Medak sees a rise in paddy cultivation Updated: Updated: Over 1.9 lakh acres paddy cultivated in Yasangi; groundwater table has improved recharging borewells Share Article Over 1.9 lakh acres paddy cultivated in Yasangi; groundwater table has improved recharging borewells Thanks to heavy rains that took place last year, paddy cultivation in Medak district has considerably increased. Lift irrigation projects, desilting of lakes and check dams are also a reason for the increase in production of the crop . The area under paddy transplantation has increased enormously due to increase in groundwater and adequate amount of rainfall received in the past five years. The actual rainfall received from 2017 to 2020 was 849.7 mm, 700 mm, 540.6 mm, 916.9 mm and 867.5 mm respectively. The good amount of rainfall received in the past five years has increased the groundwater level in Medak district.