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there is more evidence that the uk variant is spread something widely in the u.s. beaches are full with few masks in sight. there won't reach immunity until people get shots. in a new cbc poll, a third of republicans say they would not get vaccinated while another 20% said they were not sure. >> yesterday president biden asked for help -- i discussed it with my team and they said things that would have more impact than anything trump would say the to the maga folks, would be what the local doctors say. >> today on morning joe, dr. fauci said he has not had contact to the former president. >> i have not reached out directly to him. but i do it so many ways indirectly including the conversation you and i are having right now about what the importance is of getting the overwhelming majority of the population vaccinated. >> joining me now is kristen welker and jonathan. >> what is the president's strategy? he is heading to delaware county. those five counties around philadelphia were big in his win, but also they are very short on vaccines. >> president biden's strategy is twofold. first to make the case and sell that sweeping 1.9 trillion relief package that passed last week. republicans say the price tag was too big, wasn't targeted enough. so president biden and vice president kamala harris are going to try to explain how it will benefit communities they are visiting. today he will visit a small business in chester and make the case that it provides aid to businesses, direct payments, those $1400 direct payments, many ofs they going out over the weekend to americans who need them. and also billions in funding for the vaccine rollout. that's the argument and the case i think you will hear the president an vice president make. in terms of the political strategy, they are targeting swing areas in swing states. delaware county, pennsylvania today. then he will be in atlanta, georgia later this week with the vice president in a joint appearance. that is a stark contrast between this passed along party lines and republicans didn't support this. they are going to try to make republicans pay a political price for this. will they? we know behind the scenes the president is discussing potential tax hikes, raising taxes on those making $400,000 or more and large corporations. that could be a flashpoint as well moving forward. that's how you try to pay for some of this. not sure if that would be a stand alone package or woven into another piece of regulation. they are trying to draw the battle lines having drawn that relief bill last week. >> some of the tax raises on partly to try to get bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill that is down the pike. as president biden is trying to sell the package, jonathan, what is the administration's plans to try to get republicans on board? >> we heard last week that the biden administration, perhaps not the best to convince republicans to take the vaccine because of the polarization the country has gone through. there have been discussions about having president trump be part of this. the other former living presidents participated in a campaign showing them all and their spouses getting the vaccine. the former president was not part of it because no one knew that he had gotten it back in january until an aide told cpac a couple weeks ago. it was the decision to wear masks that made so many not wear them at the republican rallies. the president said get your shot, but he has not been involved in any other advocacy campaign. they are not sure what role he will play. i think we will hear from dr. fauci, more events like that on morning joe, a show we know president trump watches regularly to try to get the message to him and others that people need to take a shot. >> it's remarkable they got the shot secretly without making a display about it at the time when president biden and vice president harris were getting them on camera. i what to play something about this very issue. >> i would say i was 50-50 when i started. i am maybe 75 in favor now of getting it. only if it means i can get into the nursing home to see my mother. that would push me a lot quicker. i like the doctors. i like the medical situation when they give us the facts and talk to us without any politics involved. i think that helps me see that my bias was probably with the political side of it. >> so that really supports what the cbs poll says that people want to hear about this from their doctors, people they trust, not necessarily from political figures. >> i actually doubt -- i am not sure how much impact trump would have if he did speak out about the vaccine. it's likely just to polarize an make things political. president biden saying what the white house should do is not rely on political, but on doctors and people's family to convince them to get the vaccine. the woman is narrating her education. that's probably happening to a