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zone. >> dr. fauci's right. the pandemic is not over. and even when it is the mental health effects of it could be with us for a long time. we put your questions to a clinical psychologist in tonight's installment of "dear doctor." from nbc news world headquarters in new york, i'm joshua johnson. welcome to "the week." well, we are making progress getting america closer to 4erd immunity as our national vaccination effort accelerates. yesterday 4.6 million doses were administered nationwide. that's a new high point. way up from 2.9 million shots last week. so far the u.s. has given more than 107 million shots. the seven-day rolling average is more than 2.5 million per day. about a fifth of americans have received at least one dose. as shots are going in arms, checks are going in the mail, or direct deposit. you can check for your stimulus payment on the irs's website. go to and then click on the get my payment tool to see if you're eligible for this stimulus and for the two previous ones. again, that's now, the payments are one more reason the white house is preparing this pr blitz. tomorrow vice president biden -- president biden, vice president harris, the first lady and second gentleman, begin a tour of battleground states and they plan to promote and explain what's in the american rescue plan. but presidents always have to handle more than one crisis at a time. and soon the white house might need to refocus on the southern border. from this january to this february border crossings of unaccompanied migrant children rose 57% in one month. right now border patrol is detaining about 3,000 minors. the situation is so serious president biden sent fema in to assist. some republican lawmakers are calling this biden's border crisis. that is why tomorrow house minority leader kevin mccarthy of california will lead a house gop delegation to the border. >> next week we'll be traveling to the border myself with 12 other members to see firsthand, to come back with solutions, to make sure our border is secure. >> and here is what house speaker nancy pelosi had to say to that. >> i don't know what his purpose is but i do know that the biden administration is trying to fix the broken system that was left to them by the trump administration. the biden administration will have a system based on doing the best possible job understanding this is a humanitarian crisis. >> next week speaker pelosi and house democrats plan to vote on two immigration bills. one would provide a path to citizenship for dreamers and those with protected status. another would provide legal status for farm workers. let us begin in el paso, where we find nbc's garrett haake standing by. garrett, tell us what's happening where you are. >> reporter: hey, joshua. so el paso is not new to migrants coming and going, particularly in the spring. they're not new to surges of unaccompanied minors. but what they're seeing now was described to me as a time bomb, essentially set by the trump administration and now going off where you had four years of a fairly draconian rules about who could cross, who could apply for asylum and who could stay while they do so and now you're seeing this influx of unaccompanied minors in a system where combined with covid-19, which has stretched the border patrol facilities, hhs shelters, everything to its limits, you have enormous trouble here essentially integrating these people into the existing system. earlier tonight i interviewed congresswoman veronica escobar who represents this part of el paso and she talked about the challenge and the frustration she feels with the republican colleagues who she thinks aren't accepting responsibility and aren't taking this seriously enough. take a listen. >> obviously, this is a problem that has predated -- i mean, this is a problem that goes back forever. but did the united states waste the last four years building walls instead of trying to address the root causes of this? >> 100%. when you think about the tens of billions of dollars that we have spent in the last four years alone and if you look at the approach to border and immigration policy over more than a decade, the hundreds of billions of dollars that have been expended, what's changed? right? >> joshua, i think that's one of the questions that presents itself for mccarthy tomorrow is what wasn't done over the last four years. and if you accept the premise of the house republicans that this is indeed a new crisis at the border, what are they willing to work with democrats to get done about it now? i think those are the unanswered political questions at this point. >> garrett, i spoke to human rights advocates about the dangers that asylum seekers are facing right now. what did you hear? >> reporter: it was interesting to learn about the dangers that the remain in mexico policy has created for asylum seekers. we know that so many of these migrants, particularlit unaccompanied minors, are coming up from northern triangle countries. these are not mexican citizens. these are people from guatemala or honduras or el salvador walking through mexico essentially to try to present themselves here at the fence, here at the border in the united states and apply for asylum. under the trump administration many of those people including people who had absolutely no background in mexico were essentially picked up and dropped off on the other side of the fence in juarez where they were subject to really dangerous and difficult conditions that were described to me this way. >> for the past two years i've tracked over 1,500 incidents of asylum seekers and migrants who were returned to mexico under what's called the migrant protection protocols. and many, many of them were kidnapped. people were raped. the dangers for asylum seekers