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infrastructure. the president says he wants a bipartisan plan. question is, how does he get around the battle lines that have already been drawn? and new york state lawmakers open an impeachment inquiry into governor andrew cuomo. the question is, what's next for the governor, now that more members of his own party are turning against him? it's "way too early" for this. good morning! and welcome to "way too early," the show that's jealous of all you in arizona, which doesn't mark daylight saving time. you do not have to spring forward this weekend. i am kasie hunt on this friday, march 12th. we'll start with the news. president biden delivered his first prime time address last night, and he identified two key dates in the battle against the coronavirus. he directed states to make sure all adults are eligible for the vaccine by may 1st. and if all goes well, he says it's possible that small groups could begin gathering again on the fourth of july. >> i promise i will do everything in my power, i will not relent until we beat this virus, but i need you, the american people. i need you. i need every american to do their part. and that's not hyperbole. i need you. i need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity, and to help your family, your friends, your neighbors, get vaccinated as well. because here's the point -- if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together, by july the 4th, there's a good chance you, your families, and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood or have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate independence day. that doesn't mean large events with lots of people together, but it does mean small groups will be able to get together after this long, hard year. that will make this independence day something truly special. where we not only mark our independence as a nation, but we begin to mark our independence from this virus. >> the president said the administration will develop new tools to make it easier to get a vaccine, including rolling out a new website. he also said that new guidance is on the way to clarify what fully vaccinated people can and can't do safely. and as we mentioned, ahead of president biden's prime time address last night, he signed that $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill into law. it's the first major piece of legislation of his administration, and it came exactly one year to the day that the world health organization declared a global pandemic. >> this historic legislation is about rebuilding the backbone of this country and giving people in this nation, working people, middle class folks, people who built the country, a fighting chance. that's what the essence of it is. >> according to the white house, some americans will see the latest round of stimulus checks as early as this weekend. the majority of recipients will get a direct payment of up to $1,400. and later today, the president will mark the passage of the relief bill with remarks in the rose garden. 17 members of congress have been invited to the event, all democrats, since no republicans voted in support of the measure. and next week, president biden will hit the road to tout the coronavirus relief bill in a tour across the country. joining us now, nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli. mike, always great to see you. thanks for being up early with us on this friday morning. >> good morning. happy friday. >> you have watched -- happy friday -- and covered joe biden for so long, now president biden. this was his first prime time address, and you know, the moments that really stuck out to me were the ones where he seemed to be talking directly to the american people, particularly that plea, saying, i need you, i need you to help me. what were your top takeaways from what we heard from the president last night? >> reporter: yeah, kasie, that's right. i think we talked during the transition that president biden in anticipation of his inauguration was reading up on fdr, trying to draw some lessons from his presidency during a time of crisis. and as i was watching the speech last night, my takeaways were, i think, some of his takeaways from what we learned from fdr. the first is the sort of willingness to set big goals. and there's obviously some political risk in doing so. but clearly, the headline that the white house wanted out of this speech was this idea of moving up the date of which all americans would be eligible for the vaccine, may 1st, then july 4th. we all look forward to a fourth of july that looks different from last year, when we may be able to gather with more of our friends and family. and so, that, obviously, is something that he's willing to put out there and be judged against and sort of also used as an opportunity to tout the progress that he thinks his administration has made in getting more vaccine supply and more of the ability to distribute that vaccine. but the other takeaway, i think, from fdr, is the real willingness and the importance of speaking candidly and clearly, directly to the american people about the challenges that we face. biden in all the years i've covered him has this real desire to relate to his audience, and you saw that last night as he spent so much time just sort of recalling the difficulty of the past year, those moments that we've all missed out on, but he also, i think, kasie -- it was clear in talking about the need to speak the truth. he's talked about the four crises this administration will have to tackle, the pandemic and the economy first and foremost, climate, and