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Men's 50 Fly Was a Rare Australian-less Final at the Commonw
Men's 50 Fly Was a Rare Australian-less Final at the Commonw
Men's 50 Fly Was a Rare Australian-less Final at the Commonwealth Games
Matt Temple, Kyle Chalmers, and Cody Simpson all missed the final in the men's 50 fly, marking the first time in 8 years Australia doesn't have a Comm Games event finalist.
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Australia ,
Canada ,
Australian ,
Wei Teong ,
Jacob Peters ,
Kyle Chalmers ,
Matt Temple ,
Cody Simpsonswim ,
Lewis Fraser ,
Cameron Gray ,
Adam Barrett ,
Christian Sprenger ,
Sandwell Aquatic Center ,
Josh Liendo ,
Commonwealth Games ,
With Temple ,
Shuan Champion ,
Olympic Trials ,
Ben Proud ,