and children among them who are being sent back to mexico is extreme. and the biden administration should act quickly to ensure that those people are able to find protection in the united states as is required by our laws. >> reporter: and joshua, american law currently includes something called title 42, which is important. this is the covid regulations that essentially say the border is closed and that almost no one is being allowed in. under the biden administration that order has been lifted for children. unaccompanied minors are essentially allowed in. but for families and single adults a lot of those old rules do still apply, which means all of those dangers you've just heard described still persist. >> speak of what the law says, garrett, let's talk about these two house bills that are scheduled to be voted on this week. what more can you tell us and what are the prospects for it like? >> reporter: covering congress is my day job and the reality is the comprehensive immigration reform plan that the biden administration would like to move through congress doesn't have the votes yet. it's not a finished product. democrats aren't uniformly on board. republican support has not been whipped. so what they're doing is breaking it into component piece that's they hope will be more popular. so the house is expected to vote this week on a pathway to citizenship for dreamers and also to a legal status structure if you will for farm workers, for temporary workers in the united states. elements of a comprehensive immigration proposal that could potentially pass, could alleviate some of the challenges that exist in the border region in communities that rely heavily on farm labor, for example. but neither of those provisions will do anything to stop the unfolding humanitarian process that we're experiencing down here at the border now, joshua. >> and very, very briefly, garrett, are we hearing anything from house republicans in terms of their ideas for immigration? >> reporter: the one house republican proposal that's been put forward is something called the pause act which essentially takes that title 42 that i was talking about earlier and reapplies it across the board. so while that would stop these migrant children from being allowed into the country it doesn't do anything to put them anywhere except on the other side of this fence. so democrats, immigration activists say that's a solution but not a particularly humane one and not in sync with american immigration law. >> thank you, garrett. that's nbc's garrett haake starting us off from the border in el paso. let us continue now with democratic congressman ro khanna of california. his district in silicon valley includes the headquarters of apple, intel and linkedin. congressman khanna, good evening. >> josh, great to be in. >> we finished talking about policy. let me pick up there with you in terms of where we stand and what needs to be done, particularly about what's happening at the border now with fema being sent to assist. what is your sense of where we stand in terms of longer-term solutions for what's happening at the border including the two bills that house democrats plan to move forward this week? >> well, josh, we need the two bills but we need to first look at what's happening at the border and say it's unacceptable what's happening to some of these children. i mean, i just read a report that some of the children don't have food. they aren't being able to shower. they're being held for more than 72 hours without going to refugee resettlement. they aren't being given access to lawyers. these are human rights violations. we need to expedite and make sure they're allowed to apply for asylum. we need to expedite their reunification with families and put them in a place that isn't behind boors as unaccompanied minors and at least there's food and proper shelter. >> there's a facility in your district called moffett field, big old nasa facility. if you drive down 101 heading down silicon valley you can see it, it looks like these two gigantic airplane hangars. and it's currently being considered as a site by hhs as a detention center for migrant children. tell us more about that and how you feel about the prospect of it being used as a temporary detention facility. >> well, josh, the administration contacted us. i'd much prefer that we have a reunification with the family and in the office of refugee resettlement, which is not as much of a detention. but if they are going to use moffett, they need to make sure that they have the proper safeguard. what we're reading is children don't have food. they don't have proper nutrition. they don't have access to lawyers. none of that is acceptable. so he would've said you have to meet very high standards and congress needs to fund the refugee resettlement places so that we can have proper care for these children while they're applying for asylum. >> we should be clear. moffett field is not designed for housing people. it's designed as like a california national guard facility. it's designed for housing aircraft. so this would be a makeshift solution for an ongoing problem. with regards to that, i wonder how you see the other immigration issue in your district, which i think has to do with immigration of high skilled workers. there was a lot of controversy over what are called h-1 b visas which are the kind of visas a lost tech companies use to get tech workers to work in the u.s., highly skilled workers. and there are some reports that suggest that the policies that allow for highly skilled worker visas could be threatened depending on the wait house goes about seeking immigration reform, whether it's the big sweeping bill the biden administration is proposing, a series of smaller ones. talk about this other aspect of immigration, high skilled labor