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Lost homes, lost traditions, lost habitats: the cost of Indo
Lost homes, lost traditions, lost habitats: the cost of Indo
Lost homes, lost traditions, lost habitats: the cost of Indonesia's brand new city | Global development
Residents of Balikpapan Bay in eastern Borneo dismiss claims that Nusantara will be a sustainable city that coexists with nature
Related Keywords
Indonesia ,
Malaysia ,
Mentawir ,
Indonesia General ,
East Kalimantan ,
Kalimantan Timur ,
Nusantara ,
Jawa Barat ,
Nanyang ,
Henan ,
China ,
Singapore ,
Jakarta ,
Jakarta Raya ,
Garuda ,
Balikpapan ,
Pandi ,
Fujian ,
Chinese ,
Sulfikar Amir ,
Yati Dalia ,
Myrna Asnawati Safitri ,
Anies Baswedan ,
Pokja Pesisir ,
Joko Widodo ,
National Research ,
Innovation Agency ,
Nanyang Technological University ,
Indigenous Balik ,
Balik Indigenous ,
Asnawati Safitri ,
Balikpapan Bay ,
Forest City ,