lot of people. the more people that get vaccinated, they know people that get vaccinated, their doctor recommendation it. it's a decision about their health and that's probably the best way to get people to take that step. >> also reluctance by members of the house and senate. rand paul is a doctor saying he didn't need it because he had covid. in fact cdc and fact checkers point out that that kind of antibodies that are built up if you have covid, you don't know how long that lasts and not the same as you get from the vaccine. and there is hesitation among minority groups. this poll found that willingness to get it was higher between latino and black respondents than whites. it's ability to go when the sites are open. >> we pressed the administration on. how are they going to make up that gap, get the information to the communities who are not getting the information they need and not able to access the vaccines. they say they are pouring resources into that. it's another reason they say they need the covid relief package to pass. at the same time it's still about getting the information about. we are told this vaccine campaign to educate people will be at the grassroots level, at safe leaders, at community leaders to get people to know where and how to get their vaccines. >> thanks to all of you for starting us off today. joining me now is anthony williams who represents part of delaware county where president biden is visiting this afternoon. it is found that the southeast region you represent have received fewer doses per capita than any other part of the state. there are nearly 200,000 individuals on on a wait list in a county of roughly 560,000. what is causing this backlog? >> first it is an honor to be here on women's history month. i have watched you for years. >> thank you. senator, let me just interrupt you to say you come from a great family. >> my father is screaming about the fact it is not just about how many vaccines you have. you are spot on in terms of the coverage. the accessibility in these communities is as significant as having the vaccine itself. frankly, delaware county local executives have a plan. they put vaccination centers in places of color, but because of technology, lack of the vaccine at the appropriate time and a series of things, we are seeing african-americans, brown folks, we are seeing them fall behind their counterparts in other parts of pennsylvania. >> president biden has said he's going to direct states to make all eligible for a vaccine by may 1. but individuals in part of your county say they are still innoculating group 1a. >> we do not want to move from 1a until we have appropriately caught up in these communities underserved and undervaccinated before they move forward. we have made that employee to the governor and to the secretary of health. we hope that they are listening because without doing that we will not reach the number that the president desires nationally and certainly won't reach it in this county by thousands of people simply will not be there. the plan to have faith is important, but there is a generation who do not go to church. influencers are important today. we don't have a plan, but we need to. we need to get back to the table, have a more direct kfrpgs -- conversation about those we know are in these communities and those who don't see a doctor on a regular basis, let alone get a vaccination. >> i hope to follow up after the visit and see what help you are getting. more migrants are heading to the southern border including thousands of unaccompanied children. it's a growing crisis for the biden white house. biden white house. if you wanna be a winner then get a turkey footlong from subway®. that's oven roasted turkey. piled high with crisp veggies. on freshly baked bread! so, let's get out there and get those footlongs. now on grubhub, buy one footlong, get one 50% off. subway®. eat fresh. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance footlong, get one 50% off. so you only pay for what you need. thank 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system that was entirely dismantled in the prior administration. and we have in fact begun to rebuild that system. >> but republicans are seizing on the issue which is becoming a political problem for the white house. minority leader kevin mccarthy accusing the biden administration of creating the crisis. >> it is the policies of this new administration. no other way to call it but a biden crisis. the president is the one who created this and the one who can fix it. >> joining me is veronica escobar of texas. congresswoman, i want to give you a chance to respond to kevin mccarthy. >> thank you for having me on your program. a pleasure and honor to be with you. it is so deeply frustrating to hear the minority leader's comments. he comes into my community to use it as a prop. he knows full well we have been seeing this flow of humanity from central america since 2014. it