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good evening. i'm mehdi hasan. joe biden has been spending the weekend at home in delaware before he heads out on the road this week to sell the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan. he has a lot to work with. it is difficult to overstate what a big win this piece of legislation is for the president. it's the second biggest economic stimulus in american history, giving cash direct to the poorest americans. and if you want to know how much our politics has changed, here is the great irony. the joe biden of the 1980s and 1990s would probably have voted against it. don't take my word for it. take his, from 1984. >> what happens if every tax dollar that we pay, 50 to 60% of it is just going to pay the interest on the debt? he will be paying for what we lived on. we should be investing to allow him to be able to live on something. >> here he is in 1988, decrying, quote, stories of welfare mothers driving luxury cars and leading lifestyles that mirror the rich and famous. biden's words at the time echoed those of the hugely popular republican president back then. >> the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, i'm from the government and i'm here to help. >> yet the joe biden of today says the exact opposite. the white house actually called it imminent full court press the help is here road tour and joe biden says his government is here to help. >> we have to continue to build confidence in the american people that their government can function for them and deliver. help is here and we will not stop working for you. >> $1,400 relief payments are going out to tens of millions americans with more expected every day. there has never been a bill like this before in its sheer scope and scale for support for children, renters, subsidies for health care, taxes on the super rich. yet republicans want you to be afraid. they complain that the money isn't just exclusively for covid treatment or vaccines. and they're kind of right. it isn't. but they're crazy if they think that's a bad thing. then again, i get why they're so upset. they're so used to having everyone accept their view of the world, their guiding ideology. the american rescue plan has turned their ideological world upside down. it seems like this could be the end of the reagan era, the end of welfare queens and trickle down economics and the neoliberal consensus. there's a new consensus in town. the government is here to help and there's no reason to be afraid of that. a $1400 check or $3600 child tax credit is hugely popular, totally affordable and backed by the best available economic evidence. studies suggest it's going to cut child poverty in half. in half. i said it before, and i will say it again. the americans are cue plan is the most progressive legislation of my lifetime. it's a huge win for a left that, to be honest, isn't used to getting any kinds of wins. you have to go back to lbj's great society in the 1960s to come anywhere close to what we've seen signed into law this past week, but -- and there's always a but. much of lbj's great society was permanent. medicare, medicaid, fair housing act. these are still with us today. much of the contents of the american rescue plan are time limited. the checks are a one-off. the child tax credit expires in a year. health care subsidies, in two years. what would be the ultimate game changer is if a biden presidency can make some of these changes permanent. there's no point helping child poverty if it's only for a year. how does he do that facing a 50/50 senate in which republicans can block anything they like because of the damn filibuster, which requires 60 votes to get anything passed? for more on all of this, who better to speak to than the white house chief of staff, who hases been credited for much of the progressive direction and tone of the new administration, long-time joe biden adviser and confidante ron klain, who is being referred to as the left whisperer. ron klain, thank you for joining me tonight. i know you have a very busy schedule. you've known the man for decades. how did joe biden change and become this president signing landmark legislation in his first 50 days? some say it was thanks to you. others say it was pressure from bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. others say it was the pandemic, plus the experience of being burned by republicans during the obama years. what explains this new, different joe biden? >> i fundamentally disagree, mehdi with, that read-in. he has always been a fighter for working people, a fighter for people who are in trouble, for people who need help. we're faced with one of the most grave situations we've seen in this country really since the great depression. record levels of unemployment. obviously, the great consequences of the pandemic. food lines miles long. so, what president biden, previously senator biden, vice president biden, joe biden has always believed is rising to the moment and doing what the government needs to do to help those people in need. we may disagree on the premises here but we could agree on the fact that the american rescue plan is a solution that comes to the moment and is a solution that helps deal with the crises we face in this country right now. >> yes we do agree on that, even if we differ on how we evaluate joe biden's journey to this point. personally i've gone from believing biden would be hillary 2.0, to thinking he could be another lbj, at least domestically. lbj's great society featured permanent progressive victories, medicare, medicaid, still with us more than 50 years later. the $3600 child tax credit is a radical policy but expires in a year. there's no point in harboring child poverty for only a year. will the white