Massachusetts Sen. Ryan Fattman, MassGOP Chair James Lyons may have violated state campaign finance rules, OCPF says Updated Apr 09, 11:37 AM; Posted Apr 09, 11:37 AM Facebook Share Massachusetts Sen. Ryan Fattman, his wife Worcester Register of Probate Stephanie Fattman and other Republican officials are embroiled in a campaign finance investigation where state regulators say they may have violated campaign finance rules. In several letters dated Thursday, the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance referred a case involving the Fattmans and GOP Chair Jim Lyons to the attorney general’s office. The letters state “there is evidence of violations.” The letters do not outline the exact allegations, but they suggest the investigation involves rules that prohibit a political committee from “knowingly deceiving and disclosing contributions in a manner that disguises their true source.” The letters come after the Sutton Republican Town Committee, which is run by a family member, made a series of in-kind contributions to Stephanie Fattman’s campaign.