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help. >> april was a long a from january. this shows how mcconnell reversed course right after the insurrection, he was telling advisers that democrats are going to take care of the son of a b for us, a reference to trump, and he claimed that he had at one point what he would need to keep trump off any ballot forever. the required 17 republican voters in the caucus because if this isn't impeachable, i don't know what is. he didn't have the other 17 or 16 or 15. he didn't even have himself. now you could say that is what a lot of politicians do. they canvass around to see where the room is. but mitch mcconnell on a matter of the utmost significance, which he called a insurrection on january 6 and reversed himself when tested. >> if president trump were still in office, i would have carefully considered whether the house managers proved their specific charge. the question is moot because