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bank accounts. with so much money being pumped into the economy, the question is whether it could be too much of a good thing. and the crisis on the southern border. the biden administration sends fema to help manage the surge of unaccompanied minors. question is, how will the u.s. government safely accommodate the more than 4,000 children in custody? plus, the latest on the scandal surrounding new york governor andrew cuomo, as democrats turn up the heat and urge him to resign. the question is, where does the president stand? it's "way too early" for this. good morning! and welcome to "way too early," the show that's also following music history being made. we're going to get to that just ahead. i am kasie hunt on this monday, march 15th. we'll start with the news. the president and vice president will hit the road to begin promoting the new covid relief package this week. the president begins with an event at the white house today, while vice president harris will appear at a covid vaccination site in las vegas. tomorrow the president travels to pennsylvania, while the vice president will be in denver. both the president and vice president plan to visit atlanta on friday. this comes as stimulus checks have already begun hitting some bank accounts. the first payments came friday, just a day after the president signed the bill into law. you may remember the first round of checks were delayed for some americans who received them in the mail because former president donald trump had insisted that he sign them, that his name appear on that check. and treasury secretary janet yellen played down the risk of inflation as a result of this covid aid. she said the greater risk is unemployment and job loss. >> is there a risk of inflation? i think there's a small risk, and i think it's manageable. you know, prices fell a lot last spring when the pandemic surged. i expect some of those prices to move up again as the economy recovers this spring and summer, but that's, you know, a temporary movement in prices. >> and as more and more states began to ease covid restrictions, dr. anthony fauci warned yesterday that this isn't the time to declare victory against the virus. he also suggested that former president trump encourage his supporters to go get the vaccine. >> we absolutely need to avoid the urge to say, oh, everything is going great, which it is going in the right direction, but once you declare victory -- you know that metaphor that people say, if you're going for a touchdown, don't spike the ball on the 5 yard line. wait until you get into the end zone. and we're not in the end zone yet. and that's one of the issues, that when you plateau, there's always the risk of a surge. that's exactly what the europeans have experienced. >> according to a recent poll, 49% of republican men said they don't intend to get the vaccine. how much of a difference will it make if president trump leads a campaign for the people who are most devoted to him to actually go out and get the vaccine? >> chris, i think it would make all the difference in the world. he's a very widely popular person among republicans. if he came out and said, go and get vaccinated, it's really important for your health, the health of your family, and the health of the country, it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him. i'm very surprised at the high percentage of republicans who say they don't want to get vaccinated. i don't understand where that's coming from. this is not a political issue. this is a public health issue. >> a very important reminder. meanwhile, biden administration officials tell nbc news the united states has no plans to share its stockpile of astrazeneca's covid vaccine with other countries, despite requests from the european union. right now, the food and drug administration is waiting for additional data on the astrazeneca vaccine before deciding whether to clear it for use in the u.s. the vaccine is already being used in europe, and officials there have asked the united states to share some of its stockpiled doses in order to help with vaccine shortages in the european union. all right, joining us now, white house reporter for politico, gabby orr. gabby, good morning to you! thank you so much for being here. let's start just generally with the politics of the vaccine rollout distribution, the sales of the stimulus. president biden and vice president harris are going to be out across the country trying to convince people that they're the ones that sent them the help that they need, that they're focused on them, and also to try and convince them to get vaccinated. what do you see as the challenges facing the biden/harris administration this week? >> well, i think the big question is how much pushback are they going to encounter from republican lawmakers as they go to different congressional districts this week and campaign across the country to really sell this bill. we've already seen that it's fairly popular in polling. there was a cbs poll released over the weekend that showed that 71% of americans do believe that the american rescue plan will help the middle class. and so, among, you know, middle class families and american workers, this is already a very popular plan, so there's not much that the president and the vice president will have to do to sell it, necessarily, but they will have to overcome questions that republicans are raising about what this will do to stimulate the economy, how much it will add to the national debt, and you know, all of the questions that still surround american vaccinations