is not a new phenomenon. it has gotten worse over the last four years. that's why you saw former president trump using every medieval, cruel tool to stop it. president trump, for four years we saw a dismantling of the asylum system, with draw funding that would bring stability to the northern triangle. we saw him eliminate programs and processes that prevented children from making that trek and applying for asylum in their home country. we should not be surprised of the consequence of all of that. the challenge of the biden administration is dealing with a broken system obliterated by the previous administration, rebuilding it, but also facing the challenge of even more people fleeing their homeland because of hurricanes and because many of those children are ready to be with their parents and families. we can do this as a country. we have to work together. i would call on the minority leader and my colleagues to tell the truth. only when we deal in truth can we solve problems together much they can join us in being part of the solution or my fear, what they will continue to do, is seek ways to divide our country, fuel zeen phobia and racism and that xenopobia, fear of the border, there are consequences to that rhetoric. >> what are the solutions? they are scrambling fema to help, trying to open some large centers for the children so they don't have to stay in the border facilities built for mexican males and not the social services that children need. but the message is not getting through to people south of the border don't come. they are not watching cable news or hearing the secretary of homeland security. >> in some respects it is not the messages coming from the white house that will stop people with nowhere to live, dealing with famine, food and security, deep economic security and running from their lives. a white house press sector secretary of dhs or even the president of the united states saying don't come probably will not make the difference. the flow never stopped under donald trump. look at everything he did to people and the way he stripped them of their humanity as a deterrent. the biden administration is moving as quickly as possible on all of this. one, restore programs in their infancy at the end of the obama administration and derailed in the trump administration to derail root causes in central america. that's a long-term prospect. get as many children into high quality shelters as possible much the trump administration ramped that down. the biden administration is trying to ramp those up to make room for those children. they have employed the help of fema to help with that transition. the third thing is get those children into the arms of their families as quickly as possible. when i met with a lot of the children held in shelter facilities under the trump administration, there had been kids in those facilities for 60 or 90 days. i talked to children who had been there for a year. the biden administration has shaved it down to about 30 to 35 days and continue to it down. more than 80% of those kids, i am told by hhs, have an immediate family member ready to bring their child into their home. between 40 and 50% are here to meet parents, parents who have been here. we have to help reunite these families that have been torn apart and do it in a humane way. i have full faith that the biden administration will accomplish that. congress stands ready to help with resources as necessary. >> it is always good to have you. i know you were just there yesterday. great to have your experience on the program. >> thank you. >> meanwhile, across the pond, italy is on lockdown again as a third coronavirus wave hits europe. major eu countries are halting the rollout of astro zen ka doses. istro zen ka doses. you can't plan for your period's... what the gush moments. but the right pad can. only always ultra thins have rapiddry technology and, they absorb 40% faster. the gush happens fast. that's why always absorbs faster. since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel 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that are harder to start. this week another hurdle. more countries are suspending use of the astrazeneca vaccine. doctors are saying there is little evidence the vaccine is causing bloodclots, insisting that the benefits far outweigh the risks. how does it feel for italy going to a third lockdown just a little more than a year after the first? >> it feels like history repeated. it was mar, 2020 when italy went into the first lockdown. here we go again. it is lockdown once again. i see a lot more people around. i don't know whether you can see behind me. why? the authorities seem to be more relaxed when it comes to checking. and secondly, italians know the virus more than last year and therefore they don't feel it as much. >> it's so sad to see the square behind you and people not having lunch in italy, something we all forward to when there. >> we will have to