HONOLULU, Dec. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Matson, Inc. (NYSE: MATX), a leading U.S. carrier in the Pacific, today took delivery of Matsonia, the second of two new Kanaloa Class combination container / roll-on, roll-off (“con-ro”) ships built for Matson by General Dynamics NASSCO. The two are the largest vessels of their kind ever built in the U.S. They join two new containerships, Daniel K Inouye and Kaimana Hila, themselves the largest of their kind in the U.S. commercial fleet, in completing the renewal of Matson’s Hawaii fleet. Matsonia and Lurline are each 870 feet long, 114 feet wide (beam), with a deep draft of 38 feet and weighing in at over 50,000 metric tons. The sister ships have an enclosed garage with room for approximately 500 vehicles, plus ample space for rolling stock and breakbulk cargo. Lurline entered service in January of this year.