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Ministry facilitates placement for foreign graduate speciali
Ministry facilitates placement for foreign graduate speciali
Ministry facilitates placement for foreign graduate specialist doctors
The Indonesian Health Ministry has facilitated work placements for 16 Indonesian specialist doctors graduating from abroad to serve in various regions in the ...
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Indonesia ,
Lampung ,
Kalimantan Tengah ,
West Kalimantan ,
Kalimantan Barat ,
Lawu ,
Nusa Tenggara Barat ,
Kubu Raya ,
Aceh ,
Kumpulan ,
Sumatera Barat ,
Antara ,
Indonesian ,
Fauziyah Bireun Aceh ,
Muyang Kute Redelong Aceh ,
Serang Banten ,
Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam ,
Arianti Anaya ,
Health Ministry ,
Health Human Resources ,
Health Workers ,
Indonesian Health Ministry ,
Health Transformation ,
Adaptation Program For Specialist Doctors Graduated ,
Director General ,
Adaptation Program ,
Specialist Doctors Graduated Overseas ,
General Hospitals ,
Kandou General Hospital ,
North Sulawesi ,
Cut Meutia North Aceh Hospital ,
Fauziyah Bireun Aceh Hospital ,
Palmatak Anambas Hospital ,
Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam Hospital Lampung ,
Kubu Raya Hospital ,
Otanaha Gorontalo Hospital ,
Dolopo Madiun Hospital ,
Muyang Kute Redelong Aceh Hospital ,
Noongan Minahasa Hospital ,
Bendan Pekalongan Hospital ,
Batara Guru Lawu Hospital ,
Sawerigading Palopo Hospital ,
Jaraga Sasameh Hospital South Barito ,
Serang Banten General ,
Registration Certificate ,
Specialist Doctor ,