for coronavirus, which dr. fauci raised this weekend, in terms of pointing out how many republicans are resistant to the idea of actually getting a coronavirus vaccine and what that means for our country long term as we really fight to end this pandemic. >> yeah, and speaking of that, former president trump and fauci calling on him to say, hey, tell your supporters that it's really important for you to get this vaccine. if you are former president trump, i mean, why not do that? he wants credit for "operation warp speed." he wants people to believe that he had a role in this. and yet, he didn't go out and get vaccinated, himself, in public, and so far, he hasn't sent that message that fauci's asking him to send. >> well, he did at the conservative political action conference, to be fair. he told a group of his supporters there, which, obviously, is much more limited than sharing this with the american people writ large, but he did say, everybody go get your shot, about the covid vaccine. but you're right, kasie, he hasn't joined on to the ad campaign that features the former presidents' club, you know, every other living former president and their wives have been out there publicly saying it's important for americans to go get the coronavirus vaccine. and for some reason, former president trump declined to participate in that effort. so, you know, there is certainly more that he can do to convince his very loyal base and followers that this is completely healthy, that it's something that they should take care of. and yet, his remarks have been fairly limited, really only to the cpac convention just a couple of weeks ago. >> well, and gabby, you know, this ties into -- i saw the story that you posted over the weekend. you're looking at how donald trump's actual postpresidential life doesn't necessarily look like what we expected. the headline was, he's supposed to be political godzilla in exile, but that's really not what's actually happening. >> it's not. i mean, what we've seen from the post trump presidency so far, former president trump, is really somebody who's caught between being, you know, an antagonist of the republican party or cooperating with the gop and being the king maker that so many republicans have said he's quite capable of being. on the one hand, he sent those cease and desist letters to party committees a couple weeks ago, urging them not to use his name and likeness for fund-raising efforts, basically saying, i'm trying to take control of the money flow to the republican party, and you must meet my demand. and then he turned around a week later and offered up his mar-a-lago estate to host a republican donor retreat. and you know, he's been vetting potential insurgent primary candidates but also sending out conventional endorsements of incumbent republican senators. so, he is really torn between kind of two paths here. and right now, his allies, the people i'm speaking to who are surrounding him don't really know what kind of -- what his post presidency is going to look like. >> and he's got a lot of legal issues as well. politico's gabby orr, thanks so much for getting up early to be with us this morning. we really appreciate your reporting. still ahead, president biden weighs in on the harassment allegations against new york governor andrew cuomo but stops short of calling for his resignation. plus, after 20 seasons in the nfl, new orleans saints quarterback drew brees is hanging up his jersey. we're going to have those stories and a check on your weather when we come right back. . ♪ hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play ♪ ♪ hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid ♪ ♪ and all that glitters is gold ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching ...the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant™ with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you 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that, if a team pulls out, its opponent will automatically advance. the madness begins when the first four games tip off on thursday. bit of an unusual year for brackets. all right, the drew brees era in new orleans is over. the quarterback has decided to retire after 20 nfl seasons, making the announcement with the help of his four children in a video posted on social media yesterday, 15 years to the day after he signed with the saints. >> after 15 years in the saints and 20 years in the nfl -- >> our dad -- >> is finally going to retire. >> so that he can spend more time with us! >> yay! >> yay! >> that is very, very sweet. the decision comes after the 42-year-old won 9 of 12 regular season starts, missing four games this year with multiple fractured ribs and collapsed lung. a future hall of famer, brees is the league's leader in career completions and yards passing. that is a lucky bunch of kids right there. all right, golfer justin thomas is back in the winner's circle, rallying from three shots behind to close with a 4 under 68 in yesterday's final round of the players championship that caps a 14 under performance for a one-stroke tournament victory. thomas wins a tour event for the seventh straight year, his 14th career title, becoming just the fourth player to win a major, the players championship, the fedexcup and a world golf championship. congrats to him. all right, time now for the weather. let's go to meteorologist bill karins for a check on the forecast. bill, how's everybody doing out west? >> they're struggling. i mean, it's the big dig-out today, kasie. these snow totals are crazy in colorado and wyoming. we told you last week it would be