Our federal policies and institutions. All this matters to Foreign Policy because when we host the summit of democracies early in my administration, to rally the nations of the world, to defend democracy globally, to push back the authoritarianisms advance, well be much more credible partner because of these efforts to shore up our own foundations. Theres no longer a bright line between foreign and domestic policy. Every action we take and our conduct abroad, we must take with american Working Families in mind. Advancing a Foreign Policy for the middle class demands urgent focus on our economic renewal. And thats why i immediately put forth the American Rescue plan to pull us out of this economic crisis. Thats why signing an executive order, strengthening our buy american policies last week. It is also why i work with congress to make farreaching investments in research and development of transformational technolo technologies. They can create jobs, maintain americas Competitive Edge globally and ensure all americans share in the dividends. If we invest in ourselves and our people, if we fight to ensure that american businesses are positioned to compete and win on a global stage, if the rules of International Trade are not stacked against us, if our workers of Intellectual Property are protected, then there is no country on earth, not china or any other country on earth, that can match us. Investing in our diplomacy is something we do just because it is the right thing to do for the world. We do it in order to live in peace, security and prosperity. We do it because it is in our own naked selfinterest. We strengthen our alliances, we amplify our power, as well as our ability to disrupt threats before they can reach our shores. When we invest in Economic Development of countries, we create new marketses for our products and reduce the likelihood of instability, violence and mass migrations. When we strengthen Health Systems in far regions of the world, we reduce the risk of future pandemics that can threaten our people and economy. When we defend equal rights of people the world over, of women and girls, lgbtq individuals, indigenous communities, and people with disabilities, people of every ethnic background and religion, we also ensure those rights are protected for our own children here in america. America cannot afford to be absent any longer on the world stage. I come today to the State Department, an agency as old and storied as the nation itself. Because diplomacy has always been essential to our america to write its own destiny. For the diplomacy of ben franklin helped ensure the success of our the vision of the Marshall Plan helped prevent the world from foundering on the wreckage of war. And the passions of Eleanor Roosevelt that glared the audacious idea of universal rights that belong to all. The leadership of diplomats of every stripe doing the daily work of engagement, created the very idea of a free and interconnected world. We are a country that does big things. American diplomacy makes it happen and our administration is ready to take up the mantle and lead once again. Thank you all. May god bless you and protect our troops, our diplomats, and our development experts, and all americans serving in harms way. Good afternoon. Im Chris Jansing in for ayman mohyeldin. We have two major stories unfolding. You saw it live. President biden delivering his first major Foreign Policy speech. The president declaring we must meet the moment on the world stage. And defending democracy in russia, china, and burma. He also formally declared an end to the u. S. War in yemen along with pausing Troop Redeployments for 60 days as the pentagon reviews its Force Posture Around The World. Also were expecting some fiery debate on capitol hill where the house is expected to remove Georgia Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene from the committee thats oversee education and labor. Speak spoke on the floor and said she stopped believing in qanon, the outrageous group that accuses democrats of being sadistic pedophiles after she found out it contained lies. But then she compared qanon to the media and said some teeny tiny pieces of her words were taken out of context. During a fivehour meeting last night, the House Republican congress did not take any action against greene for her incendiary comments and social media activity. Including liking a post that read, a bullet to the head would be quicker to remove House Speaker nancy pelosi. Now, this morning pelosi said she is not worried that the house removing greene from her committees, the majority taking action against a minority member works set a bad precedent. If any of our members threaten the safety of other member, we would be the first ones to take them off the committee. So were going to follow that. It will be happening on the floor. We want to start with the president s speech. Joining us, we have a fantastic panel. Former congresswoman jane harmon, now president and ceo of the Woodrow Wilson center. Robby who is the editorinchief of Foreign Policy, and yamiche, an msnbc analyst. So let me start with The Big Picture if i can. What the message is from the new president. A clear acknowledgement of the hill that has to be climbed, saying things like, reclaiming our credibility and moral authority. Much of which has been lost. Sending a direct