Maricopa High School Career and Technical Education students walked away with three gold medals at the SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference last week. The gold medal awards:• Led by senior Jacob Tedesco, with support from Junior CarleeRose Ho and Senior Alexander Ross, the MHS SkillsUSA chapter received top honors for their display that highlighted the effectiveness of each CTE program at Maricopa High School.• Abi Gindiri led the charge, alongside Angel VillaRuel and Isis Anderson, in winning top honors for their community service projects.• Nicolas Yendrzeski and Kaden Durovka demonstrated their mastery of critical cybersecurity protocols, earning MHS the gold medal cybersecurity field.Gold medalists will represent MHS at SkillsUSA NLSC in Atlanta this summer, competing against students nationwide.Additionally, MHS claimed two silver medals:• Maria Pour and Kolten Hesser Chapter excellence program, recognizing the chapter's effectiveness in promoting CTE within the school and community. • Jessica Bailin and Jayden Garcia won for their community action project.