He photographs ‘em as he sees ‘em Plan to catch Jim Kalupa’s show “The World as I See It” at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery through May 29. Meet the artist during the free opening reception from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Friday, May 7. The show focuses on Kalupa’s pursuit of his two passions, travel and photography. Covering the world with camera in hand, Kalupa uses his travels as inspiration. His work is in galleries, art exhibitions, public and business venues and private collections coast to coast. His style is truly 21st century as he blends photographic imagery with fine art and other special effects. The results run the gamut from images “slightly tweaked” for exposure and clarity to subdued photographs with watercolor overtones. He calls his work “photo art,” and observers are often reminded that they are viewing enhanced photography and not another art form.