immigration and policy. what would you like to see done there? >> josh, i believe whether you're looking at immigrants in tech or whether you're looking at immigrants who work in hospitality the economic studies are overwhelming that they actually create jobs, they contribute to the economy. one of the things people often miss out is that these -- the immigrants are spending money. and that actually leads to more business and more job creation. and there are economic studies that show when you restrict the immigrants from coming and working you're actually hurting consumer demand and hurting jobs. it's actually california in 1964 banned farm workers from coming. it didn't lead to more u.s. employment. if anything, it just led to autd maigs. so i think we start with the fact that immigrants contribute to the economy. now, what we want is for them to not be abused in the marketplace. so where you have h-1b visa holders being paid below market wages i'm for reform and accountability. if we can expedite that, and have them have the proper bargaining power, i think we should look at immigrants as an asset to our economy. >> a few more things i want to ask you before i let you go including about covid. we know that california is allowing some counties to lift some restrictions in the next few days and weeks depending on how infection rates look. your district kind of hugs the southern end of the bay, the san francisco bay, kind of part of silicon valley north of san jose. talk about what's happening in your district in terms of closures, reopenings, and what you're hoping for if some of these restrictions are lift. >> josh, i'm with dr. fauci that we need to be very careful and not rush into this. dr. cody who's our public health official in santa clara county, actually had the earliest shutdown of the economy. it saved numerous lives. and what we need to do is make sure we get vaccinated before lifting the restrictions on dining and lifting restrictions on large gatherings so that we don't deal with variants leading to more deaths in the next couple months. so, i am for a cautious approach, as are a lot of the public health officials i talk to in santa clara county and alameda county. >> before i let you go i wonder what you make of this recall effort targeting governor gavin newsom. the supporters say they have way more petition signatures than they need to put this before voters. what do you think will happen there? >> well, it's a republican effort. they haven't won a statewide election. and instead of being constructive in dealing with covid and in dealing with the economics, they're trying to recall a governor. i've seen polling the governor is going to easily defeat the recall. he's got a unified party. there are times i disagree with him. but everyone on all of the spectrum are behind him on this. it's a waste of resources and it's not going to succeed. >> democratic congressman ro khanna of california and silicon valley. congressman, thanks very much. >> thank you, josh. you know my district better than anyone. >> well, we'll keep talking about that district as the weeks and months go on. thanks very much. coming up, how are you feeling during this pandemic? not physically. mentally. we've got a number of questions about how covid affects our mental health. a clinical psychologist joins us ahead in tonight's "dear doctor." up next, new york city has a lot to get done. getting people vaccinated, fighting violence against asian-americans, getting that beautiful vibrant business district reopened again, and addressing the rise in homelessness. andrew yang is among the top contenders to be new york's next mayor. he will join us when we come back. but first, cori coffin is here with the headlines. hey, cori. >> hi, joshua. stories we're watching at this hour. nfl quarterback drew brees has announced his retirement. he played for the new orleans saints for 15 of his 20 years in the league. brees ranks first all-time for career passing yards and second for touchdown passes. a california man came to the aid of a teacher who lost his job in the pandemic and became homeless. steven nava said he noticed the man living in a vehicle in a parking lot. it turned out to be his childhood teacher. nava started a gofundme that raised over $25,000 in three days. and finally tonight, air travel is at its highest level since march 2020. the tsa said it screened over 1.3 million passengers on friday. that, though, is still down 38% from precovid levels. more of "the week with joshua johnson" right after the break. k [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [triumphantly yells] [ding] don't get mad. get e*trade and take charge of your finances today. 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sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. new york is electing a mayor this year. the primary is less than 100 days away. as you might expect, the field of candidates is pretty big. but former presidential candidate andrew yang is leading the pack. he has consistently ranked at the top of public polling. yesterday mr. yang reported his fund-raising numbers. in less than 60 days his campaign said it had raised more than $6.5 million. that includes funds matched from over 15,000 individual donors. the first democratic mayoral debate is scheduled for may 13th. so is new york ready to join the yang gang? and if so what will he do as ilths mayor? andrew yang joins us now. mr. yang, good evening. it's great to have you. >> it's great to be here, joshua. happy grammy night. i'd rather be here with all the people watching. feed that brain. >> i thought you were going to say happy pi day because you're a math guy. but that's okay. >> there's that too. >> exactly. there's a lot i'd like to cover with you. starting with the most basic questions. in 30 