Jay Biggerstaff-USA TODAY Sports There’s been a not-insignificant amount of hand-wringing around the news that Ryan Walters is leaving Mizzou for Bret Beliema’s staff at Illinois. It would be one thing if Walters were recently fired and looking for a place to hang his hat. But taking a worse job — calling it a “lateral move” would be charity, sorry Illini fans — while on seemingly good terms with the Missouri program has caused some concerns. However, it makes more sense than you’d think when you stop and consider the context. Walters was not Eli Drinkwitz’s hand-picked defensive coordinator, even if he was retained during last year’s transition. Walters was brought in under Barry Odom’s tenure and, despite his reputation as a rising star in the coaching ranks, did face some heat during his time as a Tiger. That heat turned up over the back half of 2020, when the Tigers were eviscerated on the defensive end several weeks in a row. Not all of that was Walters’ fault, but can you really blame him for wanting to find a position with better job security? He’ll also tie his wagon to Beliema, who’s a name-brand coach and can help Walters further his career.