the racial justice crisis as well. but there's a fifth crisis that he very clearly thinks he needs to address, which is a crisis in confidence in our government, and that was something that was clearly something he wanted to address, to show that government can do big things. and lastly, i think it's really important that we don't overlook how clearly he spoke about the prejudice and the discrimination against asian americans during this pandemic. there was moments. he doesn't want to talk about the former guy, but there are moments when he clearly wants to make a break from him, and that was a very clear one as we talk about this pandemic. >> and a critical point, definitely. you mentioned distrust in government. and one of the things that this massive relief bill does is, frankly, insert government into places where they haven't necessarily been before, including dramatic expansions of the child tax credit and other things that, frankly, are widely supported by the american people. i mean, you mentioned fdr. the other person people seem to be talk being is lbj and the great society and the changes that were made then. what are the president's aides, advisers, saying behind the scenes about how he's thinking about that? >> reporter: well, certainly, biden, during the course of the democratic primaries, was seen not necessarily of the most progressive of the options, but the president's team has always felt that he doesn't get enough credit for being fairly progressive on economic policies, and i think another lesson that democrats have learned is that if you want to keep moving the ball forward with your priorities, one thing you need to do is sort of set, especially what we've seen during the gridlock in washington, is set deadlines, set clear time lines with which things need to be reauthorized. and so, one of the ways in which biden feels that incrementalism can lead to very real, big, progressive change is by doing some of the things they've done in this legislation. yes, temporarily institute some things like extending the child tax credit and growing unemployment benefits, increasing subsidies in the affordable care act. and now they have an opportunity in months and years to say, well, do you like these benefits? maybe we need to extend them and make it an election issue to run on as well. and so, that's clearly on display as well. >> yeah. and the timing -- the timing seems to line up, surprise, surprise, with that midterm election and people wanting to hang on to things the government's given them. nbc's mike memoli, thanks very much, my friend. always great to see you. have a lovely weekend. dr. anthony fauci, meanwhile, said he would have been shocked if he had known a year ago that more than 530,000 people in the u.s. would die from covid-19. when he was asked on the "today" show what went wrong, he pointed to the deep rift among us. >> we had such divisiveness in our country that even simple common sense public health measures took on a political connotation. when people, you know -- if you wanted to wear a mask, you were on this side. if you wanted to stay in and avoid congregate settings, you were on this side. it wasn't a pure public health approach. it was really very much influenced by the divisiveness we had in this country, where we were saying -- mixed messages were coming from washington, that's for sure. >> it really is just so difficult to grapple with the magnitude of our loss and all of the reasons why we lost more americans than we needed to. and texas attorney general ken paxton is suing the city of austin and travis county for not lifting mask mandates along with the rest of the state. paxton wrote in a tweet, "i told travis county and the city of austin to comply with state mask law. they blew me off. so, once again, i'm dragging them to court." texas has lifted nearly all coronavirus restrictions, but austin and travis county health officials have said they're going to continue to enforce safety protocols. austin mayor steve adler released a statement thursday that reads in part, "i will fight to defend and enforce our local health officials' rules for as long as possible. we promised to be guided by doctors, science, and data, as concerns the pandemic, and we do everything we can to keep that promise." all right, still ahead here, congressman tom suozzi will be my guest on the heels of president biden signing that massive covid relief bill. plus, newly sworn in attorney general merrick garland addresses the justice department for the first time. his message about the rule of law and a check on the weather when we come right back. we com. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice. and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! this is how you become the best! [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [music: “you're the best” by joe esposito] [triumphantly yells] [ding] don't get mad. get e*trade and take charge of your finances today. psst! psst! don't get mad. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. see every delivery... every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? introducing self protection from xfinity. designed to put you in control. with real-time notification and a week of uninterrupted recording... all powered by reliable, secure wifi from xfinity. gotta respect his determinatio. it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month. welcome back. duke university will end its streak of 24 consecutive march madness appearances after dropping out of its conference tournament because of coronavirus concerns. the school's athletic director says the blue devils' season is over after last night's quarterfinal game was canceled because of a positive test and the resulting quarantining and contact tracing within the program. he said that before this, there had been no positive tests all season for a player or a coach. with duke's withdrawal, florida state advances to tonight's acc semifinal against unc. and dreams of the big dance are also over for the kentucky wildcats, who will miss march madness for the first time since 2013 after a one-point loss to mississippi state in yesterday's opening round of the s.e.c. tournament. according to the "ap," it will likely be the first time in 45 years that both duke and kentucky will not compete in the ncaa tournament. meanwhile, the university of virginia plays on after some last-second heroics against syracuse yesterday. watch this. >> virginia with a chance for the last shot to win it. clark, big one for the win, got it! >> freshman reef beekman scoring his only points of the game, a three-point buzzer beater that sends uva to the acc tournament semifinals. that's awesome. look at that. amazing. and in new york city, georgetown advances to the big east semis after upsetting top-seeded villanova at madison square garden yesterday. after the game, georgetown coach patrick ewing aired his grievances against security in the building where he built his hall of fame career with the knicks. >> i do want to say one thing, though, they -- i thought this was my building, and i feel terrible that i'm getting stopped, accosted, asking for passes. everybody in this building should know who the hell i am. and i'm getting stopped. i can't move around this building, like -- i was like, what the hell? is this madison square garden? i'm going to have to call mr. dolan and say, geez, is my number in the rafters or what? >> wow! that's stunning, and yet, so frustratingly believable. time now for the weather. let's go to meteorologist bill karins for a check on the weekend forecast. bill, good morning. happy friday. >> happy friday, kasie. and we're talking about a huge major winter storm in the middle of the country. we have one more warm day on the eastern seaboard after record highs yesterday, but let's get into the details of this major winter storm. it's now moving out of california and into arizona this weekend. it has its eye set on the middle of the country. the back side's the cold side. that's where we're going to get some record-breaking snow possible in areas of colorado and wyoming. then we could have a lot of rain and flood problems out ahead of it from kansas, missouri, maybe southern illinois, even into kentucky and indiana. but the snow is really what's going to make for -- you know, you're going to see these incredible pictures over the weekend. where you see the purple is 12 inches, the pink is 18 inches. there will be some isolated spots just west of denver by maybe 10 or 15 miles, call it the foothills, that could get up to 5 feet of snow. right now, the forecast for denver is 18 to 24 inches of snow, and that will be over the weekend. so, as far as the rainfall goes, this also could cause problems over the next three days, especially areas of northern arkansas, southern missouri and locations of kansas. you could even deal with isolated severe weather. so we're in that season, too, where we could deal with severe storms, flooding and a winter storm. so, the forecast for today. we will see some showers early today in the east, but then it will improve during the day. no complaints in the southeast. kasie, it looks like, you know, who knows? you never know when we have our last winter storm. let's just hope maybe this one's it. >> well, i guess if you want to go hit the ski slopes one last time, you'd better head there today or you won't be able to drive there. >> to get there, exactly. good point. >> bill karins, thank you very much. we're thinking of all those folks out there dealing with that snow. all right, still ahead here, new york governor andrew cuomo under increasing pressure amid harassment allegations. now democrats in the new york legislature are promising an investigation. the first step toward impeachment. we'll be back in just a moment. impeachment. we'll be back in just a moment n! that means selling everything. and eating nothing but cheese till you find the perfect slice... even if everyone asks you... another burger truck? don't listen to them! that means cooking day and night until you get... 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what do democrats have to do to convince people that it is, in fact, good for them to sustain that, and what are republicans going to try to do politically to use it against them in the midterm elections? >> well, i think to a degree, the bill does sort of sell itself. when you get a $1,400 check, you will remember where that came from, i think. and to another degree, if you get a vaccination or if the covid relief money's going to schools, you'll see it. but if there's one lesson that democrats took from 2009-2010, it's that you do have to execute on the salesmanship of the bill, so they're going to fan out across the country, take credit for its measures and things like that. i will say two things. one is, contextually, this is just a different time than in 2009-2010. keep in mind, back then, the obama stimulus came on the heels of t.a.r.p., which was the bank bailout, and that really set the mood for the country and for the opposition. republicans were able to say, why are we using taxpayer money to bail out the bad actors, the banks? even if the t.a.r.p. was passed under bush, a good chunk of them opposed it and continued that opposition through obama when he reauthorized that. there is no sense right now that biden is bailing out the bad actor here. the bad actor is the virus. he's not bailing it out. that's one. two, the obama stimulus was complex, to a degree. it was massive, but it was also filled with a various targeted tax cuts, infrastructure investments and the like. and then, selling that was difficult for that reason. there is a poll. i look back at this. there was a poll done in the lead-up to the 2012 elections in which only one in ten americans thought their taxes had gone down over the past three or four years, which was erroneous because the obama stimulus had tax cuts in it. so, selling it was very difficult. the current iteration was designed for simplicity. so, biden people are a little bit more confident that the public will reward them for it. so, we'll see how that goes, but i think they do get the benefit of simplicity here. >> so, sam, what comes next here? because you know, mcconnell, clearly, was trying to say, oh, joe biden, president biden isn't practicing what he preached in the campaign, he's doing this in a strictly partisan way. i think for a lot of americans, they look at president biden and they're kind of like, well, he doesn't really seem like that villain that you're making him out to be. and now he's saying, okay, yeah, i want to do infrastructure in a bipartisan way. what do you think the likelihood is that any republicans will decide to get on board? it's different because they can send chunks of money in a bill like that to districts and states and pull together, potentially, a coalition of people who say, yes, i want to sign onto that. but on the other hand, it's in opposition to, clearly, the overall strategy mcconnell is using here, which is to try and paint biden as someone who's not willing to compromise. >> right. you know, you asked what comes next first off. what comes next, essentially, is what joe manchin wants to come next, right? if joe manchin is comfortable with a bipartisan -- >> he's having the best year -- >> exactly. if he's only comfortable with a bipartisan approach on infrastructure, that's kind of what the biden people have to do. but you would think that at some point, manchin might turn around and say, you know what, i'd rather get money for west virginia, in which case we should do it in this next reconciliation package which is available to us in the next couple months. so, we'll see where that goes. i will say this about the republican opposition -- and maybe i'm misreading it, too. and you were around, too, kasie, in the obama years. i remember when they went up to the hill -- the obama team went up to the hill to sell the stimulus to republicans and republicans, before the obama team even arrived, came out with a statement of opposition to the stimulus. that was sort of a seismic moment politically. the obama white house was stunned that they couldn't even get to the hill to make the sales pitch before republicans came out in opposition. this go-around, the biden team did the outreach, republicans came out en masse against the bill, and no one was stunned. it was expected that they would support the bill -- they'll oppose the bill en masse. so the expectations for republican opposition have dramatically shifted in ten years. it's now just a given that they will oppose this thing, and i think that affects how the white house views these battles. they don't -- they know that they have to make bipartisan overtures, but there's no larger expectation that republicans will vote for the bill. and so, for that reason alone, i suspect that they will ultimately come down in saying, yeah, we should probably do this through reconciliation. >> yeah, the way things work have changed over the last ten or so years. politico's sam stein, thank you very much, my friend. always great to see you. still ahead here, a totally different potential hire at the white house, as the dog whisperer offers his help after a biting incident involving one of the president's german shepherds. "way too early" is back in just a moment. 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(driver) i don't know what happened. for more time. we asked for kisqali. (burke) nothing happened. (driver) nothing happened? (burke) nothing happened. (driver) sure looks like something happened. (burke) well, you've been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. (driver) yeah? (burke) so you earned your policy perk: accident forgiveness. now instead of this being something, it' s— (driver) it's nothing! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. they should really turn this ride off. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ (burke vo) start with a quote at 1-800-farmers facing leaks takes strength, so here's to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, long-lasting protection. because your strength is supported by ours. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. time now for something totally different. after news broke that there was a biting incident involving president biden's 3-year-old german shepherd at the white house last week, the bidens got a call from the dog whisperer. famed dog trainer cesar millan, also known as the dog whisperer, thanks to his hit national geographic series, told market watch that he immediately offered his services to help the first dogs acclimate to their new home. the offer also includes training that the many two-legged creatures at the white house need about how to interact with them correctly, and there are many, many of those people. millan said, quote, the way champ and major see it, they just appeared from one place to another place one day. and to us, the white house is a very symbolic house in the world, a very powerful house. but in the dog world, it's just a house where people aren't in sync, so you have to let the dogs adapt in their way. millan has said he's ready if the white house takes him up on the offer. all right, a fan of the "star wars" spinoff series "the mandalorian" in russia has built a massive replica gunship. oh, boy. let's take a look at this. wow. the "razorcrest" is 46 feet long, 33 feet wide, and 13 feet tall, and it weighs over 2,000 pounds. the ship is battery powered for the many lights and sounds as well as engines to make parts of the ship move. the construction of the replica took over a year. the fan said he was hooked on the show from the first season and decided to build it. he originally ran out of money, but his friend sold his car to help pay for it, and eventually, they got some sponsors after documenting its construction on social media. all right. i mean, we have at least three baby yodas in this house, which i thought was excessive. that is, like, really a whole, whole new level of fandom. so, congratulations, i think? anyway. still ahead, last night president biden asked the nation to put trust and faith in our government and to protect the american people. and for congressman tom suozzi, part of that means doing the right thing on gun laws. congressman suozzi joins us next when "way too early" comes right back. en "way too early" comes rt back ♪ and a little bit of chicken fried ♪ ♪ cold beer on a friday night ♪ ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. did you know that 70% of the soils on your clothes are invisible? try new tide pods hygienic clean heavy duty. see the difference, after being washed with tide hygienic clean. for a deep clean, try tide hygienic clean! if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. see every delivery... every yikes... and even every awwwwwwww... wait, where was i? introducing self protection from xfinity. designed to put you in control. with real-time notification and a week of uninterrupted recording... all powered by reliable, secure wifi from xfinity. gotta respect his determinatio. it's easy and affordable to get started. get self protection for $10 a month. we know what we need to do to beat this virus, tell the truth, follow the scientists and the science, work together, put trust and faith in our government to fulfill its most important function, which is protecting the american people. no function more important. we need to remember, the government isn't some foreign force in a distant capital. no, it's us, all of us, we, the people. >> a little bit more of the message from president joe biden last night in his first prime time address. and joining us now to discuss the historic stimulus bill, member of the house ways and means committee, democratic congressman tom suozzi of new york. congressman, good morning. it's great to have you on the show. i know we've been talking a little bit about gun reform, and i want to get to that in a second, but first, let's talk about this stimulus package that was passed. what is the impact going to be for the people in your district from this bill? and it is set up that they're going to get some benefits that may expire, perhaps right before the election. what kind of work are you going to do between now and then to try and ensure that those benefits actually continue and don't just remain temporary? >> well, right now we have to just celebrate this wonderful victory for the american people. there's so many great things in this bill that are going to help real people in real ways. it's going to help beat the pandemic into the ground and it's going to ensure that we have a real rapid economic recovery. and then we'll deal over the next couple months with a whole bunch of other issues. we'll look at what the impacts of this bill are in helping to accomplish those objectives. and then we'll see what else we need to do. but right now, this is a massive win for the people, because it's a comprehensive look at this problem that's going to have real impacts. >> so, congressman, let's talk about what is next, because as you point out, this bill was passed just with democratic support and used a process that you guys can only access a couple of times a year. many of the other policy initiatives would require bipartisan support in the senate. one of those is the idea of background checks for gun sales and other gun reform measures. do you think there's a way to get those measures passed? and do you think that the politics of this issue have evolved since the last time we grappled with back in 2013, in the wake of the horrible newtown shooting in a way that's changed the calculus on whether you can actually get this done? >> well, it is a democratic president, a democratic senate and a democratic house. we all know we need 60 votes in the senate, and that's a big challenge, but i think that the democrats are committed to actually getting things done. when i first ran for office, my campaign theme was suozzi gets it done. so, i think that all of us in the house and in the senate want to actually get things done. and we know that the background -- >> does getting it done mean getting rid of the filibuster, then? >> well, that's the test that we're going to go through right now. we're going to look at all these different bills that we know are popular with the american people. we've passed them in the house. then we'll put them to the senate. senator schumer will put them up for a vote. and if he can't get it done, you'll see a mounting call for that. i don't want to get rid of the filibuster. i think the filibuster makes sense. i'd like to see bipartisan support. i'd like to see 60 votes in the senate. i know that background checks are enormously popular with the american people! 