MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MITCHELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 17-2 December 12, 2022 The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at 5:30 PM at the Mitchell Senior High School 920 North Capital Street, Mitchell South Dakota, Davison County. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Matthew Christiansen, Shawn Ruml, and Terry Aslesen. Absent: Brittni Flood. Others present: Dr. Joseph Graves Superintendent, Steve Culhane, Business Manager, and Student representatives Dawson Schroeder & Claire Hegg. Motion #355201 Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Ruml to amend the agenda by adding discussion item on Classroom Cap sizes. Motion carried. Motion #355202 Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Aslesen to approve the amended agenda as now presented. Motion carried. Motion #355203 Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Ruml to approve the consent agenda items of the claims and the minutes of the November 14, 2022 board meeting. These minutes had been sent to the Daily Republic in unapproved form all in accordance as per SDCL 13-8-35. Motion carried. Motion #355204 Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Olson to approve all of the personnel items. Board member Aslesen made a motion to approve personnel items B thru G and not item A. This motion died for a lack of second. After discussion, board member Aslesen asked for a roll call vote; Roll call vote; Aslesen, No; Christiansen, yes; Olson, yes; and Ruml, No. Since there is a 2-2 vote and no majority, personnel items are not approved at this time. During public commentary, the school board heard from a student asking about the ability for students to wear hats in school. Also heard from citizens on CRT teachings and social study standards and a Covid information update. Motion #355205 Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Ruml to approve on second and final reading the revisions to Board Policy 1141: Community Use of Facilities. Motion #355206 Board member Aslesen made a motion to amend this original motion and presented his revisions of lowering the fees from those established in policy for the rental of the Performing Art Center. This motion was seconded by Ruml for discussion. After discussion, those voting in favor of this motion was Aslesen. Those voting against this motion was Ruml, Christiansen, and Olson. This motion fails 3-1. For the vote on original motion #355205 to approve current policy in place are Ruml, Christiansen and Olson. Voting against this motion was Aslesen. Motion carries 3-1. Motion #355207 Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Ruml to approve issuance of design specifications on the new High School project to be let out to bidders. Bid specifications are to be sent out on December 21st, a pre-bid meeting will be held on January 3, 2023 and the bids are due back on January 19,, 2023 at 2 pm. After discussion on the specifications, those voting yes on the motion are Christiansen, Ruml and Olson. Voting against motion is Aslesen. Motion carries 3-1 Board member Aslesen passed around the Classroom Cap sizes he wants to see implemented moving forward. These were caps established back in 1998 and approved by the School Board at that time. He said he would like to see the board have this discussion in the future and make a formal motion to approve caps for all HS classes offered. School Board members reported on the meetings they had attended since the last meeting. There was no Superintendent’s report. Motion #355208 Motion by Ruml, seconded by Christiansen to adjourn the meeting at 8:26 pm. Motion carried. Cash Balance as of November 30, 2022 Beginning Balance, $20,102,931 General Fund Balance $7,556,297 Capital Outlay Balance $4,222,250, Special Education Balance $1,067,545, Mitchell Tech Balance $4,044,814, Food Service Balance $1,426,828, Driver’s Ed Balance ($-2,180), T/A Balance $2,473,172, James Valley Coop Balance ($-128,922), Capital Projects Fund Balance ($-556,873) Total Revenue, $10,030,561 General Fund $3,377,030, Capital Outlay $1,661,933, Special