wait a little more. >> and joining us is the dean of the brown university of public health. good to see you, doctor. you see europe going into lockdown and astrazeneca which is more wildly used in europe, is the bloodclotting a reason to stop use of this vaccine? >> this is difficult. they have seen the rise of this b117. this is what we have all been worried about in the united states. you know, i have seen no data so far that makes me think that these bloodclots are from the vaccine. they are common, particularly among older people. i am worried that they are stopping the vaccinations for something not related to the vaccine at all. >> how much do you think of the third wave in europe, the surge now, because of the spread of the uk variant, can be attributed to the slow rollout by eu? >> i think a lot. that variance is the same surge happening here in the united states. we are not seeing it in the same way. we are seeing a decline in cases. that's because we have vaccines going out, vaccinating at two or three times the rate of european countries. i think the eu was way too slow on getting vaccines ready for their population and unfortunately, they are having to suffer for that. >> in fact, the data show that right now 11.5% of americans have been vaccinated compared to europe which is 5.7%, smaller population, easier to deal with so it doesn't make sense. let's talk about first children are being vaccinated in a phase two moderna study. >> i am hopeful, excited about this. we have started doing some testing in older children, 12 to 17-year-olds, but this is the first one i am aware of that goes down to the youngest of children. it's going to be complicated because enrolling kids in these trials is always hard. parents can be skittish and i understand that and you have to have kids consent as well. i think we will be able to understand dosing and safety and making sure there is a good immune response. i am hopeful by the time we get to the fall we will have more data on vaccinations in kids and be able to make better decisions. >> and i am told that you do not need six feet in schools, that three feet would be adequate for safe distancing? >> this has been an on going issue. six feet comes from a time period where we weren't doing masking. schools that had a three-feet rule had no more cases than schools that had a six-feet rule. i don't think that's the mechanism by which infection spreads, certainly not in schools. >> thanks so much, dr. jha. always great to see you. and waiting for takeoff. americans are flying in record numbers despite cdc warnings about nonessential travel. if you are going on a plane, what you can do to stay safe and what airlines are doing, too. ao it's true jen. this prebiotic oat formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. impressive! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ try the body wash, too. struggling to manage my type 2 diabetes was knocking me out of my zone, it's our nature.™ but lowering my a1c with once-weekly ozempic® helped me get back in it. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic® ♪ my zone? lowering my a1c and losing some weight. now, back to 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>> i think we will see some additional customers this summer, but probably a couple years before he would see a full recovery. >> if you want to avoid inperson contact, you can have a chat with a video agent. >> i am on a 6:00 flight. any chance i can catch an earlier flight? >> there is one leaving at 2:00 p.m. i can put you on that. thank you. >> she said the most common questions are can i change my flight or get an upgrade. >> on board most airlines disinfect their flight from cockpits to restaurants for every flight. the ventilation system is constantly running. depending on the plane, fresh air is cycled through every six minutes. it pulls viruses down to the floor and out vents with hepa filters. after a year of lockdown, the hope is that americans, once vaccinated, will be eager to get away. >> is this coming summer when things tend to pick up? >> i think we are hopeful to see an uptick. the key areas are in places you can socially distance, national parks, beach destinations, south florida, caribbean, central america. >> wait until your entire family is vaccinated and don't forget to pack your phone, expert advice. it is not clear how long these protocols will stay in effect at the airlines. they say they need to keep them in place until the foreseeable future. but what about the next strain of the virus or the next pandemic. at the moment all of these cleaning protocols are in effect and very strict. back to you. >> what a great how-to tour. tom costello with an across country tour. >> join me for our next guest. . by inventing a revolutionary pad, that's incredibly thin. because it protects differently. with two rapiddry layers that overlap, where you need it most. for strong protection, that's always discreet. it's time to question your protection. it's time for always discreet. since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. she can focus on living it. