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Looking to Ocean Diplomacy for Ways to Regulate Space : comp
Looking to Ocean Diplomacy for Ways to Regulate Space : comp
Looking to Ocean Diplomacy for Ways to Regulate Space
Scholars seeking ways to develop a roadmap for regulating outer space say there is much to be learned by considering decades of evidence-based ocean diplomacy. It’s another topic Duke’s recently
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United States ,
Russia ,
Turkey ,
Benjamin Schmitt ,
Clare Fieseler ,
Giovanni Zanalda ,
Alex Kahl ,
William Pearson ,
Harvard Smithsonian Center ,
Duke Space Diplomacy Lab ,
Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation Endowment Fund ,
Diplomacy Program ,
Smithsonian Institution ,
Space Diplomacy Lab ,
International Fisheries ,
Pearson ,
United Nations Convention ,
Outer Space ,
Justice Sandra Dayo Connor Fellow ,
Pacific Islands Regional ,
Space Diplomacy ,
Rethinking Diplomacy Program ,
Space Diplomacy Webinar Series ,