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Mamaroneck village residents are 'rent' and 'cost' burdened.
Mamaroneck village residents are 'rent' and 'cost' burdened.
Mamaroneck village residents are 'rent' and 'cost' burdened. What that means
Nearly half of Mamaroneck households were 'rent burdened' in 2022, with 32% of households putting more than half of pre-taxed income into housing.
Related Keywords
Tarrytown ,
New York ,
United States ,
Pennsylvania ,
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New Jersey ,
Mamaroneck ,
Westchester ,
Planning Department ,
Board Of Trustees ,
Hyperion Group ,
Development Partners ,
Hudson Valley Pattern ,
Hunter Tier ,
Palmer Avenue ,
Mamaroneck Village ,
Affordable Housing ,
Village Trustees ,
Edian Household Income ,
The Village ,