a nutso weekend for snow and it has been. one area in wyoming had 52 inches of snow. now, as far as the big cities go, it wasn't like just in the mountains. cheyenne, wyoming, had 36 inches of snow, and denver, colorado, had 27 inches of snow, that being their fourth biggest snowstorm ever recorded. so, yeah, pretty crazy stuff. the snow is coming to an end, thankfully, but we're not done everywhere. we still have some snowfall in this morning in areas of minnesota, also in northern iowa. that's this area right in here. and that's where we could pick up another 3 to 4 inches during the day today. maybe a little bit in chicago and milwaukee, but really no problems. and how about the winds howling in the northeast last night and all day yesterday afternoon? the windchill this morning brutal! negative 3 in burlington, negative 3 in albany, even d.c. feels like 20. so for today, it's still cold in the northeast and we'll be warm in the southeast. kasie, we call weeks like last week where it was warm like that, we call it fool's spring, because you know it wasn't going to last. winter's returned in a vengeance. >> that's very sad. all right, bill karins, thank you very much for the update. we'll see you tomorrow. i hope it's going to be a little bit warmer later on this week. all right. still ahead here, with the record number of unaccompanied migrant teens and children crossing the southern border, president biden is sending in fema to help with the surge. we'll be back in just a moment. t you're strong. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection ...causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions... ...neck and injection site pain... ...fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve 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interests. we have certain responsibilities that we must honor. we have to have a system that accommodates that, and that is what the biden administration is in the process of doing. >> welcome back. that was house speaker nancy pelosi weighing in on the surge of children crossing the southern border. and the biden administration is deploying fema to the u.s./mexico border to help care for that surging numbers of unaccompanied migrant teens and children, overflowing detention cells and tent shelters. this marks another escalation in the administration's response to this growing crisis. according to reports, about 8,500 teens and children are living in shelters run by health and human services, as unaccompanied minors arrive more quickly than officials can place them with sponsors. "the new york times" notes that roughly 4,000 young people were in customs and border protection facilities last week. that is more than the roughly 2,600 children and teenagers held in such detention facilities in june of 2019. the acting commissioner of cbp said nearly 9,500 children, including teenagers, were detained at the border without a parent in february. that is up from more than 5,800 in january. all right, to this now. republican senator ron johnson is facing backlash after comments he made during an interview on conservative talk radio last week. johnson said he wasn't concerned for his safety during the deadly january 6th capitol riot but added that he might have felt threatened if the mob had looked different. watch. >> i knew, even though those thousands of people that were marching the capitol were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they wanted me to vote, i knew those were people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, and so, i wasn't concerned. now, had the tables been turned, joe, this could get me in trouble -- had the tables been turned and president trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of black lives matter and antifa protesters, i might have been a little concerned. >> so many problems. so many problems. he's right. that's going to get him in trouble. a member of the far-right group the proud boys has been charged for allegedly pepper-spraying police. again, those people that respected law enforcement, according to ron johnson? pepper-spraying police during the riot on the capitol. doj prosecutors say christopher burrell attacked police with an earpiece and pepper spray. the justice department argued that after an analysis of photos from the day, the likely intended target of the pepper spray assault was the line of law enforcement officers present in these photographs. the photos don't show him actually spraying officers. worrell's lawyer says he plans to plead not guilty and only marched to the capitol on january 6th because of former president trump's invitation to do so. another person underscoring the former president's role in all of this. and this weekend marked one year since the killing of breonna taylor. taylor was fatally shot in her apartment by police officers executing a no-knock search warrant. hundreds of protesters attended the anniversary march in louisville, kentucky, still calling for justice in her case. >> my daughter is named breonna, and she's a year younger than breonna taylor. so, it could have been her. it could have been me. >> we're here not to celebrate, but to remember why we've got to keep working. >> breonna was not able to rest, so we should not be able to rest until people are held accountable. >> president biden commemorated the anniversary on twitter, writing, "breonna taylor's death was a tragedy, a blow to her family, her community, and america. as we continue to mourn her, we must press ahead to pass meaningful police reform in congress. i remain committed to signing a landmark reform bill into law. all right, still ahead here, with covid relief taken care of, house speaker nancy pelosi is pledging that democrats will tackle infrastructure next. will we see any republicans get on board this time? but before we go to break, as always, we want to know, why are you awake? email us your reasons for being up and watching on this monday to or drop me a tweet @kasie. use #waytooearly. we'll read our favorite answers coming up later in the show. min. sales are down from last quarter but we are hoping things will pick up by q3. yeah...uh... doug? sorry about that. umm... you alright? 