Milton Garden Club to offer plants, raffles at Tour 684 events Milton Garden Club will be selling a variety of plants at upcoming Tour 684 events on the first Friday of each month, along with raffle tickets. SUBMITTED PHOTOS May 4, 2021 Phlox is a popular perennial plant that offers many different types and characteristics. The Milton Garden Club will be a vendor at the new Tour 684 event to be held from 3 to 7 p.m., the first Friday of every month from May through October. Club members will be at two locations each month. The club will be selling some perennials, but the main focus will be to publicize club activities and sell 50/50 raffle tickets as a fundraiser. The tickets are $1 each or six for $5, and the winning ticket will be drawn at during Hollyfest, at 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 11. During the August and September events, the club will also be selling the 2021 Milton Garden Tour tickets.