Men charged for possession of 345 white-clawed crayfish, a protected species The judge was told that 50% of the illegal catch was probably breeding females, which could have had a huge impact on the crayfish population. By Gráinne Ní Aodha Thursday 17 Dec 2020, 4:08 PM Dec 17th 2020, 4:08 PM 28,494 Views 0 Comments Part of the haul of over 300 illegally caught white-clawed crayfish seized by the NPWS. Part of the haul of over 300 illegally caught white-clawed crayfish seized by the NPWS. TWO MEN HAVE been asked to make a €1,000 charitable donation after being charged under the Wildlife Acts of illegal hunting and possessing 345 live, and five dead, white-clawed crayfish, which are a protected species under the Irish Wildlife Acts.