message to State Department staffers, and just overall, talking about the importance of diplomacy. What is your big picture take away . What does the president want the takeaway to be . The big picture takeaway, the one that i think biden really is trying to hammer home here, is that america is back, diplomacy is back, this idea that well treat our allies as allies. Well go after multilateral agreements. Well make sure that we are being responsible with the role that the United States plays in the world including on climate but also on welcoming refugees where we heard him say that he will be increasing the refugee cap. President trump had it at historic lows. It was not that low since the 1980s. What you heard him say is well be tough on russia again and that we have china in our eyes as both a competitor and a country that we can deal with. This was President Biden really trying to say the ideas that he put forth during his campaign. He plans to follow through on them. And i think the other thing thats really important here is that he says, yes, america will be strong in the global stage. Were also going to be someone who will be a friend and someone who is cumming with other countries. That is a marked difference from President Trump who had this America First agenda that talked about only keeping america in the minds when he was making decisions, really putting americas interests above all other interests. You hear from biden saying ill be interested in americas interests but i also want to be a friend and an ally and a Good Neighbor to all the countries Around The World. A marked difference from the last four years. One of the other things he said was hes interested in rebuilding the atrophied muscle of diplomacy which has suffered from neglect and abuse. Put it into context for us. That acknowledgement that there is a hill to climb. How high is it . How difficult will it be for this administration . I would call it a mountain to climb. Maybe it is a moon shot to climb. I dont think he climbed to the moon. But lets start with the optic here. He went to the State Department to give the speech. Hugely important. Second of all hes the most experienced Foreign Policy president weve had since george h. W. Bush. Decades in congress as head of the Foreign Relations committee. In his bones, he knows this stuff. He knows the people. He knows the people in congress. So i think all of that makes him very strong. And im looking at him with tony blinken. He has the strongest state Department Team that i can remember since way, way back. But in addition tom, i agree he hit the right themes. The one thing i didnt hear enough of is that Foreign Policy by executive order isnt going to make it. Because everyone is worried that our next president wont be of the same mind. I think what we need him to be saying in addition to what he said, was our doctrine now is america will be the indispensable partner to other countries in the world with like interests and i, joe biden, will build back the State Department and the relationship between my administration and the congress. So that the policies you see will have support. Not just from the people i have picked but the people you have elected. So lets talk about some of the policy that we already know, that this administration plans to follow. The u. S. Is going to end its support for the offensive operations in yemen. One of the worlds great humanitarian crises. Talk a little about that. The importance of it. And again, how that gets accomplished. So i think one thing that is very clear is that all the messages that biden has given to audiences today, as we just heard. One is the State Department itself which has been very demoralized and they got to hear i will have your back. And then the rest of the world. America is back. Diplomacy is back. I think the big news out of all this today is ending the war on yemen. Ending all u. S. Support for the war in yemen. I think that will have a set of Ripple Effects across the board. Not only in yemen itself but also for relations with saudi arabia, which of course has Fwakd War In Yemen along with the United Arab Emirates and of course, iran, on the other side of that equation. And thats something that may end up helping biden in negotiations to try to reenter the iran nuclear deal. So quite a few things that biden is trying to do at once. I think one thing with all of this is that there are no surprises in this speech. And thats a good thing. Weve just gone through an era of too many surprises. I think for many of us who have been listening and watching bidens remarks over the last year but also those of his Foreign Policy team, the question is how . How will you do all these things . How will you have America Reengage with the world in a way that World Leaders find credible and lasting . And i think the jury is still out for a while. There are a couple of pieces of this. I want to bring in our nbc news correspondent and chief washington correspondent, andrea mitchell. You know there are several pieces. Policy, reestablishing diplomacy, but the other part is people on the ground. And he was very clear both speaking earlier today directly to folks at the State Department and them reiterating it at the top of this speech, how important he feels each and every person is. Talk about those two things, separate and apart. One is that decision