Notes from Associate AG Donoghue summarizing calls Donald Trump had with the head of the DOJ show a high pressure campaign to get the DOJ to publicly declare the 2020 election "corrupt" in an effort to sway public opinion and give credence to The Big Lie. Image from: DonkeyHotey Donald Trump was a desperate, frantic, panicked man after the 2020 election. He saw the veil of protection evaporate in front of his very eyes. No longer would he have a weaponized DOJ to protect him from everything. No longer would he be able to leverage the United States government - and all of its secrets - to personally benefit him. No longer would he be able to steal from the government to pay for his golf outings, his overseas trips, his insanely stupid gorge-a-thon fast food parties. He was and is, quite simply, a madman.