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Molecular Machines | Evolution News
A molecular machine is “an assemblage of parts that transmit forces, motion, or energy from one to another in a predetermined manner.
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Franck Duong ,
Paolo Sarti ,
Microsc Microanal ,
Paulm Allen ,
Walter Neupert ,
Wolfgang Baumeister ,
Michiel Meijer ,
Andreas Peth ,
Williamt Silkworth ,
Andreas Martin ,
Shannonk Bromley ,
Anja Irmisch ,
Markusc Wahl ,
Kami Ahmad ,
Roy Wollman ,
Michael Behe ,
Robert Reid ,
Shylaja Hegde ,
Giovanni Antonini ,
Alan Collmer ,
Nicholasj Matzke ,
Johnl Woolford Jr ,
Venigallab Rao ,
Pauld Boyer ,
Guyr Cornelis ,
Alex Mogilner ,
Dominique Soldati ,
Alexanderv Strunnikov ,
Jordi Torres Rosell ,
Seiji Kojima ,
Henri Mh Spronk ,
Ajit Joglekar ,
Stephenc Meyer ,
Robertt Sauer ,
Zvi Kelman ,
Stefan Weitzer ,
Jochen Walz ,
Maxwellg Heiman ,
Manjum Hingorani ,
Henri Buc ,
Trishan Davis ,
Tobias Meyer ,
Benf Luisi ,
Paulj Rothwell ,
Miguela Garcia Garibay ,
Taniaa Baker ,
Carlose Godinez ,
Antonio Tedeschi ,
John Sgouros ,
David Goodsell ,
Valoried Bowman ,
Andreys Shaw ,
Ivana Sunjevaric ,
Davidf Blair ,
Jorgee Gal ,
Susan Jones ,
Meik Sacher ,
Maria Jose Marcaida ,
Veronique Besson ,
Peter Walter ,
Marco Piccolino ,
Thomasr Cech ,
Michael Lisby ,
Markm Davis ,
Michel Duguet ,
Bonnie Draper ,
Ronaldd Vale ,
Raja Paul ,
Stefan Jentsch ,
Siyang Sun ,
Harmits Malik ,
Markj Pallen ,
Arthurl Horwich ,
Michaell Dustin ,
Josee Junez ,
Johannem Murray ,
Anthony Keeley ,
Nadine Eckert Boulet ,
Michaelg Rossmann ,
Rodney Rothstein ,
Royr Chaudhuri ,
Martin Renatus ,
Craig Venter ,
Stevene Glynn ,
Cytplasmic Dynein ,
Tanfisi Alam ,
Tinh Alfredov Khuong ,
Erika Seemu ,
Bruce Alberts ,
Mike Odonnell ,
Henrikec Besche ,
Vidya Chandran ,
Alex Engel ,
Daniela Nicastro ,
Davidj Derosier ,
Emilya Outwin ,
Julia Schmitz ,
Maurizio Brunori ,
Frank Uhlmann ,
John Mc Intyre ,
Agamemnonj Carpousis ,
Isaack Nardi ,
Apoptosome Caspase ,
Pascal Bessonneau ,
Elena Oancea ,
Daniela Cimini ,
Alfredl Goldberg ,
Jonathanp Staley ,
Briane Snydsman ,
Jan Michael Peters ,
Jennifer Turner ,
Marco Piccolini ,
Arash Grakoui ,
Francesco Malatesta ,
Marka Depristo ,
Sian Collinson ,
Matthewj Oconnell ,
Bernd Bukau ,
Zhihong Zhang ,
J Richard Mcintosh ,
Andrei Fokine ,
Timothyw Nilsen ,
Andrewr Nager ,
Nikolaus Pfanner ,
Steven Henikoff ,
Charlesw Penn ,
Kiran Kondabagil ,
Progress In Cell Cycle Research ,
Chemical Research ,
International Review Of Cytology ,
Royal Society Of Chemistry ,
Trends In Biochemical Sciences ,
Cell Biology International ,
Genes Development ,
Us National Academy Of Sciences ,
Wedge Foundation ,
Getting To First Base In Proteasome Assembly ,
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology ,
Nature Methods ,
Annual Review ,
Biomedical Engineering ,
Black Box ,
Biochemical Challenge ,
Sciences Bruce Alberts ,
Biological Chemistry ,
Molecular Machines ,
Scientists Have Argued Show Irreducible ,
Nature Reviews Microbiology ,
Human Genome Project ,
Adaptive Immune ,
Reviews Molecular Cell Biology ,
Giulio Superti Furga ,
Quest Toward Solid State Dynamics ,
Closest Look Ever At The Cell ,
Free Press ,
Protein Machines ,
Next Generation ,
Molecular Biologists ,
Bacterial Flagellar Motor ,
Complex Molecular Machine ,
Afternoon Session ,
Bacterial Flagella ,
Reviews Microbiology ,
Working Model ,
Complex Determined ,
Computational Microscopy ,
Protein Data Bank ,
Biology International ,
Intelligent Design ,
Johnl Woolford ,
Cell Biology ,
Design Principles ,
Splendid Molecular Machine ,
Molecular Motor Toolbox ,
Intracellular Transport ,
Calcium Pump ,
First Base ,
Proteasome Assembly ,
Self Compartmentalizing Protease ,
Michael Peters ,
Cell Cycle Research ,
Protein Unfolding Machine ,
Cenk Sumen ,
Immunological Synapse ,
Molecular Machine Controllingt Cell Activation ,
Molecular Machine ,
Decoding Calcium ,
Diacylglycerol Signals ,
Motor Suggests ,
Mechanism Dependent ,
Electrostatic Forces ,
Giacomo De Piccoli ,
Luis Arag ,
Dependent Removal ,
Mitotic Chromosomes ,
Protein Complex That Untangles ,
Mitotic Spindle ,
Self Made Machine ,
Mikeo Donnell ,
Active Machine ,