Posted By: Nicole Rodriguez December 18, 2020 @ 3:11 pm Local News, News, State The Greene County Collector says most 2020 personal property tax statements are now available online here. Paper statements will be mailed out as early as next week. While real estate tax payments are still due by the end of this year, personal property payments have been until the end of January. You can pay both tax payments either online, by mail or in person at the Greene County Historic Courthouse located at 940 N. Boonville. In a press release, it says “The Collector does need to let citizens know that there is a group of accounts that the Assessor’s office is still working on. It is a small percentage of accounts but it means that not all statements are yet available; therefore, do not be alarmed if you do not get your statement at this time. Do reach out to the County if you do not receive your statement by January 15th. All potential mailings will have an extended due date according to the mailing date.”