to go to diplomacy. You also have to have the people in place. What is he starting with staffing the State Department, staffing the u. S. Representation Around The World . Its a complete rebuild. They are demoralized. People were purged, people were fired or so demoralized and not involved that they quit and retired early. So a whole category of Foreign Service people. A whole generation have been lost just in the last four years. The most senior people retiring early. Some hes bringing back. That said, a speech like this, going to the work force first, saying, i have your backs. There wont be politics. Basically saying, we are not going to interfere. Well let you do your jobs and people there know as the former chairman of Foreign Relations, that he knows this stuff as the Vice President he knows it. Immediately saying, they wont withdraw troops from germany, getting reengaged in the afghanistan talks to the extent per putting women and girls, cessation of violence, making the taliban live up to the demands, reengaging so they are not cutting the Afghan Government out. I agree that the most important thing he said was on yemen and saudi arabia. That affects the entire region. That affects iran. The fact that he is saying to saudi arabia that we are stopping the support, the engagement in what tony blinken has said is the worst humanitarian crisis on the globe is tremendously important. Blinken said, were doing this precisely to get that humanitarian aid back in. Just think of where President Trump gave his first big Foreign Policy speech. In riyadh. A lot of questions about the Conflict Of Interest in that. The signal could not be more important. He drove a few blocks to the State Department, brought his Vice President with him, spoke to the work force first. Talked about diversity, morality and human rights. Now, the how as she said, is the real challenge. Emwe wont roll over to vladimir putin. We wont roll over anymore in the face of russia attacking democracy, cyber attacks, poisoning our allies. But at the same time, how does he accomplish this . How does he accomplish what he wants to accomplish with china . We are now headed toward a potential could not frontation, political or even military over what is happening in myanmar, also known as burma. One of the things he made clear, hes reached out. Hes had conversations with leaders Around The World from the expected places, canada, u. K. , france, germany, nato, reestablishing with nato. How difficult will it be to establish some of those relationships . And what did you hear in his speech that was for a foreign audience . A World Audience . I think the symbol of today is really, really important as it was pointed out. Him choosing to make the speech from the State Department. I think that will matter. If youre a world leader in new delhi or beijing or moscow, youll understand from that symbolism that this means that diplomacy matters. This means that the State Department matters. This means the infrastructure that has been so broken over the last four years will be rebuilt and therefore systems will be rebuilt. Diplomacy will be rebuilt. I think that will be one very big takeaway. The details will come. I imagine over the next weeks and months and thats something we can look out for. I think one problem, however, again, if you are a leader in india, a leader in turkey, is the sense that biden doesnt control everything. He can pass some rules and laws through executive order, of course, but beyond that, what is lasting . And this remains the country as a german official recently told our magazine, no matter what america does next, america will always be the country that elected trump. Thats something our allies will always remember and biden will have to struggle to reassure them that it is not just four years. But we have a longer material plan that will outlast just my term. As you say, many details to look out for. Andrea, were you trying to jump in there . Im very curious what you think in terms of the details, will be some of the things that youll be watching for, and foreign leaders will be watching for. Well, one of the signals today, he referred to january 6th. People were shaken Around The World by seeing america being attacked from within. And what he said was, we are committed to defending democracy Around The World. And with defending it here at home. A clear reference to what happened january 6th. So i think as my colleagues there, as jane and the others have been saying, it is symbolic but symbols matter in Foreign Policy. And he said diplomacy is back, america is back, he made no bones about criticizing his predecessor. There is always been a traditional honeymoon. President obama did not directly criticize President Trump. Not so today. There was no question that he was criticizing everything that President Trump did in terms of denying diplomacy, speaking of it as the deep state, firing people, not having the back of Whistle Blowers and others in the Impeachment Hearing who were then put aside. The experience of diplomats is being ved. Were already seeing it, appointing a long time Career Diplomat to yemen, but jane, let me give you the final word here and what youll be looking for. Well, if i could add something along the lines that everyone else has said authoritn the world will be hard. I dont know how high the mountain is but the slog