AUGUSTA — The Maine Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday it has awarded $5.2 million in grants to 54 health care organizations that serve residents with MaineCare to help sustain vital health services during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a news release. The Maine Health Care Financial Relief Program, announced in November, is modeled on the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development's (DECD) Maine Economic Recovery Grant program. Health care organizations that were ineligible for funding through the DECD program, such as hospitals and nursing homes of any size and health care providers with over 250 employees, were eligible for these grants. The program is backed by federal CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds and provides up to $100,000 in financial relief to an organization to address business disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To qualify, health care organizations must have served MaineCare members in 2020.