a crime against all of us. and we are seeing as your guest congresswoman chu and so many others describe the increase in violence against asian-americans. an unprecedented number coming out of the last few years have been targeted. secondly, for the violence against women act, which would be a big help in general for violence against women, this was traditionally a really bipartisan bill back when president biden was in the senate and working on it, very bipartisan. over the years that's frayed and it's really, really concerning because it's about things like protecting lgbtq victims, protecting immigrant victims. the bill that i have in there, by the way, i am happy we got 29 republican votes because that will give me some momentum in the judiciary committee in the senate. one of the more controversial things is pretty relevant to what we are talking about today and that's a provision that convicted stalkers and convicted domestic abusers who happened to be dating partners instead of husbands, right now in some states these guys can get guns. and this provision simply says they can't. >> this has been referred to in the past as the boyfriend loophole in terms of putting -- is the gun element -- it seems to me there's two elements here that republicans have been citing. there's the gun element. there's also immigrant visas if i'm not mistaken for women that are subject to domestic abuse. that's something that there was a lot of controversy over in the trump administration which i believe used sort of administrative procedures to get rid of that. are those -- >> yeah. >> are those the objections? >> well, the main one -- the gun one has been one that they have pointed to. which by the way even our republican witnesses at a hearing several years ago, a self-described conservative sheriff from wisconsin said, you know, a gun in the hands of a domestic abuser, whether it's a boyfriend or a husband, they shoot just as tough and they kill just as much. and so they're just -- even they agreed with that piece of the provision. you know, it may be these crimes like these and these mass crimes are going to convince them. i hope so. we are proud of this bill and we we're going to push it forward starting in the judiciary committee. and as you know, for the first time in years we have the gavel. senator durbin is the chair and he's a big proponent of this bill, and we're ready to go. >> so this bill, the violence against women act, the reauthorization, would as the senate is currently constituted have to clear almost certainly a 60-vote threshold because? republican will invoke a filibuster. a staff member just has to send an e-mail saying they'll do that. chuck schumer, the majority leader, has said the next piece of legislation is senate 1, s 1, that's for the people which has campaign finance reform as well as reforms to national election administration, making election day a national holiday and so forth. there's no way you have ten republican votes, which sets up the question of is this now going to be the fight over the filibuster? >> i am tired of these archaic rules getting in the way of doing things for the american people. look what just happened. the american rescue plan, highly popular with republican voters as well as democratic voters, and we had to resort to that process called reconciliation just to get that done. and i think people are tired of waiting. they voted for change in georgia. they voted for change when they voted for joe biden. and that's why i favor getting rid of the filibuster. but even short of that, chris, you could have a standing filibuster, which senator manchin has been talking about, where you require the other side to actually like they used to do in the movies stand and object day after day after day. but however we do it, this bill itself deserves a moment and that is senate 1, which is the for the people act, already passed the house, and this would bring our democracy back again. over 250 bills have been introduced to suppress the vote since january 1st. and i just -- i don't know what -- usually when people lose an election like the republican party did in a big way, by 8 million votes, they step back. our party's done that. their party's done that. and say how do we change our policies? how do we reach out better to voters? instead what they're saying is we're going to double down on our positions on everything from immigration to choice on we're going to double down but we're going to just disenfranchise those voters that voted last time, that voted by mail and the like. that is not going to fly. and that's why this bill is so important. and one thing i hope you keep remembering when you talk about it with other guests, nine of these provisions are bipartisan. a number of these provisions have been supported by republican governors and secretaries of state. so this is why this bill is called simply for the people. because it is about preserving our democracy. >> senator amy klobuchar of the state of minnesota, who has been working very hard on the violence against women act reauthorization, thank you for your time. >> thank you, chris. and by the way, this is an argument for getting kristen clark and vinita gupta confirmed. they know what they're doing on hate crimes and we need to get them through the senate. >> that's a great point. thank you very much. those are two nominees who would be deputies at the justice department. a few weeks ago i called out republicans for claiming to be the party of the working class while staying silent on the union fight happening at amazon. now we have an update, an important one, from none other than marco rubio. you're going to want to see this. that's next. want to see this that's next. r? 