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>> to your point, right, every single district, every single state has crumbling roads, bridges, need for funding to kind of help the infrastructure of this country. however, just the way that the politics are right now, i think you're going to see democrats try to go down some kind of a bipartisan pathway. but i mean, even chuck schumer kind of fighting with susan collins last week, it doesn't portend that they're going to be able to work with a lot of the moderates here. so, the question will be, will republicans think it is going to be politically beneficial for them to just push back against democrats, or are they going to want to say, hey, i did bring this road here, i did bring this bridge that needed to be fixed in my community, to help them get re-elected? >> so, more broadly, i mean, this all does seem to be leading to a showdown over the filibuster in the senate. you're seeing democrats also do things like push the d.r.e.a.m. act, pass for a background check bill on guns. what they're doing, essentially, is pulling popular pieces out of big, normally contentious issues, and essentially, daring republicans to vote against them as they try to demonstrate that republicans aren't willing to work with them on anything. but president biden remains opposed to changing the filibuster reform rules. what is your sense of how this dynamic is going to play out? is there going to be building frustration among democrats that's going to lead to a real change in how they do business? >> i mean, progressives clearly are trying to do what you're saying, right, take those popular issues and say, look, listen, why can't we get this done here? so far, you've had moderates -- joe manchin. chuck schumer has not seemed very open to necessarily changing the filibuster rules. i think that would be a massive, massive change, obviously. and so, to me, there would have to be a lot more friction for progressives to successfully move not only joe manchin, but also joe biden, the leader of the democratic party, to say, hey, actually, this chamber isn't working anymore, maybe the filibuster needs to go. >> and this is all, of course, the way republicans are approaching this, about the midterm elections, right? especially if you look at what mitch mcconnell is focused on. it's all about power politics, winning back the senate. do you think that there's any risk for republicans in this or in, if they are, in fact, basically blanket opposed to everything that comes to the senate floor, and the only real big things that we see are two packages done under these complex budget rules that limit the way things can happen? i mean, do you think they'll pay a price for that, or do you think it will work the way it did for them in 2010? >> right. i think this is really going back to the playbook from 2009, where republicans basically were against everything that democrats wanted to do, and they got significant victories there. the question to me is really going to be what happens with the economy. right now on "punch bowl news a.m.," we have a note out from goldman sachs last night that says they expect kind of 8%. that is great to democrats' ears, if that plays out to be true. and where are we with the coronavirus? right? does joe biden get the win here, to say the economy's doing much better under me, and also, hey, this pandemic that was totally out of control is now, you know, we're doing well as a country by the time the midterm elections happen? if that happens, this could be a very risky proposition for republicans to say, and we were just against it all. >> yeah, it's a very fair point. punch bowl news' anna palmer, thanks so much for being up with us. we appreciate your insights and reporting. and still ahead here, a historic night for women at the 63rd annual grammy awards. plus, how yo-yo ma made for a totally different vaccination experience for those at a massachusetts clinic over the weekend. 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[♪♪] when you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is crucial. for more time. we asked for kisqali. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. boost glucose control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health. try boost. it's going to be the biggest outdoor event this year besides the storming of the capitol, because you see -- >> time now for something totally different. trevor noah hosted the 63rd annual grammy awards last night, and it was a historic night for women with all the top prizes going to female artists. beyonce set a new record for most grammy wins by a woman, with three new awards, bringing her total to 28 grammys over her career. taylor swift also made history, becoming the first woman to win album of the year three times this year for her 2020 album "folklore." it was also a big night for rapper megan idea stallion, who won best rap song and rap performance for "savage" along with beyonce, while also nabbing the coveted best new