seconds or less why should new yorkers elect you mayor? >> i'm running for mayor because i can help new york city recover from this historic crisis faster than any other candidate by helping small businesses reopen and firing up the engine of new york's economy. >> let me begin by asking you about part of that, which has to do with getting schools reopened, schools and workplaces are very closely tied. new york city's new schools chancellor takes office tomorrow, actually. she told the "wall street journal" that she sees summer school playing a very big role in getting kids back on track as the pandemic recedes and wants to expand that to as many kids as possible. what do you make of that? and what is your plan for getting kids back in the classroom? >> i think that's exactly what we should be focusing on because i'm a public school parent myself, joshua. and my children have also not been in school all year. and the facts show that online education is 30% to 70% less effective than in-person instruction and that 29% of new yorkers don't have high-speed internet at home. so we're looking at learning loss for hundreds of thousands of kids and we have a lot of time to make up. so if we can get those kids into classrooms this summer, we should be doing just that. >> i'm going to get through as many questions as i can including some questions from our viewers particularly about the city's housing crisis. emily asked, "how would you address the problem of new york city becoming a barren landscape of retail space and luxury high-rises that are mostly empty? how would you make the city livable for average new yorkers again?" mr. yang? >> we've had an affordable housing crisis for years but we have an opportunity right now because hotels right now are 80% vacant and commercial real estate nm parts of the city is also 80% vacant. i've talked to a non-profit developer who's looking to convert an empty hotel to affordable housing for hundreds of new yorkers and they can do that at a fraction of the cost and a fraction of the time that ground-up construction would take. so we have to marry the opportunity to the need and get people the affordable housing that we've been looking for as a city for years and decades because joshua, when you talk about affordable housing everybody's forward in the abstract but when it comes to their neighborhood they're not as much for it. so we have to take advantage of the building stock we have right now lying empty. >> what do you think about measures like rent forgiveness or converting some of the city's public housing to section 8 federal public housing? >> i don't think anyone should be getting evicted during a pandemic. so to me the only question is whether we're going to put the rent relief in the hands of the tenants or the landlords. but either way we should be extending the eviction moratorium. no one should be pushed out on the street during this time. >> overall crime is down in new york but attacks against asian-americans in new york are rising. i know you've had a number of things to say about this over the course of the covid pandemic. give me an example of an experience from your life, an encounter with racism that you had that informs the way you would deal with race as mayor. >> about a year ago today when i started going out on the street there was like a completely different attitude towards me, towards my family members, towards people of asian-american descent. and in my case it did not result in anything more than dirty looks or people shrinking away from you in public. but i just talked to a restaurant worker who's asian-american who was assaulted on the streets of new york for no other reason than his ethnicity. and so there's a lot of pain, a lot of heartbreak in the asian-american community right now in new york city. and as you said, these incidents are up 900% according to the numbers that we have. so i've been doing my best to talk to the victims and hopefully bring new yorkers together to say there's no place for this kind of hatred or violence in new york or any other part of the country. >> and how would that inform you policywise in terms of what you would do about these crimes as mayor? >> well, there are three things we should do immediately, joshua. number one is we need to fully fund the asian hate crimes task force, which right now is a volunteer group. i don't think that's an appropriate response. number two, some of these incidents have not been treated as hate crimes, and they should be. where the fact patterns clearly show that there's no other reason that this person was attacked other than the color of their skin. and the third thing is we have to build up bonds of trust in communication between city officials and the asian-american community because right now a lot of these incidents are not going reported. i would be thrilled to serve that role if i'm fortunate enough to be this city's next mayor. >> a number of women have come forward accusing new york's governor, andrew cuomo, of inappropriate behavior. you released a letter on march 10th calling on the governor to step aside temporarily while the investigation takes place. you compared it to an investigation of a police officer or a teacher accused of inappropriate behavior. but that letter was dated before it was announced and an allegation of groping was referred to the albany police department. we should note governor cuomo has denied these allegations. has this new information changed your view on what the governor should do? >> i think we should be focused on the interests of new yorkers all over the states and we need a governor who's able to focus on the business at hand. we're still struggling with recovery from a pandemic without being dragged down by these allegations and this controversy. we should have the governor