Building Homes For Heroes. The line is going to help build a home through the organization for Army Staff Sergeant Ellis “Jerry” Majetich and his wife Mary-Ella. Staff Sergeant Majetich joined the military out of Kennewick, WA in 1988 because he wanted to better his life while serving and protecting his country. He served for 20 years, including a stint in the Marine Corps, before being honorably discharged in 2007. Staff Sergeant Majetich was in psychological operations as a tactical team leader for 19.5 years of his time in the army. His job was to go out and talk to officials in the community to get the lay of the land and see how they were doing. Essentially they were there to win the hearts and minds, and work with local leaders. That job put a target on his back. The insurgency was not fond of him because of all the information he had, so a group of 8 insurgents targeted him while he was the 27th vehicle in a 69 vehicle convoy. He was hit with a roadside bomb - IED. Then was shot once in the right shoulder, and 3 times in the right leg. After the tragic incident, he was sent to Germany where he flatlined for 93 seconds. Once they had him stabilized, they flew him to San Antonio for the rest of his recovery. He has undergone 82 surgeries to date and is still going through recovery at Walter Reed Medical Center.