artist award, the first female rapper to claim the title since 1999. other top prizes went to billie eilish for record of the year, dua lipa for best pop vocal album and "i can't breathe" by h.e.r. was named song of the year. congratulations to all of those women. great to see. all right, a statue honoring the late supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg was unveiled in her native brooklyn, new york. artists jillian mark shatner designed the statue last year in consultation with ginsburg, who gave her stamp of approval prior to its production. the reveal comes during women's history month and a few days before what would have been the justice's 88th birthday. the statue will be open to the public for viewing by appointment at city point, a development in brooklyn. and i absolutely love this. those getting vaccinated over the weekend at berkshire community college in massachusetts got a very special surprise. renowned cellist yo-yo ma, who lives in the berkshires part-time, gave a surprise concert at the vaccination site. ma received his second dose on saturday at the community college, and while spending 15 minutes in observation, he took out his cello and he played for those wapting. the performance comes one year to the day after he first posted on social media about his project "songs of comfort," sharing a video of himself playing to calm an anxious country as lockdowns began. how cool is that? and now there's this. if you've been sharing a netflix account with someone outside of your household -- attention college students everywhere -- you might need to think about getting your own account. netflix has begun testing a feature to verify users by asking for a code sent by text or email before being allowed to view content. if users are unable to provide a code, they will be prompted to start their own account. so far, the test has been rolled out to a limited number of users, but it might signal a larger effort by the streaming service to rein in password-sharing to forego paying your subscription fee. while the company has declined to talk about the test in detail, it said in a statement, quote, the test is designed to help ensure people using netflix accounts are authorized to do so. better watch out. all right, still ahead here, president biden weighs in on new york governor andrew cuomo, amid calls from top democrats for him to resign. and as we go to break, let's take a look at this date in history. 56 years ago. >> our duty must be clear to all of us. the constitution says that no person shall be kept from voting because of his race or his color. we have all sworn an oath before god. we have all sworn an oath before god. still fresh unstopables in-wash scent booster downy unstopables want to brain better? 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>> i do. it is. it's just a matter of time. that allegation against larry schwartz, making those phone calls to county executives is especially troubling. to goes back to one of the initial things that was hurting andrew cuomo, which was the bullying complaint. and by the way, this is how the office operates. i was there when the moreland commission investigation was going on, and it's the same thing. the office hunkers down, they go into lockdown. but what i'm also -- what's also really interesting is senator schumer used that word, he can't work with his governing partners. this week, governor cuomo has to negotiate a budget with two people, one of which is heading an investigation for impeachment hearings, and the other has called for him to resign. how do you work under those circumstances? never mind the staff is abandoning him and they're refusing to go to the office. >> so, susan, take us inside the office, because this series of harassment allegations are also surrounded by what sounds like a culture, or at least what people have described as a culture of bullying. and frankly, the fact that, as you point out, many of them are saying, okay, i'm not going to step up to defend you, says something about that type of culture inside the office. i mean, you've been there. what's it actually like to work for him? >> it is challenging. let me first say off the bat, i never experienced or saw any form of sexual harassment in the office, so i don't have insight into those complaints. but it is an intense environment. andrew cuomo's a perfectionist, except you never know what his idea of perfection is, so you always go in there not sure what to expect. it is a tough environment. and it does tell you something that even people who support him are afraid to go on the record because they're not sure if they're going to say the right thing. again, i really want to go back to that point about larry schwartz making those phone calls. county executives are -- you know, this budget negotiation is going to affect them. getting that kind of call from a senior ally of governor cuomo is a big deal, and it can be very intimidating. >> yeah, so you're essentially saying that that premise that this reporting suggests, okay, he's making these calls to potentially intimidate people around what they need -- they need something from him. they need vaccine from cuomo. it's a pretty astonishing story. so, susan, what's your prediction at the end of the day? i mean, cuomo is handling this in an almost trumpian manner, i mean, with the exception of the fact that he has apologized for making people feel uncomfortable. he is saying, you know, the voters put me here, i'm not going to step down. do you think he'll actually sep. do you think he'll actually do it? >> there's some talk. he refuses