Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan also left from Bhopal to visit the accident spot in Sidhi. On Tuesday, bodies of 47 people, including 20 women and two children, were recovered after the packed private bus skidded off the road and plunged into a water-filled canal in Sidhi. The rescue operations, which were halted late Tuesday night, resumed on Wednesday morning. Four more bodies, including of a woman and six-month- old girl, were recovered on Wednesday, taking the toll to 51, Sidhi Collector Ravindra Kumar Choudhary said. Three bodies were swept away and found in a part of the canal in adjoining Rewa district, while one was found about six km from the accident spot, said Ashok Pandey, in- charge of Rampur Naikin police station, under whose jurisdiction the accident spot is located.