Education $1,116,626, Mitchell Tech $2,429,025, Food Service $195,085, Driver’s Ed $-0-, T/A $1,048,098, James Valley Coop $202,764, Capital Projects Fund $-0- Total Expenditures, $4,426,384 General Fund $1,774,057, Capital Outlay $106,706, Special Education $620,627, Mitchell Tech $1,336,139, Food Service $144,351, Driver’s Ed $-0-, T/A $398,148, James Valley Coop $46,356, Capital Projects Fund $-0-. Ending Balance, $25,707,108 General Fund $9,159,270, Capital Outlay $5,777,477, Special Education $1,563,544, Mitchell Tech $5,137,700, Food Service $1,477,562, Driver’s Ed $(2,180), T/A $3,123,122, James Valley Coop $27,486, Capital Projects Fund $(556,873) General Fund Ox Welding Supply Welding Supplies 11,510.89 AT&T Cell Phone Usage 513.04 Abbott House Sept Tuition 10,813.26 ABE/Mitchell Painting 2,341.32 Aberdeen Central Debate Entry Fees 354.00 Allhiser, Cruz FB Official 65.00 Andal, Scott FB Official 263.20 Andersen, Maddie Bowling Tourney 250.00 Anderson, Madelyn Debate Judge 100.00 Arctic Refrigeration Ice Machine Repair/SH 1,172.09 Automatic Building Controls Fire Alarm Inspection/LO 269.39 AutoZone Vehicle Parts 7.91 Bartscher, Debra Christmas Décor 78.70 Becker, Dakota FB Official 65.00 Becker, Sherri Family Engagement Night supplies 598.46 Bender’s Sewer/Drain Cleaning/GBR 220.00 Bernard, Marilyn Colony Mileage 325.00 Big E Auto Vehicle Repairs 2,770.84 Buhl’s Dry Cleaning Band Uniform Cleaning 956.25 Building Sprinkler Service Call/CDC 652.50 Cahoy, Robin Professional Dev Supplies 294.50 Cain Lambert, Jodie Announcer 190.00 Calhoon, Meredith Debate Judge 150.00 Chada, Dodie Gymnastics Judge 146.92 Christian, Jenny Gymnastics Judge 167.32 City Of Mitchell Landfill Fees 44.96 CK Bicycles/Locks Lever Lock 235.00 Clendening, Jeff Debate Judge 50.00 Coats, Becky Bingo/Library Incentives 251.05 Cubby’s Fuel 777.33 Culhane, Steve FY23 Physical/Contract 200.00 Dakota Pump Service Call/GBR 290.09 Darrington Water H20 Conditioning 111.50 Desmond, Erin Piano Accompanist 30.00 Dierks, Jordan Debate Judge 100.00 Dockendorf, Pat VB Worker 205.00 Domino’s/Mitchell Pizza 75.74 Elmers, Jeramie Wrestling Official 253.22 ELO Prof Final/Fy21 11,000.00 Erdmann, Danielle Lab Supplies 64.24 Fahey, Adam FB Official 65.00 Fahey, Carson FB Official 65.00 First Book Market Place Library Books 129.80 First Nat’l Bank Omaha Travel/Program Expenses 6,459.32 Fischer Rounds Notary Bond 50.00 Flinn Scientific Classroom Supplies 531.42 Foreman Student Transportation 104,712.82 Fosness, Adam Course Fees 35.00 Garton, Dave FB Official 590.00 Garton, Ron FB Official 100.00 Gebel, Joe Debate Judge 150.00 Giblin, Scott FB Official 250.00 Gopher Sport Soccer Goals 269.00 Graham Tire Company Vehicle Repairs 2,018.51 Hajek, Jamie FB Official 455.00 Harms, Danielle Debate Judge 200.00 Hart, Ellie Debate Judge 150.00 Hazelden Online Surveys 3,995.00 Herman, Michaela Mentor Training Mileage 205.98 Hilgendorf, Cammy Mural Supplies 30.26 Hill, Ron FB Official 345.00 Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 5,130.99 Hilton, Aylah VB Worker 20.00 HOBY Leadership Registration Fee 300.00 Innovative Office Solutions Program/Office Supplies 3,308.08 Interstate All Battery Center Batteries 5.60 Interstate Glass/Door Pull Handles 2,418.00 Johnson Controls Service Call/MS 798.05 Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 3,294.49 Kearin, Brett Debate Judge 200.00 Kelly, Jane Debate Judge 100.00 Kelly, Patricia Colony Mileage 86.87 Koch, Gwenda Debate Judge 150.00 Korzan, Mathias Debate Judge 150.00 Kraemer, Shelby Gymnastic Judge 234.64 Kramer, Corbin Debate Judge 150.00 Krier, Dan VB Official 404.20 Krier, Lori VB Official 144.60 Krohmer Plumbing Fountain Repair/MS 105.92 Macgill/Co Nurses’ Supplies 35.95 Madison High School Wrestling Jamboree 40.00 Main St Mercantile Soup For P/T Conferences 113.50 Make It Mine Design Signs 100.00 Margoles, Lev Debate Judge 50.00 Mc Cardle, Charlie FB Official 200.00 McGraw, Nicholas Vocal Score 130.95 Mcleods Office Supply Posters 1,456.27 Mebius Nursery Irrigation Winterization 700.00 Menards O/M/Program Supplies 427.50 Midco Business Long Distance Ser