house be pushing to make it permanent before it expires? >> we're certainly going to work for that, mehdi. some parts of this bill are temporary by design around the pandemic. extension of unemployment insurance. we're hoping to get people back to work. that's the goal. as you say, some of the policy hopefully lays a groundwork for what follows. dealing with child poverty problem on a permanent basis is an important objective for us. doing some of the things the bill does to strengthen the veterans' health system, strengthening small business job creation, that's an important long-term objective. by the way, the thing that i hope is a permanent change is the past four years at least we've had economic strategy as a country that's focused on making the rich richer and hoping that trickles down. the fundamental message of the american rescue plan is that the economy grows, we help people at the bottom work their way up and we help people in the middle to grow from the middle out and that's the philosophy that this legislation captures. >> a 20% boost for some of the poorest americans in terms of income as a result of this legislation. undeniable and very welcome. one thing progressives are deeply disappointed by, though, ron, is the absence of a $15 minimum wage. it was taken out by the senate parliamentarian. the white house didn't fight that. will we see a $15 minimum wage bill being pushed by the administration this year? >> we will. we're in the fight for the 15. we're disappointed it got pulled out on a parliamentarian point. we thought we had a way to get the minimum wage raised for decades. raised in the first 50 days, that would have been quite incredible. we are going back at it to try to get the votes together to pass the minimum wage. we'll start work at that this week at the white house. we'll start talking to our allies in the broader fight for 15, how we line up the votes and move it through the legislative process. >> let's talk about that legislative process and the blocks and obstacles you face. one in particular. black americans, especially, democracy and justice, we can both agree, they need hr-1, voting rights bill passed by the house and the george floyd policing act, also passed by the house. they need those bills to pass in the senate. the 60-vote requirement that joe biden supports, they won't be passed. have a thereon -- listen to we'll be right back talking about that filibuster at john lewis' funeral last year. >> and if all of this takes eliminating the filibuster, another jim crow relic, in order to secure the god-given rights of every american, then that's what we should do. >> why on the filibuster, ron, is joe biden right and barack obama wrong? >> well, you know, president biden served in the senate a long time. and he believes that if we could leave the filibuster in place, that's what he prefers. filibuster is a senate rule. the question is, do senators want to change that rule? some do. we'll see how that debate plays out over the next several weeks. our focus, mehdi, is producing progress on whatever rules the senate put in place. we want to try to find bipartisan support for some of these things and try to move them forward. the george floyd act is very important. we need progress on voting rights, whether that's the john lewis act, hr-1, some combination of the two. a lot of proposals coming over from the house. we'll work closely with the senate to see what we can do to move these proposals forward. >> ron, that's a great sentiment. you and i both know the reality. mitt romney is the most moderate reasonable senator in the republican party. he said he will never vote for hr-1. he thinks it's a disastrous bill. there's no way you get it through with mitt romney let alone ten republicans. so the choice facing the biden administration, do you support the filibuster or the bill. which one is it? >> obviously, we support hr-1, but i think the senate needs to do some work on hr-1. we need to make sure we have the votes in the senate for hr-1. the senate just got this bill last week or the week before. >> 51 votes not 60. 51, not 60. >> there's a legislative process that needs to move forward here, mehdi. we're going to work with the legislative process, talk to senators, talk to our democratic senator allies and move forward on these important pieces of legislation. >> just to be clear, by my count, 47 odd democrats either support getting rid of the filibuster or open to reforming it. feinstein, sinema, manchin. they support the filibuster. you're saying joe biden is in that manchin/sinema/feinstein camp? is he open to any kind of reform? talking filibuster. >> again, mehdi, the best way to move forward on the question of senate rules is let senators work on the senate rules. we're working on progress for the american people under whatever set of senate rules are in place. we've made amazing progress as you, yourself, acknowledge in these 50 days under these senate rules as they are now, we'll continue to work to move forward. >> no, no, come on. ron, ron, let be -- >> no, mehdi. give us credit for what we've done. >> i am, and you did it with a budget and reconciliation process. you didn't do it with the filibuster. you used a different rule because you know it would not have gotten the filibuster american rescue plan. we both agree on that. >> mehdi, we have made progress. we're going to continue to make progress. people should measure us by the progress we make. >> okay. and i want you to continue progress. i don't see how you can do that with a filibuster in place. we can agree to disagree on that. let's talk about immigration, another big issue you want to get through the senate. not just a reform bill. again, you may struggle to get 60, probably will. but what's being