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. i'm jayson tatum check out my subway sub with delicious turkey and crispy bacon. it will help you hit shots from anywhere, unlike those other subs. my sub has steak. wait, what did he say? steak! choose better be better and now save when you order in the app. subway eat fresh. jennifer, an american biochemist developed a ground breaking tool to edit our dna. rna powers the pfizer and moderna vaccine. show won the nobel prize in 2020. it can potentially cure diseases. it has been used to treat sickle cell disease. >> human beings have the ability to rewrite the code of life and do that in all organisms, including ourselves, is quite extraordinary. >> more controversily chinese have used it to prevent babies from getting aids. >> i remember a guidance counselor ask me what to do. i said i want to be a scientist. he said girls don't do that. i said well this girl is going to do that. >> joining me now is walter isaacson, author of "the code breaker." walter, it is so great to see you. i have been so excited about your new book and to talk this. you, of course, have written award-winning biographies of albert einstein, steve jobs and others. why did you choose jennifer doudna? >> i do believe the science is in the life-size revolution and i didn't even think about vaccines, but that's one thing and making molecules, something we can reprogram like microchips, i thought that would be the biggest revolution of our time, even bigger than the digital revolution. then i met jennifer doudna. as you said in the introduction, she has this great life story. she persisted to become a scientist after her high school guidance counselor told her girls don't do science and focuses on rna when a lot of male biologists focused on dna. and she won the nobel prize for this ground-breaking thing which allows us to edit our own genes. >> can you explain what crispr is in layman's terms, including myself, nonscientists, something about bacteria for millennia. >> if bacteria had been doing it for a billion years, it can't be all that complicated. they're not much smarter than we are. what they do is take a mugshot every time they get attacked by a virus, little snippet of a genetic code, and they weave it into their own dna and sequences known as crisprs. so if that bacteria gets attacked by that virus, it knows how to chop it up and destroy it. in other words, it's an immune system that adapts to each new wave of virus, which is clearly something we can use in this pandemic. what jennifer doudna and jay and others figured out is recan repurpose this. because if bacteria use it this way, we can re-engineer it so it will cut our own dna at a target we specify. so crispr is a gene editing tool using rna as a guide to chop up our genes wherever we tell it to. >> let's talk about the ethical concerns, the difference between helping to cure victoria gray, the woman in mississippi with sickle cell by doing it to someone who suffered from this mutation, sickle cell mutation, and doing it in utero with a fetus for inherited genes, is that the distinction between what was done in mississippi and what -- what these chinese scientist did? >> absolutely, and it's an important distinction. when jennifer doudna helped create this technology, she had a nightmare which someone wanted to meet her and learn about it and she goes into the room and the person looks up and it's hitler. and she realizes in the wrong hands, especially when you do inherited genetic edits, ones that will be passed down to children and to all of our descendants, editing the human race, that can be definitely misused. so part of the book is jennifer doudna, along with other scientists, environment ethicists, regis leaders, including the chinese who arrested the doctor after he did it, so they can find rules of the road and probably a line that we draw which says unless something is truly medically necessary, we definitely should not make inheritable genetic edits. we can make mistakes, it's unsafe and we don't want to mess too much with the human species. i think this is the type of thing people like tony blinken and blake sullivan who are in alaska and will talk with the chinese, they have a lot to fight over. but i hope it's on the list to fight over and crispr's at the top of the list. >> just one thing after the horrible year with the pandemic, if you had the choice and scientists had the choice to genetically edit the coronavirus out of our systems, out of the systems of future children, future generations, would that be worth it? or again is it playing god in a bad way? >> i love the way you ask that question because we should open our minds a bit. i think jennifer doudna, a lot of people in the book, including myself, had sort of a reverse to the