Greg Buser Candidate Statement My name is Greg Buser and I am seeking your vote and support for the Middleton Elementary School Committee. My KIDS FIRST! platform is simple: 1. Schools must remain open with full, in person services – now and in the future – in lockstep with science-backed clearance and guidance from experts and regulators; 2. Support for students whose education and social development has been impacted by the pandemic; 3. No influence from special interest groups. I am running to support the people of Middleton: children, families and taxpayers. Property value, business development, the standard of living and overall attractiveness of Middleton is directly tied to the success of our schools. I will defend the quality of our great schools. If elected, I promise to be a strong, no-nonsense voice for the community when it comes to negotiation with unions and the administration. I will always negotiate in good faith with these partners, and stress empathy and accountability throughout.