step aside, let lieutenant governor hochul take over. that would be in the best interests of people all over the state as well as in new york city. >> it is possible theoretically that you could win the race for mayor and governor cuomo could still be governor of new york when you take office. theoretically. if that happened, how would you manage that relationship with albany and with mr. cuomo? >> my job will be to deliver for the people of new york city. and to me the interests of new york city and new york state are very much aligned. the fact is the city is the economic engine of the state. so we have to get on the same page. there are all of these issues that have been faltering recently because frankly city hall and albany have not had the kind of work relationship that they need to be able to solve some of the problems we're seeing in front of us every day. >> i do want to ask you about universal basic income. that was one of the big issues that you talked about on the campaign trail when you ran for president. >> i remember. >> yes indeed. you proposed a u.b.i. for new york city residents. this has been criticized by one of your opponents, eric adams who's the brooklyn borough president has referred to this as a u.b. lie. talk about this a bit particularly in the context of the stimulus checks that are going out this weekend. maybe there's a little bit more of an appetite for direct payments from the government in light of what we've been through with covid. but talk about how this u.b.i. would work and respond to mr. adams's criticism. >> i am so grateful that tens of millions of americans are getting $1,400 relief checks that are going to be a lifeline for so many people. and when i ran for president, joshua, universal basic income was very, very new to many americans. but now a majority of americans, 55%, are for it. and 85% are for cash relief during the pandemic. my goal as mayor will be to alleviate extreme poverty in new york city. and while we can't do what the federal government can do in terms of the level of cash distribution, we can have targeted cash relief go to keep people in more stable situations and frankly in many cases it's going to keep them in situations that will enable them not to wind up in various city institutions including our shelter system that are much, much more costly both on a human level and an economic level. >> briefly, how would you fund the u.b.i.? in some places u.b.i.s have been funded by private donations. alaska has one funded by proceeds from oil and natural gas exploration. how would new york pay for the u.b.i.? >> well, we're looking at targeted cash relief that would apply to hundreds of thousands of the poorest new yorkers. and we can fund this with a combination of existing city funds and also asking albany to close the loopholes that some significant land owners in new york have had in terms of their property tax abatements. i'm just going to call out one of them. madison square garden has an abatement of $41 million a year that's just for the garden. if we close those loopholes and put to work some of the city's resources we can pay for targeted cash relief for the people that are struggling the most. >> andrew yang, former presidential candidate, now running to be the mayor of new york city. mr. yang, pleasure to have you with us. thank you very much. >> joshua, let's get new york city back, my friend. thank you for having me. >> absolutely. thank you, sir. hey, check out this article from "the atlantic." "late stage pandemic is messing with your brain." covid-19 has not been easy on our mental health in the last year. a clinical psychologist joins us to answer your questions when we come back. s us to answer your questions when we come back. sprinting past every leak in our softest, smoothest fabric. she's confident, protected, her strength respected. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. still fresh unstopables in-wash scent booster downy unstopables ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing] ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day... ♪ no matter how you got copd it's time to make a stand. ♪ ...and i'm feelin' good ♪ start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. it's time to start a new day. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it's the most comfortable, body-sensing, automatically-responding, ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. energy-building, dually-adjustable, dad-powering, wellness-boosting, foot-warming, snore-relieving, temperature-balancing, recovery-assisting, effortlessly life-changing, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, 0% interest for 48 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. this pandemic is far from over. even though there is a lot of good news. yesterday the u.s. hit a new high for daily vaccinations. 4.6 million shots. on friday the world health organization granted emergency use authorization to the johnson & johnson vaccine. that makes it available for global distribution to low-income countries. many of them have yet to begin vaccinations. the j&j drug should be highly portable since it only needs to be refrigerated, not deep frozen. meanwhile, concerns remain over the oxford astrazeneca vaccine. ireland is the latest country to pause using it over safety concerns. this constant back and forth with the pandemic, good news, bad news, breakthroughs, setbacks, all as we hope to get back to something like a normal life, it can be exhausting. and if you feel like it's wearing you down, you're not alone. but what should you do about covid when it takes a toll on your mental health? joining us now is dr. jeffrey guard yooer. he's a clinical psychologist and associate professor at turow college of osteopathic medicine. dr. gardere, welcome to the