chinese doctor editing a receptor to a virus. but after the past year, you have to at least do the thought experiment, which is what would be wrong if we could do it safely to edit our species to be a little bit less susceptible to viruses? and i think sometimes when i talk about how dangerous this could be in the wrong hands or whatever, i start getting plenty of questions from people who say, my 12-year-old granddaughter has this genetic disease and they think she's going to die in three years, or my son is cripples because of this and his muscles are atrophying. so i think we have to be open and not just have the knee-jerk reaction that gene editing is bad. we have to say, what are going to be the rules so we can do it ethically and maybe that includes making us less susceptible to viruses as a species. heck, if bacteria are allowed to do it and every other species uses every trick in the book to make themselves safer, maybe we should. >> well, you've done it once again, walter, leonardo, einstein, steve jobs. you're always ahead of the curve and writing about inventions, creativity, genius, and we're so grateful. thank you for coming today. the book is "the code breaker: jennifer doudna, gene editing and the future of the human race." thank you, walter isaacson. >> thanks, andrea. and tomorrow i will be interviewing british foreign secretary dominic rabb. you can watch that live on msnbcnews.come and msnbc.many could. and follow the show online on twitter. chuck todd is up next with "mpt daily" next here on msnbc. what? i said mondays, right? 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( ♪♪ ) our lawyers just want you to know that this isn't real. that's my boy. just remember my motto: if you ain't first... all: you're last! purchase and get $10 per horsepower with dodge power dollars. that's $7,970 on the dodge challenger srt hellcat redeye. that's $7,970 i have the power to lower my a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it. once-weekly trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. most people taking it reached an a1c under 7%. trulicity may also help you lose up to 10 pounds and lower your risk of cardiovascular events, whether you know you're at risk or not. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. visible is wireless that doesn't play games. no surprise fees, legit unlimited data for as little as $25 a month. and the best part, it's powered by verizon. but it gets crazier. bring a friend every month and get every month for $5. which is why i brought them. two $5-a-months right here. hey. hey. plus the players of my squad. hey. what's up? then finally my whole livestream. boom! 12 months of $5 wireless. visible, as little as $25 a month or $5 a month when you bring a friend. powered by verizon. wireless that gets better with friends. if it's tuesday, the biden administration braces for a surge at the border unlike anything this country has seen in 20 years. the humanitarian emergency is quickly becoming a political emergency, just as the white house hopes to take a victory lap on covid relief. plus, a surge in covid cases and vaccine delays in europe has u.s. health officials ramping up their warnings and pleading with the public here not to lose sight of the fact we are still in the midst of a dangerous and unpredictable global public health crisis. and history is officially made, as deb haaland becomes the first-everat

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Centers , Services , Mexican Males , South Of The Border Don T , Homeland Security , Cable News , Lives , Security , Famine , Messages , Respects , Nowhere , Food , Difference , Everything , Sector , Dhs , Restore Programs , Deterrent , Causes , Infancy , Prospect , Obama , The End , Shelters , Down , Thing , Room , Fema , Transition , Arms , Kids , Shelter Facilities , 60 , 90 , Family Member , Hhs , 30 , 80 , 35 , Child , Home , 40 , Congress , Lockdown , Coronavirus Wave Hits Europe , Italy , Experience , Pond , Countries , Rollout , Eu , Astro Zen Ka , Istro Zen Ka , Ipad , Ultra Thins Have Rapiddry Technology , Goals , Fidelity , Gush , Suzie , Planning Effect , Verizon , Nobody , Cost , Starting Today , Network , You 5g , 5 , Top , Rest , 5g Phones , Match , Entertainment , Disney , Espn , Hulu , Protein , Muscle Health , Age , 16 , High Protein , Heroes , Hydration , Immune Support , Nutrients , Them , Idolizing , Move , Boost , Call 911 , Gas , Pg E , 911 , Health Insurance , Safe , California , Someone , Isn T , Mental Health , Enrollment , Care , Covid 19 , 19 , Wires , Wire , Coveredca Com , Cases , Coronavirus , Variants , Use , Hurdle , Benefits , Risks , Bloodclots , History , First , 2020 , Mar 2020 , Here We Go Again , Italians , Authorities , Receptor , Lunch , Square , Dean , More , Brown University Of Public Health , Astrazeneca , Rise , Bloodclotting , Data , Vaccinations , Wave , Spread , Variance , Rate , Vaccinating , Decline , Two , Three , 11 5 , 