described as a new crisis at the border. more than 3,200 migrant children are being housed in border protection holding facilities, the highest number ever and more than half beyond the three-day legal limit. the associated press is reporting this weekend that children are being held in packed conditions with some sleeping on the floor, some have to wait five days or more to shower. your administration is blocking lawyers from accessing those facilities. it's an outrage and unacceptable, is it not? >> yes. it is an outrage. we inherited a government that had allowed the number of beds to safely, humanely house these children administered by the department ofh health and human services, office of refugee resettlement, allowed it to shrink to a record low number. now children are arriving at these border stations with no facilities, no safe, legally licensed facilities with legally licensed staff to house the children. and so we are working night and day to increase that capacity that had been allowed to shrink, to create enough safe beds for the children, to create places where they can stay until we can reunite them with relatives here in the u.s. or with safe sponsors for them to stay permanently in the u.s. until they have their asylum hearing. so, we're working very, very hard on this problem. we inherited a real lack of capacity. it's hard to ramp up that capacity. you can't just take children and put them in a hotel room. they need to be in a place where they are safely protected, with staff. the staff needs to be trained. the staff needs to be licensed. these are very, you know, challenging needs we are rapidly moving to accelerate. no question at this point in time -- >> understood. >> we have too many children in these border patrol stations. >> exactly. it's the border patrol stations that's the issue. hhs facilities are separate. they're not supposed to stay longer than three days. they are. the white house didn't respond to ap's request. can you tonight guarantee on this show, to our audience, that the white house will allow lawyers to access those border protection holding facilities to check on those kids who haven't showered for five days? >> mehdi, i'm unfamiliar with that issue. i'll look into it tomorrow morning and seeing why there's any problem with lawyers having access to children in border patrol stations. >> i hope you can, because it is a big issue. i have to ask a couple of last questions for you. i know you're very busy. foreign policy, janet yellen said, and i quote, those involved in the abhorrent killing of jamal khashoggi must be held accountable. we know, thanks to you, the crown prince of saudi arabia was behind that killing, but yet you haven't held him accountable. why? >> we released the document that said mbs was responsible. we have reset and recalibrated our relationship with saudi arabia. we imposed sanctions on his elite force that conducted this event. we imposed sanctions on high-level official saudi intelligence. it's been our government's longstanding policy not to personally sanction heads of state, leaders of government in countries where we have diplomatic relations. >> he's not head of state, though. he's not head of state. >> he's very -- well, he's a very senior government official and we need to work with the saudis to solve problems like the crisis we have in yemen. we have to balance the desperate needs for accountability here, which we have taken important steps on with -- for this horrible, ghastly, awful, inexcusable crime with, unfortunately, our need to work with the saudis on problems like we have in yemen. >> we're almost out of time and i do need to get to the white house position on a big story. governor andrew cuomo in new york. senator chuck schumer, majority leader, called for him to resign over multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. does president biden agree with senator schumer? >> what the president said is that there's a process. these charges are very serious charges. they ought to be investigated and that process ought to run its course. and, you know, i think it's up to the people of new york about governor cuomo's continuing ability to govern there. right now, we're focused on making sure that the women who brought these serious charges are heard. they have a right to be heard, and that the investigative process that attorney general james has under way is allowed to move forward. >> okay. so, no resignation call? we're 20 seconds left. the chief of staff of the white house, who are you most like, leo mcgary from west wing, cyrus bing from scandal or douglas from the house of cards? >> mehdi, i don't know. i go to work every day, try to do my job, try to make sure that what joe biden wants to happen in the white house happens. i don't know. i don't have a good answer on that one. >> no, no, i had to try. appreciate you taking time out. thank you so much, ron klain, white house chief of staff. appreciate it. >> thanks for having me, mehdi. appreciate it. >> still to come, there are many ways to do your part and make a difference during the pandemic. we'll be joined by one pharmacist taking it to the next level later on in the show. plus, more than 3200 migrant children are being detained at the southern border. how can that be justified? we'll ask julian castro next. first, cori coffin is here with the latest news. duke university administrators issued a stay in place order. the outbreak is likely connected to recruitment parties for selective living groups. more than 2,000 flights have been canceled in denver due to a winter storm. many states are bracing for dangerous driving conditions, power outages, and increase in avalanche risk. >> our very own rachel maddow has won a grammy for best spoken word album for her book "blowout, rogue state russia and the most destruction industry on earth." she tweeted her reaction saying, wait, what? congratulations, rachel. more of "the mehdi hasan show" after this break. of "the mehdi" after this break the sun is incredible. it makes our lipton tea leaves better. which makes the smooth tea taste better, and time together even better. and drinking lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton is a proud sponsor of the american heart association's life is why campaign. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at tonight, i'll be eating the al pastor burrito from boca burritos right here in aurora. 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>> good to be with you, mehdi. i listened to ron a few moments ago and i agree with ron that this is unacceptable. we don't want children to be treated this way. a couple of things are true here. number one, the trump administration left our immigration system in tatters. they left our ability to handle the influx of unaccompanied minors in tatters totally. they had four years to do something about this, because we saw surges in the obama administration, trump administration and now in the biden administration. and this trump administration did nothing for four years. not only that, they made it worse. and because of their policies of herding people back, the migrant protection protocol, they built up pent-up demand that we're seeing now. the second thing that's true, and that i agree with ron on is, look, we want to ensure that children are treated better than that. and i'm inclined to give the administration the benefit of the doubt right now because i see them working very hard to improve conditions to change these circumstances. and i believe you have people in place now that are not only trying to do the right thing but are making progress to do the right thing. >> yes. >> but to your question, should these children being treated the way they're treated now? the answer is no. that has to change. i have confidence under this administration that it is changing and, you know, that as we go down the road, hopefully sooner rather than later, this is not how these kids are going to be treated. >> yeah. i hope not. time is not on their side when they're stuck there, waiting for politicians to get their act together. i want to talk to you about republican senators and congress members are saying about this situation at the border. they're saying, well, it's joe biden who opened up the borders or sent messaging to central america and other such places that the border is open, even if it's not actually open. he signaled i'm not going to send you back, and that's the reason people are coming in big numbers. what do you say to them? >> this is, you know, more of the kinds of falsehoods that we've seen from republicans on immigration. number one, we've seen these types of surges before in each of the past couple of administrations. so this is not something that is groundbreaking or new. we've seen it before. secondly, the fact that they're processing more unaccompanied minors is due to the compassion that the biden administration is showing. the trump administration was summarily rejecting the ability of unaccompanied children to seek asylum in the united states. they were saying no, go back and take your chances in mexico. the biden administration actually said no, we're going to do the responsible, humane thing, take them in and allow them to claim asylum. once you do that then, of course, you need to be able to provide a reasonable, humane, compassionate accommodations. and because the trump administration totally crippled our ability to handle this situation, that's the difficulty that they're having now. however, like i said before, i have confidence that they are working on it, that they're going to address this in a humane way and sooner rather than later. >> i hope you're right. we're almost out of time. i have to ask you about this. texas governor greg abbott has repeatedly claimed migrants are bringing covid over the borders. today, chair of the white house equity task force told cbs news there's no evidence to support that claim yet texas house has echoed the governor's sentiments. what is your response to that? >> greg abbott is looking for a scapegoat. there's no evidence, and i agree with the doctor, there's no evidence that undocumented immigrants are spreading covid in texas or anywhere else. secondly, the vast majority of these folks are being tested. and the positive cases, where there is a positive case, are being referred to hospitals. third, there has been no citing of evidence of any kind of transmission from the very few people who were tested positive that they have actually transmitted that to anybody here in texas. so, he's making this up. and the reason he's doing that -- the reason greg abbott is doing that is because he just did the worst thing that he could do. he lifted the mask mandate in texas and opened up businesses to 100%. he knows there's a surge of covid that's coming and wants to blame undocumented immigrants for his mistake. >> it's truly disgusting, truly dangerous to do that. julian castro, we're out of time, sadly. thank you for your time and insights. appreciate it. >> good to be with you. a new report says adviser to embattled governor cuomo is calling county executives to determine their loyalty in the midst of a pandemic. joining us live after a short break. break. with hepatitis c... ...i felt i couldn't be at my... for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret... ...i was cured. mavyret is the only 8-week cure for all types of hep c. before starting mavyret your doctor will test... ...if you've had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b, a liver or kidney transplant,... ...other liver problems, hiv-1, or other medical conditions,... ...and all medicines you take. don't take mavyret with atazanavir... ...or rifampin, or if you've had certain liver problems. if you've had or have serious liver problems other than hep c, there's a rare chance they may worsen. signs of serious liver problems may include yellowing of the skin, abdominal pain or swelling, confusion, and unexplained bleeding or bruising. tell your doctor if you develop symptoms of liver disease. common side effects include headache and tiredness. with hep c behind me, i feel free... ...fearless... ...because i am cured. