World News | Min Jeong Lee and Toshiro Hasegawa, Bloomberg | Monday May 17, 2021 Masaru Tange says the strategy that turned his company into one of Japan's best-performing stocks may be surprising: He buys smaller firms and boosts their workers' pay. Business | Gearoid Reidy, Shoko Oda, Min Jeong Lee and Toshiro Hasegawa, Bloomberg | Monday October 5, 2020 A data device critical to the Tokyo Stock Exchange's trading system had malfunctioned, and the automatic backup had failed to kick in, leading to a full-day shutdown. 'Min Jeong Lee And Toshiro Hasegawa Bloomberg' - 2 News Result(s) World News | Min Jeong Lee and Toshiro Hasegawa, Bloomberg | Monday May 17, 2021