is very long. And thats what will give him the credibility, both with our indispensable partners but also with congress. It seems to me, to build back better. A Foreign Policy. That was the american Foreign Policy since 1945. I mean, we always led by example. And we always had allies, and we built regional alliances and international organizations. Theyre in tatters. Reaching out with a comprehensive biden doctrine, thats what i would indicate. Well be indispensable together with the world well solve this covid monster. Thats where we start. And then well do these other things on the list. It was a good list. To me, how were going to finally, gasp, reenter a Foreign Policy process and a Foreign Policy environment that is really good for america and good for the world. Im so grateful to have your voices after this important first speech at the State Department. Thank you to all of you. Yamiche, youll stay with us. Right now the house is about to debate a resolution to strip Marjorie Taylor greene of her committee assignments. Then in less than an hour, it will come to a full vote before the house. Earlier greene took to the floor in her own defense saying she does not believe in several of the Conspiracy Theories that she previously supported. School shootings are absolutely real. Continuing fear david hock had that day. The fear that these kids had. 9 11 absolutely happen. It is a tragedy for anyone to say it didnt happen. So i definitely want to tell you. I do not believe that it is fake. Will we allow the media that is just as guilty as qanon presenting truth and lies to divide us . Joining me capitol correspondent garrett haake, and still with us, yamiche, and political contributor in a minute. What are we hearing from the debate . What kinds of defenses, if any, are we hearing from republicans . Did she help herself with those kinds of comments . She had some excuses about teeny tiny words being taken out of context. Give me your assessment of what weve seen so far. So im told the Speech Greene gave on the floor this afternoon is pretty similar to the one Behind Closed Doors last night. Kevin mccarthy was saying, he really home she would say in public, walking away from some of her more inflammatory comments over the past four years. And i do think that what she said is probably helped her with republicans. Theres sort of, you look at the test vote here. This vote on the rule. Youre seeing it breaking down almost entirely on party lines. I dont know that would have been the case had greene not stood up to both defend herself and explain or partially apologize for some of the comments. What weve seen a twofold defense from republicans. Either that greene has backed away from these comments or she should be allowed to say what she believes, or this entire process is flawed and represents some kind of democratic overreach. I have to till, democrats who remain the majority, remain the ones if this does in fact fall on the party line, who will control greenes fate, were not particularly impressed with that speech. Here is a response immediately after she spoke on the floor. Listen to what he had to say. I do not hear an apology or denouncement for the claim, the insinuation that political opponents should be violently dealt with. I didnt hear anybody apologize or retract the antisemitic or antiislamic comments that have been posted over and over again. That line about Political Violence is the most important thing here. The Conspiracy Theory stuff is one thing. The straw that broke the camels back democrats was the insinuation of support for Political Violence. After january 6th here, thats just not going to fly and thats what pushed democrats to take the step and why i think it is likely that within the next hour or two, well see this vote completed and Marjorie Taylor greene most likely stripped of her committee assignments. And some of the problems were seeing, yamiche, this disconnect between reality. Representative greene, let me start with this. Said this today about 9 11. 9 11 absolutely happened. I remember that day, crying all day long, watching it on the news. And it is a tragedy for anyone to say it didnt happen. Okay. But a couple years ago, heres what she said. The socalled plane that crashed into the pentagon. Its odd. Theres never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. I wont dive into the 9 11 conspiracy. The suggestion today that her words were twisted. Tell me what you see here. Yamiche . I see so much. I see a lawmaker who is trying her best to rewrite some of the things that she said and really trying to twist the things that she said into the media attacking her. The fact shes even having to say 9 11 happened on the house floor as a defense to her past comments tells you why democrats feel like they are on this moral high ground to try to strip her of her committee assignments. There is this feeling that she is still, i think, in some ways attacking the media and still in some ways, furthering the idea that qanon can be remotely associated with the media. Theyre two Different Things altogether. I think what we see here are democrats looking at her past statements and saying this is someone who does not deserve to have committee assignments. And it is not in some ways you see republicans being able to at least point to her and say well, shes trying to apologize. Shes come