program. >> it's a pleasure to be with you, joshua. good before the doctor and i begin, please bear in mind nothing we discuss here can substitute for the guidance of your doctor for your specific situation. so your mileage may vary. but with that said, dr. gardere, i wonder what your sense is of how big a crisis this is. there's one report from the american psychological association that shows 2/3 of americans, 2/3, say their sleep patterns have changed and three in four have all righted high stress levels. how big of a crisis is this? >> well, the numbers speak for themselves, joshua. as a matter of fact, the share of americans reporting symptoms of anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, are both roughly quadruple from june 2019 to december 2020. and this is according to the census bureau study released late last year. so this is something that we've never dealt with before. this is what i call a mental health tsunami. something that is testing us, stressing us in every way possible and psychologically has turned our world upside down. >> let's get to some questions from viewers beginning with a question from marcy who asks, "how do people who tend to be home bodies re-enter the world when they haven't really been in contact with people and friends for over a year? it's terrifying for some people to think about having to face social situations again. how do they get over that hurdle and how do people who love them help them? i worry about kids in this situation especially, mine includes." doctor? >> well, marsee, i think that's an incredible question because this is something we're dealing with now. joshua, you talked about the vaccines that are coming out. meme people are getting vaccinated. but i'm ork working with so many people, i've heard from so many folks who've talked about how they are afraid of coming back into the world. they're not used to it. they don't know what the rituals are any longer. and so now they're really stressed and really anxious about returning into the world. and the best way they can do that is incrementally, a step at a time. start with that social bubble that we are used to. start getting out and taking walks, talking to neighbors. of course you still have to social distance. but as you begin to now start commuting again, you do that a little bit at a time, you don't go too far. start spending a little bit more time at the stores, at the supermarkets instead of ordering in all the time. and eventually you will be used to being with others around. you know, the brain really started to forget how to be with other people. and that is evolution. how we are able to adapt. but now we can begin to remember once again and the anxiety that goes with that will begin to lessen. >> trisha in san francisco asked how can we work through the pandemic isolation effects? lethargy, lack of motivation, despair, inability to read, loneliness, memory lapses. feels like being held hostage. and doctor, trish is also asking about the impact of young adults who may feel even more entrenched in lack of agency than they already were prepandemic. working through the effects of isolation. how do we do that? >> well, social isolation doesn't mean that we don't need to be connected with other people. we've done that online very, very well. it's important that we check on our loved ones. but especially with our youngsters, joshua. we know they have been so impact the by this. their levels of anxiety and depression have been through the roof. we've seen emergency pediatric departments being inundated with kids with panic attacks. so now more than ever is the time to be able to listen to what it is that our children have to say to be able to look at the signals when they're angry or when they're frustrated that there really is something going on with them and that needs to be addressed. but this is where it takes the family. this is where it takes the community to not only reach out to one another but to listen to one another and support one another in every incremental step. >> before i have to let you go, we talked a lot about anxiety and depression as it relates to any number of stressors. i wonder if before i let you go you can give us a sense of the line between feeling depressed and having depression, which we should be clear is nothing to be ashamed of. i have been treated for anxiety and depression with medication for a number of years, and it has revolutionized my life and made it livable. frankly, i don't know if we'd be talking right now if i hadn't been. can you talk about the line between feeling depressed and having depression? >> yes. first of all, congratulations to you and thank you for smashing that stigma that so many of us are afraid to do, especially when it comes to mental health issues. but here's the thing. many of us are feeling depressed. this is what we may call some sort of a disforria. we're sad many days but we're able to get through life, we're able to meet our responsibilities. the person who's actually depressed many times can't get out of bed. many times they can't see a future for themselves. they can't look at what tomorrow is about. and quite often they have body aches and they just cannot be with other people. forget about social isolation because of covid. they just, even if they have the opportunity, they self-isolate. so that needs to be treated. but i think at this point, joshua, the bottom line is whether you're feeling depressed or are actually depressed because of this pandemic, it's important that we talk to someone and get some therapy whether formally or informally. >> definitely seek help. and again, for your personal situation do speak to your doctor and consider what options are best for you. dr. jeff gardere, thanks very much. >> thank you. now, as for the physical fight against this pandemic, the federal government still needs help getting millions of people vaccinated. and maybe you can help. if you're a health care professional, a retiree or a student, you could possibly qualify to be a volunteer vaccinator. to see if you fit the criteria visit phe, as in public health emergency, that's all one word. again, and if you still need your shot, visit our website, it's an interactive state by state guide that factors in high risk factors and essential workers. that's coming up, tomorrow marks two years since the christchurch mosque shootings. new zealand cracked down on weapons. now the prime minister is focusing on words. >> there are some things that lie outside the power of just politicians and governments. care so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... uh-oh, sorry... oh... what? i'm an emu! no, buddy! