Ruth and Boaz Ruth 2:3 – hap – is an interesting concept. Ruth happened to go to Boaz’s fields. The lot happened to fall on Jonah (Jonah 1:7). The casting of the lot is of the LORD (Proverbs 16:33). Wealth doesn’t come to the lucky, it is of the LORD (Deuteronomy 8:18). Nothing happens by coincidence, if God cares about the birds of the air – He cares about you! (Matthew 6:26). Ruth 2:12 – Naomi refers to the LORD bringing grief 4 times. Ruth seemed more familiar with the generic name of God than the personal name of the God of Israel (YHVH, in most English Bibles as the LORD). But Boaz and his crew knew the name of the LORD. And Boaz recognizes her trust in this God she barely knows, the LORD God of Israel.