here on the house floor to try to say her peace. I think we all understand the way this vote will go. Democrats feeling like they have to punish her. Specially after the january 6th siege on the capitol where a number of the Conspiracy Theories led to people being hurt and killed. So i think you see in her someone who is trying her best to clean up some of the things she said. But you heard it in the Rebuttal Speech there. She didnt talk about why and how she, how she liked those comments about executing lawmakers and the antisemitic comments. Theres so much in her background that there is a real tough teem understanding that she wants to apologize for some things but not for others. The dual split screen you played there is why in some ways, democrats will succeed in their endeavours to punish her for her past comments. Its true, the republicans are talking about a process argument. It is hard to defend Someone Questioning whether or not a plane actually flew into the pentagon. No outright disavowel for sure. Thats what theyre trying to do. Trying to make this a process argument. Well, its not for the Majority Party to tell Minority Members who should be on what committee. Yeah. Thats right. No one is really defending, as yamiche that, no one is really defending her. This is unprecedented. As nancy pelosi has indicated, it is also unprecedented to suggest or to throw any kind of support behind somebody who has voiced support for executing members of congress, or who said 9 11 as we just saw in that video, might be a hoax. That School Shooting sare a hoax. She can say today that she doesnt believe. In, that she doesnt believe in qanon and shes not a devotee, and thats fine. But she has expressed in the past. Pelosis comment this morning was if were setting a precedent, this is a precedent i feel pretty comfortable setting. She said if democrats did this, she would be thrown off committees as well. I dont anticipate any republicans to vote for this today. I think one to six or something. I guess im interested to hear what garrett thinks but i dont really believe that there are any real number of republican thats will vote with the democrats on this. This isnt the only move were seeing from democrats today. We also saw that letter that went out from the Lead Impeachment Manager to donald trump saying, hey, come Answer Questions for us. Tell us a little about that letter and what were expecting here. Yeah. This letter was interesting. It is essentially a response to the former president s own legal teams response in which he refuses to concede the comments he made, like that he had won in a land slide were false. The Impeachment Managers said if youre going to say things we think are factually wrong, you should come defend that. Should you do it under oath. Come to washington and well work you in. It almost reads like a dare to the former president. If you truly believe these things which managers believe it is the very thing that riled up and incited the mob in the first place, the president ought to come down here and defend those things himself. Look, it is entirely, we havent heard from the president s legal team whether they plan to respond but this is meant to appeal to the former president s sense of, you know, victim hood that he is always right, that he wants to speak his peace which he no longer can do without his social media. So well see if it gets much traction. If i can take a little personal privilege to answer jakes question on how the votes will go. Look, there is no rule, none whatsoever, that says you cant believe or say crazy things just because youre a member of congress. You can say the earth is flat. You can say dine zeros are roaming the earth. Thats your prerogative if your voters vote for it. But the Political Violence part of this will be the thing that differentiates any of the other things that Marjorie Taylor greene has said from the things that will get her committees taken away from her. Thats just the thing that this body cant, and members have said, wont tolerate. Specially in the wake of january 6th. And it is really causing republicans to have to take sides. Last night we saw congresswoman liz cheney beat back a challenge to her leadership post. She won stronger support from her party than expected, but you have her on one side, Marjorie Taylor greene on the other. This is really a fight for what the Republican Party sees itself as and what it will be going forward. Thats right. I have a text from a senior republican aide who said were looking forward to getting back to shirts and skins. Democrats on one side, republicans on the other. Sniping at each other. Is the implication that they think that will happen any time soon . Theyre hoping it does. Theyre hoping they have a kind of moment of unity. Listen. This is a party as they know very well. This is a party deeply, deeply divided between people who are donald trump centric republicans, matt gates said today, i read somewhere that he is upset he only has one excuse, the bell here. Only one lifetime of service to give donald trump. Ive never heard anything like that before. So this is a, some people in the party are just trump first some of the people are republicans first. Although that number is dwindling. And then there is a Center Ground of people who are afraid of the president and dont want to cross him but are not really