90% of the american people support this bill. why don't we get it done? because people in safe seats are afraid of primaries because so few people vote in the primaries and everybody pulls to the far right in the republican party. so, let's put that to the test. 90% of the american people want the background checks. we'll have the president advocating for this. we'll have a debate in the senate where the advocating. a debate in the senate where it won't get lost in all the other noise. if we can't get something done so wildly popular for the american people. joe manchin said he will support. but this will highlight the importance of republicans cooperating with democrats on things that the american people care about. >> well, and people like senator rick scott of florida will be people to watch if the vote does come to the floor, especially in the wake of the parkland shootings. not someone you would have expected in the past to to go for a bill like this. perhaps the calculus has changed. let's talk about your home state. andrew cuomo is under fire. some thoughts you might want to throw your hat in the ring for the governor's race. do you think andrew cuomo should tell new yorkers he doesn't plan to run for re-election? . >> you know, that's his decision. i think it would be smart on his part. it would take the temperature down a little bit and let the investigations happen. he can't do anything but let the investigations happen. people have to decide how they feel when they see the reports. he will have a lot of big decisions to make. i'm sure they're going through it right now. it is the talk of the time in washington, the talk in new york. >> indeed. for sure. congressman, thank you so much for getting up early for us. earlier in the show we asked all of you, why are you awake? matthew shares this photo. up "way too early" because sans a was up. and lisa says we're going into the final day of an exhausting move of our new house. up since 3. way too much on my mind. one of our viewers from arizona joe tweeted about making daylight saving time. i understand for my second moderna shot later this morning. and proud dad brad tweeted earlier this week has an update on 16-year-old mia the marlin. she passed. stay safe out there on those roads. coming up next, we'll look at the "axios" 1 big thing. and on "morning joe", chuck schumer will be a guest. plus, we will hear from a member of the president's cabinet when pete buttigieg joins the conversation. pete buttigieg joins the conversation ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ it's a new dawn... ♪ if you've been taking copd sitting down, it's time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at welcome back. joining us is political reporter for "axios", hans nichols. what is the 1 big thing today? >> donald trump's legacy on the wall. that is he still has republicans talking about it. you saw this all week on capitol hill. republicans are basically ignoring the stimulus. democrats think it is a hugely successful program. it's about to be with 75%. republicans aren't talking about it. what are they doing, seeking refuge on the border. kevin mccarthy heading down this weekend. you have a democratic trip as well planned for later in march. what you really hear them saying is trump's old rhetoric. it is in a way the parting gift trump left his party. they can always talk about the border. now, you are starting to hear more conversations from the democrats. in some ways the democrats adopted a max mallist approach to what trump said and what trump did and what policies did. it is strident language. this will be the conversation that will go on not just next week, next month, but the rest of biden's presidency. >> for democrats, this is an issue ahead of trump's win in 2016 democrats had been treating carefully because they realized the potency of it. how much -- it feels like we have had this conversation before, right? we talked about it for the four years during the trump administration. how is it going to be different this time than it was when it was the center of talk radio on the right and all these other places, or are we literally going to see a replay of that? >> i don't know that it will be different. there is no indications that sides have softened, that there are real conversations taking place. you have border state democrats, specifically texas. four democrats down there on the border, districts that go right up to the border. they are all taking slightly different positions. the democrat who has a district that hits the border and stretches up, henry. he seems to be flashing warning signs to his party. but there's tony gonzalez, vicente gonzalez, phil valla down there. there are indicators how democrats will be taking at that ugg about this at a local level and also at a national level. "axios" broke the story yesterday. there is a democratic delegation heading down there. is it going to be a photo-op or the fact-finding that you saw from the white house team that went down over the weekend. are we in the 2014 play? 2019 play? how will this look different? and i don't think we know the answer to that. >> we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that this is really a humanitarian crisis in addition to a political one. hans, trump put this issue in front of us. you are tracking online traffic about