AJ TaylorJanuary 12, 2021Last Updated: February 28, 2021 Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and Conservation Learning Group, is hosting a free wetland virtual field day on growing miscanthus in Iowa on Thursday, Jan. 14 at 1 p.m. Join for a live conversation with Emily Heaton, Iowa State University agronomy professor and extension biomass crop specialist. Miscanthus has received widespread attention as a biomass crop for bioenergy in Europe, while bedding and bioproduct markets are developing faster than energy markets in the U.S. Heaton’s team is exploring what it takes to successfully grow miscanthus in Iowa and measuring the impact on soil health and water quality. The team is also exploring converting areas of fields that produce low corn and soybean yields to miscanthus for improved long-term profitability.