Master List Of Destinations Coordinating Simple Covid-19 Testing January 19, 2021 12:10 PM Becky Pokora - Forbes Advisor Posted: Updated: February 17, 2021 1:58 AM If you’re traveling this year, you need to be ready to adjust and rearrange things while you’re on the go. For months, travel was mostly at a standstill—now many places have reopened, but with constantly tweaked (or overhauled) guidelines. Thankfully, a number of hotels, airports and tourist centers have organized quickly to help travelers abide by local regulations. Travelers are getting a taste of a big change right now, with the CDC announcing new Covid-19 testing requirements to enter the United States either as a visitor or as a resident returning home. That’s yet one more obstacle to international travel, but not necessarily reason to cancel your plans. Some destinations have made testing easy. We’ve sought out some of the destinations who’ve done the hard work of arranging testing to be convenient for travelers.