Don Stall, Charlotte, Michigan, produced this yield in the conventional irrigated division. By 12/16/2020 Don Stall, Charlotte, Michigan, obtained the top yield in 2020’s National Corn Growers Association’s National Corn Yield Contest. He produced an entry with a yield of 476.9052 bushels per acre in the conventional irrigated division.
The National Corn Yield Contest is now in its 56th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members, say NCGA officials.
“This contest brings farmers together to create, innovate, and explore ways to optimize the nation’s largest and arguably most important crop,” says Debbie Borg, chair of NCGA’s member and consumer engagement action team. “At both the state and national levels, contest winners find new ways to excel while using a variety of techniques. Ultimately, the invention and improvement by farmers and input providers enable U.S. farmers to continue to meet the future demand for critical food, feed, fuel, and fiber.”