with him. So the party is really in three, split in three directions. I think Kevin Mccarthy hopes he can bring people together and use this incident to bring people together. Thats what every leader homes at all Times On Capitol Hill that they can turn the bad into the good. It is easier said than done. They have very little legislative responsibility here. I mean, thats the big thing. Theyre in the minority. They have the ability to lick their wounds and heal a little bit. Yeah, its one thing on say i regret i have only one life to give for my country. Another one to say for donald trump. Thats where we are right now. All three of you, so great to talk to you. Thank you. So. If you can believe it, much more to come. The fbi is asking for your help. Theyre posting dozens of pictures of people who they believe assaulted members of the press during last months Capitol Hill Riots and hoping the public can help them identify these folks. Weve got more after the breek a very busy thursday right here on msnbc. Right here on msnbc. Because when caught in early stages, its more treatable. Im cologuard. Im noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92 of Colon Cancers even in early stages. Tell me more. Its for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. 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The leader in 5g coverage. The fastest 5g speeds. The best value in wireless. And a free galaxy s21 for everyone. Only at tmobile. New coronavirus cases are down 23 compared to two tweaks ago. Thats the good news. As new variants spread, experts warn another wave could be imminent. Oxford university will test a mixture of different vaccine in addition first of its kind study. The Trial Participant will receive either astrazeneca or pfizer for their first shot and then a different shot for the second. And secured vaccines for all Capitol Police personnel according to the acting chief pittman. He said Police Officers are likely to be vaccinated shortly. And sources tell innings news, the Biden Administration is considering the logistics of sending masks to every single american. The idea has reportedly come up in meetings, although it hasnt reached the desk of americans yet. Joining me, the associate decent of medical education at the university of Cincinnati Medical School who is also a family physician. So great to have you here. A lot of stuff to get through. So lets start with this idea of sending household masks. Do you think that would be a good strategy in stopping the spread . Is it more symbol snik maybe just wasteful . What do you think . We do know that masks actually do work. So for families who have masks, it is not something, it is an option. Lets get to what our own sam brock saw when he went to a Grocery Store in naples, florida. He said he went to get a sandwich and walked out with a story. He noticed virtually everybody wearing masks. This has gone viral in a huge way. The owner said masks dont wear. He denies more than 450,000 people have died from the mask. When you see Something Like this, what goes through your mind . Are there always going to be 15 of the population that just simply doesnt believe that any of this is real . One of the things thats very concerning with people not wearing masks, a lot of the viral variants are coming out of areas where the pandemic is out of control. So we do know that masks, social distancing and making sure that youre going ahead and washing your hands are three things that do work in addition to the vaccines that have been rolling out. So definitely, we want to decrease our viral variants that hopefully will not have to. There is a group of black leaders if florida asking President Biden to vaccinate millions of people through a statewide network of churches and community leaders. Ive talked on some of those folks about it. And theyre even concerned, frankly, that there are people in the Church Community recommending against the vaccine. What do you make of that kind of proposal . Particularly to a resistant population . So i think number one, that the conversations have to be brought to the fore with reluctant individuals on the basis of respect, patience, and really acknowledgement of the historic horrible truth thats have happened around clinical trials. I think it is really important for reluctant individuals to know that new thing have been put into place like institutional review boards, which are groups of people who actually go ahead and make sure that they review all studies that involve Human Subjects before any Human Subject is enrolled so we can adhere to Ethical Practices at all times. A couple months ago, i was talking to africanamericans who were skeptical for reasons that you know. So you enrolled in the trial. Im very curious about your reaction and leadership and modeling. Yeah. I think for one thing, if i had a patient who was being asked by a doctor to go ahead and have their shot, i would want to make sure that the doctor was able to put their money where their mouth is. Their arm where their mouth is. The issue is that i felt i would have more credibility with a patient going ahead and telling them from the inside of the trial. So the convenience of having moderna right here on our site as one of the 90 sites was an excellent start. I just got married and my husband wanted to make sure that i didnt have any virus in any of the vaccine i was taking. That narrowed it down to pfizer and moderna. Ive been able to have an impact with my patients. And to speak around the country, for example, to a group of families that had Sickle Cell Disease and i got moils that there are opportunities to go ahead and get the vaccine when it becomes available for them. And great to have you on the program. Thank you. Up next, new indictments in the capitol hill riot investigation. And were just minutes away from the house floor debate on removing Marjorie Taylor greene from her committees. Youre watching live on msnbc. Youre watching live on msnbc. R. 