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"here's my standard. when the conflict is between working americans and a company whose leadership has decided to wage culture war against working-class values the choice is easy. i support the workers. it's no fault of amazon's workers that they feel the only option available to protect themselves against bad faith is to form a union. today it might be workplace conditions. tomorrow it might be a requirement that workers embrace management's latest woke human resources fad." basically, and i've read this op-ed a bunch of times now. rubio's argument is look, i don't like unions. i don't like union organizing campaigns. the republican party doesn't. we tend to stand with capital against labor. but because you corporations are defying our political and cultural sensibilities, now it's pay-back time. rubio concludes, "amazon's workers are right to suspect its management doesn't have their best interests in mind. wealthy woke ceos instead view them as a cog in the machine that consistently prioritizes global profit margins and stoking cheap culture wars." conservatives like rubio and tom cotton and tucker carlson have officially stretched the word "woke" past any coherence. they are now arguing the richest man in the world, who is fighting against paying his employees more, the historically conservative chamber of commerce, and the u.s. military, yes the u.s. military, are all bastions of wokeness. maybe that word just is not a useful description. i mean, to be honest, part of the problem here is that republicans values in the post-trump era, their keening sense of grievance, grow increasingly bitter and anti-social honestly by the day and the more they act on these weird sort of whiny victimizing impulses the more it alien yates them from just larger and larger swaths of mainstream american culture. and when that happens they then turnaround and accuse the pentagon or the chamber of commerce of persecuting them because they're woke. but sure, look, if concluding the richest man in the world is too woke for you is the reason marco rubio's going to support organized labor, i guess i'll take it. amin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret. beauty's age-defying formulas are what's kept supermodel cindy crawford looking so youthful for so long. look at cindy at age 31 and at 52. if you want to start looking younger right now, you need meaningful beauty supreme. created by dr. jean-louis sebagh. who has been hailed as an anti-aging guru. cindy crawford i first met him when i was 28 years old and he did this melon-based antioxidant vitamin treatment. it really was like my skin was just glowing. announcer his age-fighting secret comes from a genetically unique melon found only in the south of france. dr. elizabeth kale this melon really is quite genetically unique. it contains high concentrations of a very powerful antioxidant, s o d. it's known as the youth molecule. announcer just watch as an ordinary melon wrinkles, ages and decays, while this remarkable melon on the right containing the youth molecule stays fresh and firm. dr sebagh it's like we are bringing you the quintessential vitality of the melon. all its anti-aging power and magic right to your skin. announcer watch as your frown lines are visibly diminished. wrinkles are visibly softened. necklines appear dramatically reduced. ellen pompeo i'm about to turn 49 and i can honestly say, my skin looks better today than it did five years ago... that's a great feeling! announcer now you can experience the magic of the meaningful beauty supreme system's concentrated super treatments, including. dr. sebagh's astonishing youth activating melon serum cindy crawford i really do have to thank dr. sebagh and his incredible formulations. they not only protect your skin, it looks healthy, it's radiant, you shine. announcer the meaningful beauty supreme' system is a $139 value order now and you'll pay just $49.95 plus, be one of the first 500 orders and receive cindy's new glow and go trio - free! call 1-800-871-5448 or go online to right now. 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which is that border patrol agents tend -- the union endorsed donald trump very famously. cvp i think as a body, its political valence, you know, tends to be fairly let's say hawkish on immigration enforcement. and there is i think some very obvious tension between the institutional culture of cbp and the administration. do you think that's fair to say, as part of the site of this tension? >> absolutely. that's definitely an element of it. we can understand -- we can see it firsthand really. because there have been border agents who have been leaking videos of what they're seeing at the border. >> yes. >> you can see that. that wasn't authorized by this administration. and it's unlike the last administration that wanted to endorse, incentivize these border agents to get out there and talk about how tough they were being, to post the numbers of immigrants they arrested on a single day using terms like rounding up. this is a completely different tone that this administration wants to strike. so that is certainly part of it. but then it goes a little further when you just talk about access in general, and part of it really does become troubling for journalists who just regardless of the administration, regardless of the culture want more access, want more transparency, especially when it comes to the care of children. so it's something i think the biden administration is going to have to handle as it moves forward, particularly with all of the information and scrutiny around this particularly that we're seeing at the border now. >> julia ainsley, a great reporter on this beat. thank you for sharing that excellent reporting. i want to turn now to someone who deals with this issue at the border every day as part of her job representing el paso and the surrounding area. democratic congresswoman veronica escobar of texas. congresswoman, you live in a city on the border, the largest binational community in the western hemisphere if i'm not mistaken. between el paso and juarez. let's start with this. my understanding is that through a combination of a variety of policies the trump administration had effectively shut the southern border to any asylum seekers through both covid protocols and then this remain in mexico program, which they kept expanding, which essentially