to step down, he'll never step down. i disagree with that. it wouldn't surprise me if we learned something this afternoon or by the end of the week or some time in between that he is considering stepping down. and he will because -- here's the thing. there's going to be more things that come out. there always are. just this latest revelation about the county execs. we don't know what -- we know news organizations around the country are scouring and looking for people to talk to, especially women. but he can't take this onslaught. and most of all, he has a duty to the citizens of new york. he cannot governor under these circumstances. that's what it comes down to. you can't work with people who are trying to impeach you and calling for your resignation. you can't get the job done. and i think that's where the rubber meets the road in the pressure for andrew to resign. >> yeah, and very briefly, do you think he might announce that he won't run for re-election, as a way to try to diffuse this, but not go all the way? >> he may do that at first, but i don't think it will be enough to diffuse it by a long shot. there's too much bad will out there towards him. he doesn't have allies. it's not the way he operates. he operates from here. he would rather be feared than loved. well, now no one fears him and no one loves him. so, he can say he's not going to seek re-election, but it won't be enough. >> nutshell right there. susan del percio, thank you very much, as always. we really appreciate you being up and talking through that with us. all right, earlier on in the show, we asked, why are you awake? amber writes to us, i'm up way too early because this child fills my life with so much joy and sleep deprivation. so cute, though. shout-out to all of those daylight savings parents that are struggling today. another viewer tweeted, i'm waking up way too early making spring decorations. with the new vaccines, it feels like there's finally something to celebrate. kristi says, waking up with you gets me revved up for "morning joe." and richard says, refinishing the basement and the carpet is coming at 9:00 a.m. and we are not ready. okay. good luck with that project today. all right, coming up here, we're going to take a look at the axios one big thing. and coming up on "morning joe," after a major victory on coronavirus relief, we'll hear from senator tim kaine about what's next on democrats' legislative agenda. don't go anywhere, "morning joe" just moments away. ere, "morning" just moments away. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. the new provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 14 day system. with a painless, onesecond scan i can check my glucose without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. you can do it without fingersticks, too. ask your doctor for a prescription for the freestyle libre 14 day system. and visit freestyle to try it for free. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 nx 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 nx 300. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. joining us now with a look at axios a.m., political reporter for axios, hans nichols. hans, good morning. always great to see you. what do you have as the one big thing today? >> good morning, kasie. our one big thing is uncertainty about who in congress being vaccinated is leading to a slowdown or just uncertainty about when congress can actually open. you look at the numbers, according to the office of attending physician, about 75% of members of congress are vaccinated. that means fully 25% haven't got it. at least according to the data that the physicians has. they could have gotten it in their home state or elsewhere. but it's this uncertainty about that's fueling this debate about how congress should return to normal. and this has implications for the way the entire house and senate operate, right? on whether or not votes -- on how long you have to vote. how much time you have to vote. how many staffers are allowed in rooms. it has implications. there's clearly tension. there is a lively floor debate on thursday between mr. scalise, the house -- between the house majority leader, steny hoyer, mr. scalise, the minority leader going back and forth on this. so it's also in so many ways a microcosm for what's happening in america. and that is, there's uncertainty about who is going to be vaccinated and that could slow the rest of the country down from fully opening back up. kasie? >> yeah, i think we should point out that members of congress were some of the first people in our country to get access to the vaccine because of continuity of government. they were able to start getting them late last year and we saw that start to roll out, which meant that they could be fully vaccinated by early this year, january. who is it that's not taking this vaccine? and what reasons are they saying for not doing it? >> okay, so we don't know. we don't have full visibility. we do know that there have been some members who have said in the past that they're unwilling to take it, like madison hawthorne said he was not willing to take it back in december. we don't know precisely who the members are. the vaccine has been out there since the end of last year. most members i've talked to have been vaccinated. they only got two staff that were allowed to be vaccinated. the data is coming from the attending physician. my colleague got this memo. one quick thing, that the gym and the pool are opened back up. that was new in this memo. i didn't see what it said though, about the senate tennis court, which i'm sure you've