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'Always the Family Stop:' Iconic Steak Loft Celebrates 50 Ye
'Always the Family Stop:' Iconic Steak Loft Celebrates 50 Ye
'Always the Family Stop:' Iconic Steak Loft Celebrates 50 Years
MYSTIC — Jon Kodama sat inside the Steak Loft Thursday morning, reflecting on his half-century with the landmark Mystic restaurant that opened in 1973 at Olde Mistick Village.
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Casey Sisalima ,
Carey Beralderi ,
Jon Kodama ,
Jannie Barnes ,
Mari Kodama ,
Steve Rubell ,
Grey Sail Brewing Company Of Rhode Island ,
Reunion Party ,
United Way Gemma Moran Food Center ,
Steak Loft Thursday ,
Olde Mistick ,
Steak Loft ,
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