Lisa Redmond Special to the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle MILLBURY — The Millbury School Committee had some strong reactions to the possibility that it may need to trim about $180,000 from its proposed fiscal 2022 school budget due to the town manager’s “conservative’’ budgeting for next fiscal year. School Business Administrator Richard Bedard Jr. told the School Committee on April 14 that Town Manager Sean Hendricks, who is new to the job, presented the Finance Committee with his overall fiscal 2022 town/school budget of $47,031,414, which is a total increase of 2.5 percent, or $1.18 million, over the fiscal 2021 budget. The fiscal 2022 budget (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022) will likely undergo several more revisions before it is presented next month for town meeting approval.