the former president. i think your findings are kind of interesting. >> it's down, right. back to you, kasie. there's less conversation about trump beforehand. nice show. let's get to the next segment. >> fair enough. does this limit his ability to raise money? >> maybe. we see with trump an incredible loyalty among his die-hard supporters. it limits his ability to be in everyone's head and to occupy space there because of the social media channels that has blocked him. you talk to folks in the biden administration, it's clear he doesn't want to occupy the public space, public square than donald trump. it's a concerted policy, sort of concerted strategy they have at the white house. the numbers are down. we don't know where they're going to go. it's a pretty neat chart that tells you how much social interaction there is. it's a broader question. what does donald trump do for the next three plus years? does he continue to raise money for his organizations? how does he engage with his voters and his supporters? and if he does decide to reenter, how does he do it? >> right. all right. hans nichols with a lot of questions we're going to be trying to answer over the next four years. thank you so much for being up early with us. we really appreciate it. as we close out this week, i think we're all reflecting not only on the loss that we've endured this last year because it's a level of grief that i don't think any of us could have been prepared for, have even begun to grapple with from the loved ones and friends who are no longer with us to all the things that our children have lost out on in the last year. but we do have some reasons to be hopeful. spring is in fact, coming. and these new promises that all of us will be eligible for vaccines may 1st is a reason to head into this weekend with a reflective but hopefully optimistic tone. thank you guys for getting

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Rolling Out , Last Night , Piece , Trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill Into Law , Country , Legislation , Backbone , World Health Organization , Stimulus , Folks , White House , Fighting Chance , Ground , Essence , Democrats , Relief Bill , Majority , Payment , Passage , Event , Recipients , Remarks , Congress , Rose Garden , 400 , 17 , 1400 , Support , Measure , Mike Memoli , Tour , Coronavirus Relief Bill , Road , Nbc News , Ones , Thanks , President , Saying , Takeaways , Plea , Crisis , Reporter , On Fdr , Presidency , That S Right , Lessons , Inauguration , Anticipation , Transition , Willingness , Risk , Idea , Sort , Headline , First , Goals , More , July 4th , Vaccine Supply , Ability , Progress , Takeaway , Importance , Challenges , Difficulty , Audience , Desire , Out On , Justice , Crises , Climate , Four , Government , Confidence , Break , Asian Americans , Discrimination , Prejudice , Guy , Frankly , Critical Point , Distrust , Insert , Child Tax Credit , Places , Talk Being , The Great Society , Haven T , Expansions , Person , Lbj , Thinking , Changes , Scenes , Advisers , Aides , Team , Primaries , Credit , Lesson , Policies , Progressive , Options , Ball , Thing , Ways , Washington , Priorities , Set , Lines , Gridlock , Reauthorized , Some , Yes , Progressive Change , Incrementalism , Big , Benefits , Issue , Election , Unemployment Benefits , Subsidies , Display , Affordable Care Act , Weekend , Friend , Timing , Surprise , Anthony Fauci , Dr , Rift , Covid 19 , 530000 , 19 , Measures , Side , Mask , Divisiveness , Common Sense , Public Health , Connotation , Approach , Messages , Settings , It Wasn T A Pure Public Health , Loss , Reasons , Ken Paxton , Sure , Magnitude , Texas , Rest , Tweet , Estate , State Mask Law , Travis County , City Of Austin , Health Officials , Statement , Steve Adler , Safety Protocols , Coronavirus Restrictions , Data , Science , Rules , Concerns , Doctors , Congressman , Message , Weather , Check , Guest , Congressman Suozzi , Merrick Garland , Heels , Justice Department For The First Time , Plus , Promise , Rule Of Law , Massive Covid , We Com , Alice , Scent , Gain , Fairy Godmother , Joe Esposito , Music , Best , You Re The Best , Collection , Scent Beads , Triumphantly Yells , Psst , Allergies , Finances , Charge , Ding , Don T Get Mad , E Trade , Season , Delivery , Yikes , Awwwwwwww , Body , Spraying Flonase , Self Protection , Recording , Wait , Gotta , Notification , Wifi , Xfinity , Determinatio , 10 , 0 , Tournament , Duke University , Athletic Director , Streak , Quarterfinal Game , Appearances , March Madness , The School , Blue Devils , 24 , Program , Test , Contact Tracing , Tests , Player , Semifinal , Florida State , Coach , Acc , Quarantining , Withdrawal , Mississippi State , Who Will Miss March Madness For The First Time , Dance , Unc , Kentucky Wildcats , Sec , Ap , 2013 , Shot , Duke , West Virginia , Heroics , University Of Virginia , Ncaa , Syracuse , 45 , It , Game , Freshman Reef Beekman , Buzzer Beater , Points , Big One For The Win , Clark , Three , Semifinals , Madison Square Garden , Georgetown , New York City , Big East Semis , Amazing , Building , Patrick Ewing , Security , Grievances , Career , Knicks , Hall Of Fame , Mr , Shell , Everybody , Passes , Dolan , Number , Bill Karins , Rafters , Let S Go , Winter Storm , Middle , Details , Weekend Forecast , Record Highs Yesterday , Eastern Seaboard , Lot , Snow , Areas , Back Side , Flood Problems , Eye Set , Rain , California , Missouri , Kansas , Wyoming , Colorado , Purple , Pictures , Indiana , Kentucky , Southern Illinois , 18 , Forecast , Feet , Problems , Rainfall , Foothills , Spots , Denver , 15 , 5 , Storms , Flooding , Locations , Southern Missouri , Northern Arkansas , Least , Southeast , Complaints , Eski , Investigation , Impeachment , Harassment Allegations , Step , New York Legislature , Don T , Everyone , Payroll , Slice , Cheese , Eating , Burger Truck , Second , Intuit Quickbooks , 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Solutions , Nobody , Possibilities , Wall Street , Vo , Moon , It Doesn T Ring The Bell , Status Quo , Customer Experience , Solutions , Teams , Tradeoffs , Value , Network , Anywhere , Melatonin , Release , Sleep Aids , Try Pure Zzzs , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , 2 , 00 , Polling , Out West , East Coast , Ugov , Broken Down , Independents , Half , Cbs News , Majorities , 25 , 75 , Pbs Newshour , Marist Poll , Npr , 62 , Supporters , Comeback , Relief Package A Trojan Horse , Bill Signing , 22 , Anything , Indicator , Lifetimes , Springtime , Cusp , None , Trends , Tide , Victory , Bipartisan Cares , January 20th , 20 , Progressive Bill In American History , Gold , Staff , Wasn T A Bill , Bad , Dollar Trojan Horse , Quote , Nancy Pelosi , Bipartisanship , Watch , Didn T Support , Vote , Dough , Building Infrastructure , Terms , Districts , Maintenance , Ribbon Cutting , Life , Commerce , Hair , Jobs , Quality , Talk , Kind , Sam Stein , Politics , Let , Editor , Politico , Obama , Tactics , Wasn , 2009 , Money , Story , Checks , Mailboxes , Debt , Elections , Degree , Vaccination , Sell , Salesmanship , Schools , Covid Relief Money , 2010 , Contextually , Mind , Tarp , Bank Bailout , Mood , Opposition , Taxpayer Money , Actors , Banks , Chunk , Bush , Obama Stimulus , Sense , Factor , Bailing , Reason , Like , Tax Cuts , Infrastructure Investments , 2012 , Ten , Iteration , Simplicity , Benefit , Public , Campaign , Biden Isn T Practicing , Likelihood , Villain , Chunks , Someone , Strategy , Paint , Hand , Coalition , Bipartisan , Case , Say , Reconciliation Package , Obama White House , The Hill , No One , Sales , Outreach , Go Around , En Masse , Bill En Masse , Expectations , Battles , Given , Overtures , Reconciliation , Expectation , Dog Whisperer , Incident , Potential Hire , Help , German Shepherds , Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Stomach Acid , Stomach Acid Refluxes , Esophagus , Formula , Acid Production , Breast Cancer , Source , Thriver , Hold , Zero Heartburn , Heartburn Protection , Kisqali , Aromatase Inhibitor , Pill , Lung Problems , Heartbeat , A , Nonsteroidal , Premenopausal Women With Hr , Disease Progression Versus , Liver Problems , Symptoms , Change , Death , Infections , Cough , Skin , Blood Cell , Skin Reactions , Yellowing , Dizziness , Eyes , Breastfeeding , Chills , Infection , Appetite , Tiredness , Urine , Bleeding , Fever , Grapefruit , Treatment , Tamoxifen , Bruising , Driver , Farmers , Policy Perk , Being , Auto Claims , Burke , Looks , Farmers Policy Perks , Accident Forgiveness , Strength , Bum , Performance , Strong , Bride , Leaks , Pa Dum , Burke Vo , 800 , 1 800 Farmers , Protection , Depend , Call , Bidens , 3 , Dogs , Cesar Millan , The Mandalorian , Offer , Market Watch , Home , Training , Hit , Services , National Geographic , Many , Creatures , Champ , House , World , Sync , Dog World , People Aren T , Fan , Replica Gunship , Star Wars , Russia , Look , Ship , Parts , Boy , Engines , Flights , Razorcrest , 2000 , 13 , 46 , 33 , Move , Construction , Replica , Pay , Car , Level , Social Media , Baby Yodas , Sponsors , Whole , Faith , Congratulations , Fandom , Jeans , Gun Laws , Beer , Chicken , Pair , Art , Wealth , Worth , Foundation , Radio Up , Wings , Project , Applebee S , , Employee , Lifetime , Employees , Mike S Retirement Party , Clothes , Tide Pods Hygienic Clean Heavy Duty , Tide Hygienic , Soils , 70 , Clean , Function , Scientists , Tell The Truth , All Of Us , Capital , Isn T , Joe Biden Last Night , Force , We , Member , Stimulus Bill , House Ways And Means Committee , Gun Reform , District , Impact , Stimulus Package , Beat , Bunch , Real Rapid Economic Recovery , Impacts , Win , Problem , Objectives , Times , Couple , Process , Background Checks , Gun Reform Measures , Gun Sales , Policy Initiatives , Calculus , Wake , Back , Horrible Newtown Shooting , Campaign Theme , Big Challenge , 60 , Bills , Filibuster , In The House , Background , It Done , Seats , 90 , Advocating , Noise , Rick Scott , Florida , Floor , Shootings , Parkland , Home State , Under Fire , Thoughts , Ring , Hat , Re Election , New Yorkers , He Doesn T Plan , Investigations , Temperature , Decision , Reports , Decisions , All Of You , Photo , Matthew , Sans A , Lisa , Daylight Saving Time , Arizona Joe , Viewers , Brad , Update , Second Moderna , 16 , Stay Safe , Big Thing , Roads , Morning Joe , Axios , Marlin , Conversation , Pete Buttigieg , Conversation Birds Flyin High , Dawn , Donald Trump , Legacy , Hans Nichols , Capitol Hill , Border , Refuge , Trip , Kevin Mccarthy , Trump , Conversations , Party , Rhetoric , Parting Gift , Max Mallist , Language , 2016 , Potency , Replay , Talk Radio , Center , Indications , Sides , Border State Democrats , Henry , Warning Signs , Positions , Ugg , Tony Gonzalez , Vicente Gonzalez , Phil Valla , Photo Op , Delegation , Fact Finding , Play , 2019 , 2014 , Answer , Sight , Addition , Findings , Front , Traffic , Segment , Channels , Space , Head , Loyalty , Policy , Public Square , Public Space , Chart , Interaction , Voters , Organizations , Reenter , Questions , Grief , For , Loved Ones , Children , Promises , Spring , Vaccines , Tone , Reflective ,

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