Miller Value Partners Income Fund’s Q1 2021 Investor Letter Miller Value Partners recently released its Q1 2021 Investor Letter, a copy of which you can download here. In the first quarter, the Miller Income Fund’s I-shares returned 17.36% versus 0.90% for the ICE BofA Merrill Lynch High Yield Index. You should check out Miller Value Partners’ top 5 stock picks for investors to buy right now, which could be the biggest winners of this year. Published on May 19, 2021 at 1:24 pm by Inan Dogan, PhD Warren Buffett never mentions this but he is one of the first hedge fund managers who unlocked the secrets of successful stock market investing. He launched his hedge fund in 1956 with $105,100 in seed capital. Back then they weren’t called hedge funds, they were called “partnerships”. Warren Buffett took 25% of all returns in excess of 6 percent.