Grand Rapids Business Journal Courtesy 8THIRTYFOUR Michigan Celebrates Small Business released the list of organizations it will honor at its gala in July, including the state’s 50 Companies to Watch in 2021. The Lansing-based Michigan Celebrates Small Business (MCSB) organization — which is managed by Benton Harbor-based Kinexus Group as of last fall — has been honoring small businesses in the state of Michigan for 17 years, and Monday announced the awardees to be celebrated at the 2021 MCSB annual gala. The 2021 gala will take place in person July 20 at Breslin Center in East Lansing and will feature three award categories, including Michigan 50 Companies to Watch, Michigan 50 Distinguished Alumni and Best Small Business. If the pandemic guidelines at the time do not allow for an in-person gala, there will be a virtual gala that can be viewed by those who register.