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum seal tight. new parodontax active gum repair toothpaste. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? 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what do you take away from that experience running against cuomo that still applies now? >> andrew cuomo has, for the last ten years, been petty, toxic, lied and used his public resources, the resources given to him by the state as a sacred power to serve his own political ends even when that directly conflicts with the interest of the state. and larry schwartz, in the news today, was very much a part of my 2014 campaign because he's been known as one of cuomo's muscle people for a while. at the time, he was the way in which cuomo was interfering with anti-corruption investigations, forcing the anti-corruption commission that was set up to investigate what was happening in albany, telling them to pull back subpoenas, controlling their investigation. cuomo eventually shut the whole thing down. but the story of cuomo is a consistent one, which is that he will use whatever state power he has for his own private, personal ends. and he'll also lie. the reason it's so important for him to resign right now is the story -- shown by the story this morning, which is he, right now, for instance, is willing to dangle in front of lawmakers who are desperate for care from the state, whether it's vaccines or other state support. and wink, wink, nod, nod, everybody understands how cuomo operates, be willing to hold that out and say hey, do you still support me? what that means is that he's using -- basically trading the interest of the people of new york against him trying to hold power. he has lost the state, the congressional delegation. >> you say he has lost the congressional delegation. he clearly has. >> yeah. >> he had the support for a long time. you lost to cuomo in the primaries. cynthia nixon lost to him in the primaries. how much does the congressional delegation, power brokers, primary voters have to take responsibility, ownership for cuomo and his alleged behavior? they pick the guy to be candidate for governor three times. >> clearly, i would have made a different decision in 2014, and i actively backed cynthia nixon in 2018. but i actually really want to focus on right now, and part of the story that's not being told enough. one of the reasons it's so important that he resign is not just congress members whose names you may know but the state lawmakers who have to negotiate the budget with him, due in 2 1/2 weeks, the state lawmakers who are making policy, health care policy, budgetary policy. they do not trust him. the head of the state budget committee, liz kreuger, said she can't talk to cuomo or his key aides because she cannot expect them to tell the truth. how do you negotiate a budget like that? >> yeah. >> cuomo clearly is going to hold on until he's dragged out of there, but new yorkers have to realize, he can't do his job, and the state can't do their job when there's that level of mistrust. >> talking of mistrust, let's talk about someone else. before we run out of time, cuomo presented himself as the antithesis of donald trump during the pandemic. new reports shows he does share something in common with the former president. he would quiz aides about which networks carried his briefings, when they would cut away those briefings. do you see similarities between cuomo and trump? >> i do. trump was a level of corruption and abuse and bigotry that is in a totally different category, and i don't think they're the same. but i do see similarities. i see a similar thirst for power at all costs. he'll hang on until he's forced out. a lack of trustworthiness and a deeply abusive, toxic office. and i want to say this. i know there are people out there who say, wait, i know there's a few investigations going. let's wait for the facts. i've got to tell you, there are no results of any investigation which would leave anybody who knows new york state politics to either trust cuomo or believe he doesn't abuse power or believe he doesn't have a toxic office. and i think that's what's different than other instances where there are allegations that arise. >> it's a fair point. we'll have to leave it there. zephyr teachout, thank you for joining me on the show tonight. appreciate you taking the time out. >> thank you for having me. my 60-second rant on elon musk and his awful covid takes, when we come back. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst psst you're good ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? 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kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions and slowing disability progression versus aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were recorded in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache and injection reactions. dealing with this rms drama? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. dramatic results. less rms drama. welcome back. it's time now for what i'm calling the 60-second rant. start the clock. do you know what annoys me? elon musk gets so much free press. we've been told he was a real genius, yet the pandemic hasn't just made him to be billions and billions richer, but master of bs, danger to people's lives. tesla boss predicted there would be zero new cases by the end of april. last may musk applauded donald trump for reopening his plants in california. in defiance of the state's restrictions. there were 450 reported cases of covid at that plant between may and december last year. surprise, musk is pushing anti-vaxxer sentiments as well. he's wrong about the vaccine and is not in a position to lecture anyone in danger. luckily elon musk had nothing to do with the vaccine or the first shot would cause your arm to blow up. he's not a genius, he's an attention seeking man child. you should pay as much to his views on public health as you would to a screaming toddler which makes it all the more refreshing to see people rising to the occasion in the midst of this pandemic. we'll introduce you to one of those people next whose super human effort to get his community vaccinated really does come with a cape. lly does come with a cape it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 is 300. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ seeing blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. new parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum seal tight. new parodontax active gum repair toothpaste. 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and i have to ask as well where did the idea for a superman costume come from? >> thanks so much for having me here. the idea of the superhero costume came from the inspiration of going out to a child's house. we had the opportunity on new year's eve to go out and surprise a child with a medication you couldn't find anywhere. so we actually went and compounded the medication, knocked on his door, and the last delivery of the year of course was one that we were going to make special. i had an extra costume hanging in my closet. and when i saw that child's face when he opened the door he actually thought superman had arrived at his house to drop off his medicine. that was just the initial phase of me wearing this costume. and when the pandemic hit it was another reason for us to put the costume back on. what ended up having with the vaccines is super bowl sunday -- >> sorry. go on. >> on super bowl sunday we received 1,000 vaccines. and at that time we really didn't know that they were coming. and over here in the northeast there's about eight inches of snow out on the ground and we had to decide quick of whether we were going to move forward with that clinic or not. and 100 volunteers came together and said no matter what the conditions out there we're going to get these vaccines into people's arms. and so we did. and since then it's continued. we've been doing lots of homebound patients and pop-up clinics throughout the county. >> one of the ways you're doing homebound patients is by using an ultra cold freezer that you have for the pfizer vaccine that needs to be kept cold. that's helped you get to those people who are at home. what is their reaction when you turn up with these vaccines and with the aid of a freezer? >> this weekend we actually did a few home-pound patients in a town near us called norristown. there was a team of us, we literally knock on their door. it's like winning a million-dollar ticket. they don't have an idea we're coming there. and as they open the door the lady was in disbelief. it was a patient's nurse that opened the door. and as we walked in she was completely shocked. and on top of that to see that someone dressed up in a superman costume is there at her house, she was mind blown. and i hope it's something that she'll remember forever. and continuities a one-man team. there are 450 volunteers that are working with me around the clock. today we just finished about a half hour ago the last clinic of the weekend. about 4,000 shots were given out in the last 50 hours. >> and look, i have great admiration for what you're doing and your volunteer friends. that's why i invited you on the show. but given we have communities, rural communities, elderly homebound patients, marginalized communities, not getting the same access to the vaccine as everyone else, this needs to be done in a more coherent way by the federal government, by state governments, by counties. >> it definitely does. and now we have started working with our county and state partners to identify the individuals or the areas that were hit hardest by covid. for example, we were in norristown this past weekend. that was a pop-up clinic we planned in 48 hours. there was a 10% covid rate the highest in our county. so we worked with our county to identify that and opened up in the area where a lot of individuals o'might not have been able to drive out to a county clinic or to a pharmacy. we're starting to realize that and we're working more and more with our county and state partners to identify those areas. and even homebound patients and going out to their homes now. >> and how many vaccines have you administered so far in this outside the box way? >> in the past o'month we've administered about 8,000 vaccines. >> 8,000. wow. and i have to ask, i read somewhere that you used to be a wedding planner for indian weddings. and as someone who's had an indian wedding i know how complicated that can be. how much of those skills did you bring over to this new operation? >> so indian weddings, for those who don't know, have many, many people. the largest wedding i did had 1,400 individuals. there was an elephant the groom arrived on and he left in a lamborghini. there's a lot of logistics involved in indian weddings. many days. likewise we get to plan the best day of someone's life when we do weddings. this is probably the second best day of their life, when we get the covid vaccine. and today 1,600 people got a second dose vaccine here in skippack and they were ecstatic. >> i'm sure they're ecstatic. and you're doing the lord's work, as the saying goes. dr. mayank amin. appreciate you doing what you do. especially the way do you p. i enjoy the sooum man costume. i'm sure your patients in pennsylvania appreciate it as well. thank you so much for what you do. