Momnibus bills moving through NC General Assembly Shawna De La Rosa | Apr 19, 2021 Share this: The North Carolina General Assembly is taking on the issue of Black maternal mortality this session with bills in both chambers aimed at improving health outcomes for Black birthing people. The bills, referred to as the North Carolina Momnibus Act, also address the social determinants and the implicit biases among health care professionals that may impact the mortality rate disparity.
Senate Bill 632 and H 507 are identical bills. They would address issues such as requiring the creation of a funded Social Determinants of Maternal Health Task Force within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the creation of a Maternal Mortality Prevention Grant Program and would require DHHS to work with community-based organizations led by Black women that serve Black birthing people and a historically Black college or university to create an evidence-based implicit bias training program for health care professionals involved in perinatal care. The house version passed its first reading on April 12 and has been referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House. Its main sponsors are Reps. Julie Von Haefen, Zack Hawkins, Carla Cunningham and Vernetta Alston. Senators Natalie Murdock, Sydney Batch and Deandrea Salvador are sponsoring S 632. It also passed its first reading and has been referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate.