Maf Roda launches most accurate system on cherry defect analysis of the market April 13 , 2021 PRESS RELEASE The latest developments made by Maf Roda in their Cherry systems improve Cherry facilities performance. Cherryway 4 and Cherryscan have become essentials for any cherry producer worldwide. The additional difficulties when working with cherries are the fragility of the fruit and the long peduncle. These two issues are 100% solved by Maf Roda lines. The most important technical improvement in Cherryway 4 is the new and patented rotation system of 4 moves. A great novelty in the market never seen before and manufactured exclusively by Maf Roda. The new bicones system does the necessary moves to scan the complete surface of the fruit preserving the whole peduncle. This rotation is done completely automatically without any need of making mechanical adjustments. If that wasn’t enough, this new bicone also increases higher filling and production rates.