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. appreciate it. >> so dr. mac isn't the only one doing his part to encourage vaccinations. ♪♪ after receiving his second shot, world renowned cellist yo-yo ma gave an impromptu concert during his 15-minute observation period at a massachusetts vaccination site. he performed "ave maria," as you heard, and bach's prelude in g major. we're only minutes away from the top of the hour, and you'll want to stay tuned for "the week with joshua johnson." new york mayoral candidate andrew yang will be along to discuss his campaign and his plans for the city. the city ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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(doorbell) (giggle) do ya think they bought it? oh yeah. psst! psst! dallergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. thanks for watching tonight. we'll be right back here next sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern and you can catch me monday through thursdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on the choice on nbc's streaming channel peacock. now it's time to turn it over to my colleague joshua johnson. hello, joshua. >> hello, mehdi. thank you very much. have a good night. and hello to you. it is good to be with you tonight. the surge of unaccompanied minors on the border is quickly becoming a crisis. shelters are overcrowded. more than 3,200 children are being detained. fema is on its way to help manage the flow of people across the border. what should be done now? california congressman ro khanna joins us ahead. who should be new york's next mayor? andrew yang is in the race and the polls show he is leading the pack about 100 days from the primary. he'll join us to lay out his platform. also -- >> don't spike the ball on the 5 yard line. wait until you get into the

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Democratic , Count , Manchin , Feinstein , Sinema , 47 , Rules , Reform , Feinstein Camp , Come On , Set , Budget , Reconciliation Process , Credit , Filibuster American Rescue Plan , Issue , Immigration , Crisis , Reform Bill , Number , Border Protection Holding Facilities , Associated Press , Three , 3200 , Conditions , Lawyers , Floor , Outrage , Sleeping , Those Facilities , Five , Yes , Beds , Staff , Record , Facilities , Border Stations , Safe , Health And Human Services , Office Of Refugee Resettlement , Department Ofh , Capacity , Places , Night And Day , Relatives , Problem , Black , Asylum Hearing , Sponsors , Needs , Hotel Room , Stations , Border Patrol Stations , Border Patrol , Hhs , Show , Kids Who Haven T , Audience , Request , It , Access , Couple , Questions , Killing , Foreign Policy , Accountable , Janet Yellen , Jamal Khashoggi , Document , Crown Prince , Saudi Arabia , Mbs , Sanctions , Elite Force , Relationship , Official , Event , Saudi Intelligence , Countries , Relations , Heads Of State , Leaders , Problems , Yemen , Accountability , Steps , Horrible , Ghastly , Need , Position , Crime , Andrew Cuomo Has , New York , Allegations , Chuck Schumer , Senator Schumer , Sexual Misconduct , Majority Leader , Ability , Governor , Charges , Course , Women , James , Resignation , Leo Mcgary , Job , House Of Cards , I Don T Know , Scandal , West Wing , Douglas , Cyrus Bing , Answer , Time Out , Part , Level , Ways , Difference , News , Cori Coffin , First , Next , Duke University , Recruitment Parties , Administrators , Stay , Outbreak , Groups , Flights , Denver , 2000 , Rachel Maddow , States , Driving , Avalanche Risk , Increase , Power Outages , Winter Storm , Word , Congratulations , Reaction Saying , Wait , Grammy , Destruction Industry , Album , Blowout , Earth , Rogue State Russia , More , Break , The Mehdi , Campaign , The Sun , Life , Heart , Sponsor , Drinking Lipton , Lipton , Tea Leaves , American Heart Association , Smooth Tea Taste Better , Trelegy , Copd , Dawn , Down , Birds Flyin , Thigh , Power , Medicines , It S Time , Stand , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Doctor , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Won T , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Thrush , Pneumonia , Swelling , Vision Changes , Breathing , Chest Pain , Spain , Eye , Trelegy Com , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Tongue , Save , Restaurants , Cardi B , Local Access Show , Rings , Al Pastor , Boca Burritos , Aurora , Cost , Amount , 5g , Trill Sound , Data , Phones , Device , Xfinity Mobile , 2 Million , Data Option , Network , Customer Satisfaction , Wireless , Network Rated , 00 , 300 , On Saturday Homeland Security , Lawmakers , Biden Open Border Policies , Texas , Secretary Mayorkas , Dating , Office , Trump , Parents , 9000 , Housing , Secretary , Department , Customs And Border Protection Facilities , 3000 , Shower , Tent Facilities , Detention Centers , Concerns , Mats , Soap , Hundreds , Humane , Approach , Tatters , Influx , Number One , Immigration System , Nothing , Surges , Policies , Herding , Migrant Protection Protocol , Benefit , Doubt , Ron On Is , Circumstances , Road , Saying , Politicians , Congress , Situation , Members , Kids , Side , Borders , Central America , Numbers , Messaging , Types , Administrations , Republicans , Falsehoods , Showing , Compassion , Asylum , Chances , Mexico , Accommodations , No , Difficulty , Greg Abbott , Migrants , Sentiments , Texas House , Response , Chair , White House Equity Task Force , Cbs News , Anywhere , Immigrants , Majority , Scapegoat , Cases , Case , Transmission , Folks , Hospitals , Anybody , Businesses , Cup , Mask Mandate , 100 , Mistake , Insights , County , Midst , Loyalty , Executives , Governor Cuomo , Report , Hepatitis C , Family , Reminders , My Hep C , Hep C , 8 , Hepatitis B , Liver Problems , Liver , Cause , Mavyret , Chance , Signs , Have , Hiv 1 , Atazanavir , Rifampin , Don T Take Mavyret , Side Effects , Confusion , Headache , Symptoms , Abdominal Pain , Yellowing , Bleeding , Bruising , Skin , Liver Disease , Tiredness , Dime , Fearless , Medicine , Abbvie , Blood , Gum Repair , Sign , Plaque Bacteria , Gum Damage , Floss , Gum Seal , Gum Line , Someone , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Care , Colon Cancer , Stages , Cologuard , Dna , Stool , Results , Prescriber , Colon Cancers , 92 , 45 , Plan , Ipad , Ultra Thins Have Rapiddry Technology , 40 , Gush , Impeachment Proceeding , Effort , Credibility , Outcome , Saving , Bill De Blasio , Behavior , Refusal , Accusations , County Officials , Vaccine Supply , Vaccine Czar Larry Schwartz , New York State , Delegation , Guest , Primaries , Name , Associate Professor , Parade , Hand , Magazine , Eye Contact , Fordham University School Of Law , 2014 , 2014 Currently , Experience Running , Petty , Resources , Ends , Toxic , Commission , Investigations , Muscle , Investigation , Subpoenas , Albany , State Power , Private , Morning , Instance , Front , Personal Ends , Nod , State Support , Everybody , Wink , Estate , Cynthia Nixon , Voters , Responsibility , Ownership , Candidate , Power Brokers , Guy , Decision , Reasons , 2018 , Health Care Policy , Making Policy , Names , 2 1 , Aides , Liz Kreuger , State Budget Committee , The Truth , Mistrust , New Yorkers , Donald Trump , Antithesis , Share , Someone Else , Similarities , Briefings , Corruption , Costs , Thirst , Bigotry , Abuse , Category , Trustworthiness , Cuomo , Facts , Trust , Instances , Zephyr Teachout , Elon Musk , Rant , Season , Body , Limu , Spraying Flonase , Allergies , Emu , Psst , Car Insurance , Me Ma Am , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Bipolar Depression , Pay , Dark , Art , Depression , Latuda , Emptiness , Struggle , Lows , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Thoughts , Weight , Impact , Empowered , Dementia Patients , Antidepressants , Adults , Muscles , Teens , Stroke , Death , Fever , Invitation , Starts , Sales Event , Dealer , Apr Financing , Relapses , Relapsing , Ms , Rx 350 , 2021 , 0 , 350 , Injection , Don T Take Kesimpta , Rms Drama , Drama , Superior , Rate , Lesions , Versus Aubagio , Infections , Pml , Kesimpta , Antibodies , Reactions , Trials , Decrease , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Clock , Genius , Press , Danger , Lives , Plants , Billions , Musk , Master , Jobs , Tesla Boss , The End , California , Zero , Plant , Restrictions , May , Defiance , Surprise , 450 , Anyone , Shot , Arm , Health , Attention Seeking Man Child , Views , Super Human Effort , Occasion , Screaming Toddler , Cape , Rally , Driver , Farmers , Auto Claims , Burke , Looks , Policy Perk , Being , Bride , Farmers Policy Perks , Accident Forgiveness , Bum , Burke Vo , Pa Dum , 1 800 Farmers , 800 , Wings , Game On , All Star , Glitters , Rock Star , Go Play Hey Now , , Burger , Push , What S Going On , Wrinkles , Lift , Hey Joshie , Applebee S , Month S , Downy Wrinkleguard , Nx 300 , 359 , 59 , 36 , Payment , Shots , Covid Vaccinations , Space , 2 3 Million , Records , Nbc News , 11 , 105 Million , Arms , Mike Amin , Herd Immunity , Adult American This Week , Adult American , Action , Vaccine By May , Pennsylvania , Skipak , 1st , Saw , May The 1st , Dr , Pharmacy , Vaccination , Pop Up Vaccination , Door To , Approval , Mat , Drugstore , Schwankzville , Vaccination Clinics , Owner , Skipac Pharmacy , Superhere Noe , Child , Idea , Superman Costume , Opportunity , Superhero Costume , Inspiration , Door , Costume , Medication , You , Delivery , Special , Closet , Superman , Hit , Phase , Costume Back On , Go On , Super Bowl Sunday , On Super Bowl Sunday , 1000 , Clinic , Volunteers , Ground , Snow , Matter , Eight , Patients , Pop Up , Ultra Cold Freezer , Cold , Lots , Pfizer , Reaction , Freezer , Aid , Norristown , Top , Patient , Team , Ticket , Lady , Nurse , Disbelief , A Million , Continuities , Mind , Communities , Admiration , Volunteer Friends , 4000 , State Governments , Counties , Everyone Else , Partners , Individuals , Areas , Example , 48 , Covid Rate , Area , 10 , Box , 8000 , Weddings , Wedding , Wedding Planner , Somewhere , Skills , Indian , Groom , Many , Operation , Elephant , Who Don T Know , Logistics , Dose , Lamborghini , 1600 , Lord , Mayank Amin , Man Costume , The Only One , Isn T , Sooum , Vaccinations , Concert , Ave Maria , World Renowned Cellist Yo Ma , Massachusetts Vaccination Site , Andrew Yang , Plans , City , Joshua Johnson , Bach , Prelude In G Major , Jeans , Radio Up , Chicken , 24hr , Nexium , Pair , Bit , Beer , 24 , Heartburn , Nexium 24hr , Marie , Fruit , Acid , Night Protection , Orange Juice , Son , Nobody , Fabric Spray , Everything , Bacteria , Starting Today , 99 9 , Rest , Verizon , You 5g , Match , Entertainment , 5g Phones , Espn , Disney , Hulu , 35 , Giggle , Doorbell , Quesadilla , Little Rock , Oh Yeah , Worcester , Tony S Tex Mex In , Katy , Dallergies Don T Have , 7 , Night , Colleague , Hello , Channel Peacock , Ro Khanna , Flow , Shelters , Primary , Line , Mayor , Race , Ball , Polls , Pack , Platform , Don T Spike ,

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