Laine Hardy knows a thing or two about tiny towns. The Season 17 winner of American Idoland newest Taste of Country RISER grew up in a community of less than 2,000 people, so he's testifying as much as he is singing about " wearing Main Street down" and store sign " letters burning out." "Tiny Town" is Hardy's debut single after winning American Idolin 2019. Since then he's been doggedly traveling between Nashville and Livingston, La., for writing appointments and media opportunities. He's found critical acclaim with tracks like "Ground I Grew Up On" and "Let There Be Country." Michael Knox (Jason Aldean) has guided him throughout, impressing upon the 20-year-old the importance of a "best song wins" motto. Michael Tyler actually wrote "Tiny Town," even though it sounds like something Hardy would put to paper himself. There was never any question of