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I guess those cows must actually be big dogs. Sit i said sit at visionworks, we want you to feel safe and we want you to see yourself in your new glasses and think, ooh but if you get home and your ooh is more of a hmm. You have 100 days to change your mind. Thats the visionworks difference. Visionworks. See the difference. New developments in the investigation into the insurrection at the u. S. Capitol. A texas man and selfproclaimed founder of the honolulu proud boys. They are also accused of Writing Murder the media on a u. S. Capitol door. Meantime the fbi released more photos of people they want to identify in connection with assaults on members of the media during the riot. Joining me now, nbc news investigations correspondent tom winter. Good to see you. What more can you tell us about these two guys and what exactly theyre accused of doing . So both have been tied to the proud boys. And one of them, nicholas, 34 from honolulu, he was the person who was pictured in front of that door with it saying murder the media, apparently also stole hand cuffs. The person identified on the left. Allegedly stole hand cuffs from u. S. Capitol police as well. He was picked up several weeks ago and the indictment now making the complaint formal, formalizing the charges. And the other one, 30 years old from washington state. Selfidentified as a sergeant at arms within the proud boys. He brought protective gear and Communications Equipment in advance of the incidents at the capitol. Both face similar charges. And it is very similar to what weve seen so far tied to unlawfully entering the capitol and tied to disorder and other sorts of charges along those lines. Again, two more faces in the crowd of people that did things allegedly legally that day, in part of the riot, but the proud boys connection is certainly concerning. Particularly in light of the fact yesterday, canada identified the proud boys as a terrorist group, grouping them in, lumping them with isis, hamas and hezbollah. So to give you a sense of what canadians think of this organization. Exactly. Meantime the fbi continues to release photos. A bunch of new photos. Do we know that theyre getting much information . Or even if they maybe led to any arrests . So far no arrests. According to the reporting of my colleague pete williams, the Restaurant Stams at 180 or so. These pictures that youre looking at there onscreen, in total, about 18 individuals that have been identified. Almost 30 pictures or so that they provided. So they have some different pictures of the same people that theyre looking for. So this is a seeking information poster. They want to know who these people are. They want to put charges on them. They say that theyre involved with assaults on the media so well have to stay tuned. So far the fbis efforts have been pretty remarkable in getting people the contact they will, provide information about them. Family members, friends, relatives, all calling the fbi and providing information that has led to an arrest. So theres no belief here that these people wont eventually see justice. Tom winter, thank you so much. Fractured by President Trump. Republicans struggle to agree on the direction of their party. The former republican congressman joins me next. Youre watching msnbc. Ext. Youre watching msnbc. Your skin isnt just skin, its a beautiful reflection of every single thing youve been through in life. Which is why Dove Body Wash renews your skins ceramides and strengthens it against dryness. For instantly softer smoother skin you can lovingly embrace. Renew the love for your skin with Dove Body Wash. Renew the love for your skin life doesnt stop for a cold. [man] honey. [woman] honey thats why theres new dayquil severe honey. 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He told her he does not expect or plan for donald trump to testify in any way ahead of this trial in the coming days. We know from congressman jamie raskin they were asking for maybe the testimony to be done before tuesday, but it was unclear how it could be done. But now we have our answer, also in the form of a her that both of the lawyers who have signed on to help represent and defend donald trump are now sending back to representative raskin. I want to read the letter from david schoen along with bruce castor, as you certainly know, theres no such things as a negative interference in this, what they are labeling unconstitutional proceeding, whats notable about that, chris, is for weeks we know from our reporting and sources the former president was leaning on his original team of lawyers to try to make an argument of baseless Election Fraud claims. We know those first attorneys went for the exits, because