Mizoram Classes 10, 12 compartmental exams from August 9, check details here Mizoram Classes 10, 12 compartmental exams from August 9, check details here MBSE will begin the compartmental exams for Classes 10 and 12 from August 9. Check important details here. advertisement Mizoram Class 10 and 12 compartment exams to begin from August 9. (Image: PTI) Mizoram Compartmental Exams 2021: Attention students, the Mizoram Board of School Education, MBSE, will begin the compartmental exams for Classes 10 and 12 from August 9, 2021. The board has published a notification regarding the same on its official website. In the notification, the board has mentioned the rescheduling of the compartmental exams. The compartmental exams for Class 10 or HSLC will begin on August 9 and will conclude on August 13, 2021. For Class 12 or HSSLC, the compartmental exams will begin on August 9 and will conclude on August 11, 2021.. The exams will be held from 10 am to 1 pm every day.