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good how do we move forward from tragedy? how do we prevent acts of racism and hatred from killing people we love again? america is hardly the only country wrestling with this. new zealand is too. tomorrow marks two years since a white supremacist attacked two mosques in christchurch, one of new zealand's largest cities. the gunman killed 51 people. some of them were praying as he opened fire. he is serving life in prison after pleading guilty. soon after the shooting new zealand's parliament voted nearly unanimously to ban military-style semi-automatic weapons. a national buyback program got nearly 56,000 guns off the streets. this week christ christchurch hosted a national remembrance ceremony. the speakers included prime minister jacinda ar dern. her remarks during the ceremony struck me. partly because of how relevant they are beyond this tragedy. words will not bring those who died back. but prime minister ardern says words will be key to moving us all forward. >> many of us who remember or indeed have seen children being taught from a very young age to be stoic, that if they face the harsh word of others they should adopt a stiff upper lip. perhaps it has been our way of teaching children resilience in the face of those who might intend to cause harm. of course we want our children to be resilient. but surely no more than we want our children to be kind. and so we have to ask ourselves, what does it take to create a generation that is empathetic but strong, that is kind but fair, that is knowledgeable but curious, that knows the power of words and uses them to challenge, defend, and empower? in the aftermath of march 15 we have learned so much. we've been willing to ask ourselves some incredibly hard questions. we have confronted and continue to confront our laws, our systems, our bureaucracy. and things are changing and they will continue to change. but there are some things that lie outside the power of just politicians and governments. we all own and hold the power of words. we use them, we hear them, we respond to them. how we choose to use this most powerful of tools is our choice. there will be an unquestionable legacy from march 15. much of it will be heartbreaking. but it is never too early or too late for the legacy to be a more inclusive nation, one that stands proud of our diversity, embraces it, and if called to defends it staunchly. and for those moments may i never and may we never be at a loss for words. >> that was new zealand's prime minister jacinda ardern marking two years since the christchurch mosque shootings. there are no easy answers to her challenge, raising a generation whose words are kind and empa theltic even in the face of racism and hatred. i'd love to know what's working where you are. so tweet us. we're @theweekessence. or e-mail us coming up, what has the pandemic made you grateful for in spied of covid-19? we'll share your stories before we go. covid-19? we'll share your stories before we go. 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"so very thankful that both my 87-year-old parents are able to stay safe in their own home and not be at rix of contracting covid in a nursing home. both are fully vaccinated now too." another chris writes, "i'm grateful for an employer, walmart, that allowed my covid leave to be paid. the increased business has allowed our associates bonuses along with other incentive payments. i'm fortunate to be in the retail sector and i'm glad i'm still healthy and fully vaccinated." finally, carol shared this on facebook. "i'm blessed to live in the country on a minnesota lake. through this difficult year i've been able to distantly connect outside with neighbors as we walk on the roads winding through our neighborhood. more neighbors have been out and about as they worked from home. then during the summer we had the lake where we could cruise, ski, fish, surf, and swim all in a socially distanced manner. winter brought ice fishing cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and snowmobiling all on the ice. so blessed to have space in the great outdoors." we are always glad to hear from you. thank you so much for sharing your stories. remember "the week" starts earlier on the streaming service peacock. join us friday nights at 7:00 on the choice, a channel within the peacock app. download it from the app store or sign up for free at we will still be here for you on msnbc saturday nights from 8:00 to 10:00 eastern and sundays at 9:00 eastern after the "mehdi hasan show." but until we meet again i'm joshua johnson. thank you so much for making time for us. i will see you friday at 7:00 eastern on peacock. until then, make it a wonderful week. good night. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum seal tight. new parodontax active gum repair toothpaste. ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. 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