Matching grants available to preserve historic buildings Submitted story A 2020 CCPA facade matching grant helped fund the restoration of the porch on this house on Scioto Street in Urbana. Submitted photo The Champaign County Preservation Alliance (CCPA) is offering a total of $4,000 in matching grants for the repair and restoration of pre-1940 homes and commercial buildings anywhere in Champaign County. This is the 29th year the grants are being offered. In 2021 the CCPA will offer two residential matching grants of up to $1,000 each for the repair and restoration of homes and one $2,000 commercial building matching grant. In the past five years the CCPA has awarded residential grants in Mechanicsburg, St. Paris and Urbana. Commercial grants have been awarded in Mechanicsburg, North Lewisburg and Urbana.