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Mapuche rebel Jones Huala arrested in Argentine Patagonia :
Mapuche rebel Jones Huala arrested in Argentine Patagonia :
Mapuche rebel Jones Huala arrested in Argentine Patagonia
Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM) leader Facundo Jones Huala has been arrested by Río Negro provincial police in the Argentine city of El Bolsón after being a fugitive from Chile's Judiciary since Feb. 11, 2022.
Related Keywords
Villa Mascardi ,
Provincia De Rio Negro ,
Argentina ,
Bariloche ,
Esquel ,
Distrito Federal ,
Chile ,
Rio Negro ,
X Region ,
Buenos Aires ,
Argentine ,
Chilean ,
El Bols ,
Diego Frutos ,
Facundo Jones Huala ,
Pisu ,
Jones Huala ,
Rio Negro Police ,
Supreme Court ,
Temuco Court ,
Villa Mascardi Neighborhood Council ,
Bariloche Federal Court ,
Ancestral Resistance ,
Federal Government ,
Negro Governor Arabela Carreras ,
World Cup ,