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Many Americans Missing an Opportunity to Prevent Dementia :
Many Americans Missing an Opportunity to Prevent Dementia :
Many Americans Missing an Opportunity to Prevent Dementia
Nearly half of all US adults aged 45 and older have modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer's and related dementia, including high blood pressure, low levels of physical activity, and obesity.
Related Keywords
United States ,
American ,
Centers For Disease ,
Lancet Commission On Dementia Prevention ,
National Plan To Address Alzheimer Disease ,
National Healthy Brain Initiative ,
Disease Control ,
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System ,
Mortality Weekly ,
American Indian ,
Alaska Native ,
African American ,
Healthy Brain Initiative ,
National Plan ,
Address Alzheimer ,
Medscape Medical News ,
Lancet Commission ,
Dementia Prevention ,
Mortal Wkly ,
Alzheimers Disease ,
Lzheimer Disease ,
Depression ,
Hypertension ,
Dementia ,
Exercise ,
Physical Activity ,
Obesity ,
Bese ,
Primary Progressive Dementia ,
Diabetes Mellitus ,
Senile Dementia ,
Vascular Dementia ,
Multi Infarct Dementia ,
Amnesia ,
Smoking ,
Smoker ,
Tobacco Cessation ,
Uitting Tobacco Use ,
Major Depression ,
Major Depressive Disorder ,
Nipolar Depression ,
Moderate Obesity ,
Morbid Obesity ,
Hearing Impa ,