they didnt feel comfortable doing that, so these other lawyers have come in, and they are expected to deliver more of a constitutional argument are argument, even though we know thats not something that donald trump wanted originally, obviously hes not getting that, though, from these lawyers. Instead they will argue on the constitutionality of this. We do know the trial is set to begin on tuesday. Whether we expect any other response from the president is outstanding. We had reported last week he may submit a Written Letter as part of his defense, but that wouldnt go into the sworn testimony piece of this. Monica alba with the Breaking News of a no fro trumps lawyers. Were keeping our eye on the mouse floor where the debate is about to begin on whether to strip Marjorie Taylor greene of her committee appointments. This has exposed deep fault lines in the Republican Party, ones that seem unlikely to disappear even after her supposed disavowal. Joins me is former congressman carlos carvello, now a group is forming alliances, to advocate for georgias secession from the union. This group she was affiliated with a few months ago from when she was running, wants to secede from the union. It seemed like today her extremist comments were years old, shes moved on, but can she claim that when she was associated with these folks during her campaign . Chris, the only way she can claim that, the only way she can truly break with all of these dangerous groups, and were seeing just how dangerous they are, with all of this violence, the threat of even more violence, the only way to break with that is to go to her district to speak publicly, disavow these groups, condemn them, not to say theres some little lies here, you found some inconsistencies. No. These groups are dangerous, theyre andy american, theyre a threat to the country. We saw exactly what theyre capable of on the 6th of january, and the Republican Party and House Republicans, they need to press her to do more. This is just not enough, because there are people out there who are emboldened by her refusal to disavow them, to condemn them, to cut ties with them in a clear and explicit way. Tell me what youre expecting to see in the next hour or so from your former republican colleagues. Dont you have to wonder if they really are okay with aligning themselves with someone who clearly has they beliefs . And you wonder if they even know her . Have they even met her . He is new. What do you think . Most republicans will cling on to this halfhearted apology that supposedly she issued last night into they tepid remarks on the house floor today, when she started off, it seemed like she would be fairly contrite. At the end, she kind of reverted back to some of these unfortunate statements. Yeah, not just blaming the media, but she kept saying it was teeny, tiny words taken out of context. Right. She dug herself back into the hole again, but a lot of members will make Process Arguments, and ill be fair and say some of these Process Arguments are legitimate. This does have implications for the future of the house, future republican majority could decided to unseat democrats from committees. Im not comparing anyone or anything, but there is some concern with regards to the institutional damage this can do. However, what she has said, what she has endorsed is totally inexcusable, and republicans at the very least, even if they oppose this move by the majority need to continue condemning that and demanding that she condemn it herself. Otherwise, as your reporting just pointed out, these militia groups, these groups that are prone to violence will only be more emboldened and will cause a lot of damage and pain in our country. We only have a 340789 left, but it was a tweet that 61 members voted to oust liz cheney, even though they obviously didnt succeed. She said, look, this was actually a strong vote for leadership, but do you think this Kind Of Punishment for a total lack of total party loyalty, as alberta indicates . Is that what the trend is in the Republican Party . What would the vote have been if it was in public . Well, if the vote was in public it would have been much closer and chairwoman cheney might have lost that vote. Thats the troubling part. But 70 up Behind Closed Doors will do the right thing, but the bad news is they wont do it in public. A lot of republicans will hide behind the fact that a lot of my constituents believe these theories, a lot of my constituents support congresswoman greene. Well, a big part of the reason for that is because you, the lead are of this district or state, wont level with your constituents or wont be honest with the constituents and tell them all these things are lies and theyre dangerous and you would never support any of this Behind Closed Doors. Congressman, thank you for joining me. Deadline white house with Nicolle Wallace starts right now. Hi there, everyone. Its 4 00 in the east. Another extraordinary day of Breaking News that reveals the scope of the fallout from Donald Trumps big lie. For the republicans who continue to choose, to this day, to be implicit with it. First the latest in Donald Trumps second Impeachment Trial just five days away. In the last hour, an attorney for President Trump tells nbc exclusively, that the seo donald trump will not testify next

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