sort of took the border and pushed it back into mexico. and it said you have to stop here before you even get to the border, before you can make an asylum claim. and between those two things, like before the biden administration came in they had essentially locked down the border even though they never announced it as such. is that an accurate characterization? >> hi, chris. so great to be on your show. yes, it is an accurate characterization. not only was the border effectively shut down in many respects to unlawful entry, but it was also shut down to lawful entry and refugee programs. we saw the trump administration essentially try to shut every door to america, even asylum, which is legal. and it dismantled the asylum system. so what happened was immigration and the migration, flow of humanity from central america never stopped. it's just right outside our front door. and the misery became even worse. so that's, in part, why the consequences are so much worse for the biden administration, why they're dealing with such, you know, terrible -- such a terrible situation. you also had the trump administration shut down a program that offered a pathway for children to get to their family here without making the journey. and so without that alternative, that flow then became even more dangerous and treacherous for kids. >> wait. explain that last part. the alternative for children to come, to reunite with families in a manner other than presenting at the border for asylum? >> right. so the obama administration created the central american minors program so that kids in central america could apply from their home country to be reunited with their parents. the trump administration eliminated that. and that's why i've been saying, you know, the biden administration is dealing with the consequences of policies and practices created by the prior administration that made things worse. so those kids, in the absence of that orderly, legal or rather orderly and safe pathway to apply for a legal process, they're now making that journey. so all my republican colleagues who keep expressing deep concern all of a sudden for the children who are arriving at our front door, they did not have to make that journey had that program been left in place. >> there was a hearing with secretary mayorkas, the newly confirmed head of dhs, today. i want to play a little bit of your exchange with him and get your feedback. take a listen. >> my republican colleagues, especially on this committee, are focusing on trying to return to the trump-era status quo. mr. secretary, did migrants stop their journey northward while donald trump was president? >> no, congresswoman, they did not. >> mr. secretary, do walls stop people from coming to the united states? >> they do not, congresswoman. the security of the border requires a multi-faceted approach. physical barriers, individual personnel and technology. >> are you satisfied that the biden administration, mayorkas, have their arms around what will be an extremely difficult problem, right? because you have this essentially stateless archipelago of people across the mexican border who have been pushed out of sight, out of mind. like problem solved. can't come in. the mexican government's got to deal with it. the moment you begin to lift that status quo, you're going to get people coming to the border. that's just obvious. >> and chris, it's going to happen even if you don't lift the status quo. let me tell you why. the only reason why right now, or during the trump administration these vulnerable souls were out of sight and out of mind was because mexico was collaborating with donald trump and cooperating with donald trump. there will come a point in time when mexico also says we're out of capacity, we can't keep taking these refugees in anymore, so united states, we're going to have to start letting them through. and so we cannot ignore the challenge at hand the way that it's been ignored for four years. that's what's really gotten us to this moment. i'm focused on solutions, chris. we've got to get to the root causes of this. we finally have an administration willing to do that. and as challenging as things are today and right now -- and i will tell you, i want to manage everyone's expectations. they're going to get more challenging over the next few months, because they do every year. in the warm weather, we see more migrants arriving at our front door. but in the meantime, unlike the last four years, we will not have an administration making it worse. instead, we have an administration wanting to peel those awful policies away, create the infrastructure and fix it once and for all, by addressing it with the countries in the northern triangle. that's why i have hope. it's unacceptable today, but everyone is working on it, and i have hope. >> congresswoman veronica escobar, it is a very difficult set of nested problems. we should note you were there up close and viewing it. thank you for your time tonight. that is "all in" for this wednesday night. "the rachel maddow show" starts right now. good evening, rachel. >> good evening, chris. thanks, my friend. much appreciated. and thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. it has been a little over 24 hours since police say a 21-year-old man entered an atlanta area spa with a gun. he killed four people there and injured one other. road, entered two more spas and shot and killed four other people at those two locations. eight people dead. all three of the spas targeted by that suspect were staffed predominantly by people of ancient descent. seven of the eight victims were women. all but one of the women killed were of asian descent. the suspect was apprehended and taken into custody late last night. he was charged today with eight counts of murder. law enforcement say that he has admitted to the shootings. police say he told them that he has a sex addiction and that's why he says he killed all those women working in those spas, because he wanted to eliminate his temptation for his

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