Friday, May 7, 2021 Following the issue in mention, we can comment that on April 26, 2021, the correspondent Ruling was presented with a Project Decree that abrogates the Federal Cinematography Law, and the FEDERAL LAW OF CINEMATOGRAPHY AND AUDIOVISUAL is issued, which would be discussed in an extraordinary meeting within the United Commissions of Radio, Television and Cinematography and Legislative Studies, Second of the Senate. In the new project under discussion, the merger and integration of several proposals were considered, being these the following: From the Senator Susana Harp Iturribarría of the Parliamentary Group of Morena with a Project Decree that adds articles 32, 32 Ter, 32, Quinques, and 32 Sexties, presented in the Senate on February 1, 2021. Said Initiative proposes to establish that the Mexican Institute of Cinematography function as the one promoting cinematography through systems of financial support, venture capital, guarantee, and investment for the benefit of works that are produced by Mexican people and works without any relationship or link with broadcasting services companies of sound and image or serial production electronic communication operators. It determines the criteria by which the beneficiary projects will be chosen, which will be selected by commissions supposedly made up of people with recognized experience in the field.