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MP: 35 people pledge to donate cadaver in Dhar, 100 to give
MP: 35 people pledge to donate cadaver in Dhar, 100 to give
MP: 35 people pledge to donate cadaver in Dhar, 100 to give away eyes
Over 35 people pledged to donate their body, more than 100 people filled form for eye donation and four for organ donation during the camp.
Related Keywords
Dhar Madhya Pradesh ,
Bhagat Singh ,
Anshul Sharma ,
Samandar Singh Patel ,
Shivaram Rajguru ,
Sanjay Bhandari ,
Devendra Singh Dhurve ,
Neena Vikram Verma ,
Aashish Basu ,
Human Services Welfare Committee ,
Madhya Pradesh ,
Singh Dhurve ,
Vikram Verma ,
Indore ,
Eye Donation Camp ,
Dhar ,
Cadaver ,