5 7 , Doesn T Make Sense , Phase Two Moderna Study , Testing , 17 , 12 , Trials , Enrolling , Response , Safety , Dosing , Schools , Feet , Decisions , Six , Safe Distancing , Weren T Doing Masking , Rule , Infection Spreads , Warnings , Takeoff , Record Numbers , Jha , Airlines , Plane , Prebiotic Oat Formula , Skin , Doing , Nonessential Travel , Ao It S True Jen , A1c , Don T Take Ozempic , Zone , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh , Body Wash , Nature Tm , Aveeno , 2 , Weight , 7 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Adults , Share , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Reuse , Pens , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Side Effects , Reaction , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Swelling , Vision Problems , Changes , Stop Ozempic , Provider , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Insulin , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Health Care Provider , Prescription , Clean , Soils , Clothes , Tide Pods Hygienic Clean Heavy Duty , Tide Hygienic , 70 , 3 , 25 , Music , You Re The Best , Tide , Joe Esposito , Job , Business , Shortlist , Finances , Charge , Oysters , Candidates , Don T Get Mad , Triumphantly Yells , Ding , E Trade , Relapses , Relapsing , Ms , Data Base , Seventy Five , Don T Take Kesimpta , Injection , Rms Drama , Drama , Versus Aubagio , Superior , Lesions , Infections , Pml , Hepatitis B , Kesimpta , Types , Reactions , Headache , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Decrease , Results , High School Sweetheart , Colorado , Debra , Clearer , Sharper , Game , Foggy , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Travelers , Flying , Tsa , Cabin Fever , Travels , Tom Costello , Reagan National Airport In Washington , Haven T , Look , App , Site , Test , Restaurants , Boarding Pass , Hawaii , Need , Luggage Tag , Screen , Pop Out , Kiosk , Terminal , Chances , Driver S License , 2019 Chances , 2019 , Passengers , Airports , Waves , Flights , 57 , Recovery , Summer , Customers , Inperson Contact , Video Agent , Chat , 6 , 00 , Questions , Ventilation System , Upgrade , Cockpits , Viruses , Hepa Filters , Floor , Fresh Air , Hope , Uptick , Distance , Areas , South Florida , National Parks , Caribbean , Beach Destinations , Effect , Protocols , Expert Advice , Pandemic , Cleaning Protocols , Strain , Revolutionary Pad , Country Tour , Guest , Protection , Overlap , It S Time , Discreet , Wealth , Worth , Ground , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Project , Party , Lifetime , Employees , Leader , 5g , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Costs , Fees , Smartphone , Guys , Zero , Steak , Subway , Sub , Bacon , Anywhere , Subs , Wait , Delicious Turkey , Jayson Tatum , Subway Eat Fresh , Jennifer Doudna , Dna , Rna , Biochemist , Ground Breaking , Diseases , Pfizer , Nobel Prize , Code , Sickle Cell Disease , Organisms , Human Beings , Controversily Chinese , Scientist , Guidance Counselor , Girls , Babies , Raids , Walter Isaacson , Girl , The Code Breaker , Book , Biographies , Course , Albert Einstein , Steve Jobs , Have Written Award , Science , Revolution , Molecules , Microchips , High School , Introduction , Life Story , Biologists , Nonscientists , Genes , Layman , Bacteria , Mugshot , Millennia , A Billion , Genetic Code , Sequences , Snippet , Crisprs , Immune System , New Wave , Words , Recan Repurpose , Jay , Crispr , Gene Editing Tool , Target , Mutation , Guide , Sickle Cell , Talk , Concerns , Mississippi , Let , Cure Victoria Gray , Distinction , Sickle Cell Mutation , Fetus , Utero , Nightmare , Hitler , Human Race , Ones , Hands , Descendants , Genetic Edits , Scientists , Regis Leaders , Chinese , Environment Ethicists , Rules , Line , Road , Type , Human Species , Mistakes , Tony Blinken , List , Alaska , Sullivan , Systems , Choice , Generations , God , Bit , Minds , Doctor Editing , Question , Sort , Reverse , Species , Thought Experiment , Disease , Granddaughter , Gene Editing , Knee Jerk Reaction , Son , Cripples , Muscles , Atrophying , Trick , Writing , Inventions , Genius , Creativity , Curve , Walter , Leonardo , Code Breaker , Andrea , Dominic Rabb , Chuck Todd , Msnbcnews , Twitter , Mondays , Msnbc , Mpt Daily , Chuckles , Sign , Em , Hundreds , Engines , That S My Boy , Bake , Lawyers , Cal , Shake N Bake , Isn T Real , Challenger , Power Dollars , Purchase , Horsepower , Motto , Dodge , Hellcat Redeye , Srt , You Ain T First , 7970 , 970 , 10 , 0 , Stop Trulicity , Body , Power , Risk , Trulicity Isn T , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Diabetic Retinopathy , Friend , Surprise Fees , Doesn T Play Games , Two 5 A Months , , Livestream , Players , Squad , Visible , Friends , Emergency , Officials , Vaccine Delays , Victory Lap , Pleading , Covid Relief , Public Health Crisis , Public , Midst , First Everat , Deb Haaland ,

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