played there, kasie? >> you know, i actually have not. i would love to at some point. hans, quickly, you have been reporting on the treasury department, too. lily adams, who i have worked with many times over the years, going back into government, why do you think this is important? what does it -- why does this matter? >> because communications and treasury will play such a crucial role in both selling and implementing the stimulus. janet yellen is getting her team up to speed. she now has her com shop mostly organized. there are still questions about who undersecretaries will be for crucial positions, including terrorism finance, and international affairs, the top diplomat. but treasury will be making point on im a government-wide effort. you'll see that this week with people coming off with seven different states, the president, the vice president, the first lady, and others are going to be in. so there's going to be a big push on this. and one other thing, i've got to get my line in here. you know there's a tunnel connecting treasury and the white house. it goes to the east wing. there's also a tunnel from the omb. the key question there is the only one we know about. there could be other tunnels, but that's all we know about. you can slip into the oval office that way. >> direct access to the oval office. yes, i did see your tweet about how excited you were to finally be able to report that. thank you for mentioning it to everyone here at the conclusion of the show. hans nichols, thank you so much for being with us this morning. and i'm just going to pick up on what hans was reporting on right there, which was these members of congress who are in theory supposed to be setting examples for all of us, not getting the vaccine. follow the example of the 75% of members who have actually gotten the vaccine when it is your turn. thank you for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. don't go anywhere. "morning joe" starts right now. and now a look back at one year of tv news with pandemic precautions. >> you have may have noticed something a little different about tonight's newscast. >> like many of you, everyone is practicing social distancing. >> we are standing 6 feet apart here on the set. >> yeah, it's social distancing. >> so this is 6 feet right here. >> it feels like i have to shout at you now. >> i know. >> but we have microphones and we don't. >> i'm coming to you from my own home in boardman.

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1999 , Statue , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Artists Jillian Mark Shatner , Congratulations , Native , Supreme Court Justice , Brooklyn , Song Of The Year , Stamp , Reveal , Consultation , Production , Women S History Month , Approval , 88th Birthday , 88 , Viewing , Appointment , Development , Berkshire Community College , City Point , Got A Very Special Surprise , Massachusetts , Surprise Concert , Cello , Dose , Vaccination Site , Part Time , Observation , Spending , Berkshires , Project , Lockdowns , Songs Of Comfort , Wapting , Account , Someone , Household , College Students , Test , Users , Netflix , View Content , Feature , Code Sent , Code , Statement , Company , Service , Detail , Subscription Fee , Look , Calls , Accounts , Better Watch Out , Duty , 56 , Oath , Color , Constitution , Race , Voting , God , Memory Supplements , Brain Performance , Ingredients , Indicators , Neuriva , Concentration , Gummies , Memory , Verizon , Starting Today , Nobody , Learning , Accuracy , Network 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, Many , Bullying , Least , Type , Complaints , Form , Insight , Bat , Environment , Perfectionist , Perfection , Call , Deal , Budget Negotiation , Rally , Premise , Voters , Prediction , Manner , Exception , It Wouldn T , Talk , The End , Sep , County Execs , Revelation , What , News Organizations , Onslaught , Citizens , Rubber , Pressure , Job , Re Election , No One , Bad , Fears , He Doesn T Have Allies , Nutshell , Won T , Amber , Child , Shout Out , Sleep Deprivation , Daylight Savings , Viewer , Spring Decorations , Kristi , Morning Joe , Basement , Carpet , Luck , Richard , 00 , Anywhere , Tim Kaine , Don T Go , Antiperspirants , Provitamin B5 Formula , Were , Secret , 5g , Benefits , No Sweat , Fees , Taxes , Guys , Magenta Max , Phone , Costs , Musician , My Name , Fingersticks , Austin James , Scan , Glucose , A1c , Day System , Painless , Onesecond , 6 7 , 8 2 , Prescription , Alice , Apr Financing , Gain , Dealer , Fairy Godmother , Nx 300 , Wealth , Worth , Part , Collection , Scent Beads , Employee , Party , Foundation , Lifetime , Mike S Retirement Party , Employees , Axios A M , Uncertainty , Hans Nichols , Slowdown , Axios , Members , Attending Physician , 75 , 25 , Physicians , Implications , Home State , House , Votes , Debate , Elsewhere , Mr , Scalise , Floor Debate , Staffers , Tension , Rooms , Majority Leader , Microcosm , Ways , Steny Hoyer , Access , Continuity , Visibility , Madison Hawthorne , Colleague , Physician , Tennis Court , Memo , Gym , Pool , Lily Adams , Treasury , Communications , Terrorism Finance , Speed , Undersecretaries , International Affairs , Positions , Who , Diplomat , Com , Others , First Lady , Making Point On Im A , Big Push On This , Seven , Question , Wing , Tunnel , Omb , Tunnel Connecting Treasury , Everyone , Conclusion , Tunnels , Oval Office , Yes , Theory , Setting Examples , Example , Turn , Monday Morning , Distancing , Tv News , Newscast , Precautions , Feet , We Don T , Microphones , Set , Boardman ,

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